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Fresh Meat!

Posted by Bob on February 2nd, 2011 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

It has been YEARS since one single anti-white has had the guts to take me on.

I practically wiped them out in the Opposing Views section of Stormfront. Anti-whites allow no dissenting views in public discussion.

But this is useful because year after year I keep talking about how anti-whites talk and one could get the impression that the stereotype I give is so stupid that I am hammering a straw man.

This is the response I have been talking about for years:

1) Denying there is such a things as white people;

2) screaming about how evil white people are;

3) justifying genocide;

4) wishing for genocide;

And, of course,

5) Saying that we should not be allowed to speak because I am an evil man.

I defy you to find anything else in this anti-white comment than the above points, which I have been describing for years.

Here it is:

You, Mr. Whitaker, are a horrible human being. You obviously have a severely skewed view of the world.

I know this will be deleted because none of you can stand hearing the reality of your hatred and ignorance.

Am I white? Yes. Do I think that I am better for it? No, The quality of human life has nothing to do with race. And as far as a “White country,” you could not be more mistaken.

First: The original inhabitants of America where, of course, native Americans.

Second: It was Africans who where brought here as prisoners who settled first in order to tend land used by wealthy European traders.

And third: There is no plan to assimilate the “white race” and this is because there is no such thing as a white race.

The concept of race is false.

You are all wrong. But just as the most foolish of men, you cannot bear to see the folly of your ways.

You will all be much happier when you realize the world is for all people. And yes we will all be brown one day.

I hope all your daughters marry black men

  1. #1 by dungeoneer on 02/02/2011 - 8:47 am

    I took it upon myself to taunt the enemy:


    Bob Whitaker had a good laugh at the “letter” some “anti-racist”(anti-White) posted at BUGS.

    Come and have a look at the “quality” of the “arguments” of the “anti-racists”(anti-Whites) .

    “Bob Whitaker you are a horrible person” wah,wah,wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    dungeoncrawler55 2 minutes ago
    dungeoncrawler55 2 minutes ago


    “I hope all your daughters marry black men”

    dungeoncrawler55 1 minute ago
    dungeoncrawler55 1 minute ago


    The sunshine sterilisation treatment is coming for you “anti-racists”(anti-Whites)!!!­!!!!!
    dungeoncrawler55 2 seconds ago
    dungeoncrawler55 2 seconds ago

  2. #2 by OldBlighty on 02/02/2011 - 9:33 am

    I have such fun asking them them about 1) and 2).

    They say because of 2), white people must pay. Yet they also say 1) is true.

    How can a “non-existent people”, be held responsible for anything at all?

  3. #3 by Epiphany on 02/02/2011 - 9:35 am

    Well, they do want to breed us Whites out of existence, and that is not good.

  4. #4 by Gator61 on 02/02/2011 - 9:56 am

    I saw that posted in GC5 yesterday. I laughed out loud when the anti-white said his comment would probably be deleted. I thought to myself “Deleted hell! I’ll bet Uncle Bob puts it on the front page.”

  5. #5 by Simmons on 02/02/2011 - 10:13 am

    Hate to tell you this fine folks but the anti-Whites are the best resources. Pre-Bob and his mantra whites hid and “secretly planned” at places like SF and a host of other bitch sites dedicated to N&J.

    Now in the era of the Mantra it will be the anti-Whites that cannot hide. Soon people like Truck or James Edwards and even the web site hosters will be seeking out anti-Whites to interview because they won’t have to go thru the litany of the past fails to debate. Jared Taylor though will stick to what he was taught at Yale and his main weapon will be the boredom wrought by crime stats and IQ studies to defeat the anti-Whites.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 02/02/2011 - 10:19 am

    Patrick Casey demanding I get back in line with crime and IQ studies I respond. Sometimes you have to hit your own, for their own good.

  7. #7 by Genseric on 02/02/2011 - 6:30 pm

    That’s it?!

    You have got to be kidding me here, Bob. Obviously, this anti-White has no idea who he is writing to. I will give him the benefit of the doubt in that regard.

    This is the best he has? I almost don’t believe it. I have seen better arguments in the opposing views area on SF.

    Nothing more than the musings of a highly delusional self-hating anti-White. Oh, Lord. The contradictory nature of it all makes my head hurt. If there is no such thing as White, then there MUST be no such thing as black. Therefore, all of your daughters could never marry ‘blacks.’ What a lonely & loony leftard.

    I would tell him to go ask his libtard boyfriend Anderson Cooper 360 who had his hotel room raided and subsequently got smacked the f&ck up over in Egypt how diversity is working for him right about now? Ask A.C. 360 if he believes in “race” today? It is evident that the Egyptians do.

    Peace be with you all and to all a good night.

  8. #8 by Oh Elizabeth on 02/03/2011 - 2:14 pm

    If YouTube is giving you a hard time about your videos, you might want to bring this one up. Go to Part 4 at 5min 50seconds and listen to this!!!

    I was reading “Mad in America” by Robert Whitaker and saw Dr. Breggin mentioned as someone who was trying to stop the abuse of mental patients etc.

    I looked him up and his books looked okay at first glance.

    Dr. Breggin says he is Jewish on part 1 of this video and I thought well maybe he is one of the good ones you talk about. He starts out by trashing Germans. Some of what he says is right….

    Then I watched part 4 of the video. I was horrified when I got to the end of the 4th part. How is this not about trying to start a race war!!

    This was done in the 1990’s. He has had plenty of time to rethink it. Obviously he still stands for these ideas.

    Talk about Anti-White

  9. #9 by VOX on 02/05/2011 - 5:07 am

    This is going to be fun.. I enjoy sharing views with Pro-White advocates.. I am of 3 races.. Black/Scot/Native American.. I enjoy the insanity your going through because you don’t have to go through it..

    Your fear of losing your race simply hastens the loss of it.. Now I’m NOT gonna bad mouth Whites but I am going to point out some very real facts you wont find on any charts and graphs.. So let me cut to the chase and get right down to it..

    1) Whites are a great Race and they have an important role in the development of mankind.. You are an Administrative Race.. A Race that needs and survives to control it’s environment.. Up until 2000 years ago Times where rough in Europe. You were and still are a very Warring Race.. So much so that you developed the mean to Destroy every living organism on the planet but that’s not the point I will be trying to make… You’re a very Powerful Race but you have so little understanding how to use it and as the saying goes If you don’t use it you LOSE IT!!

    2) It’s No ones fault that your numbers are declining but your own.. Your Race brought this on your selves.. Your race has spread itself too thin.. For the past 600 Years you have spread yourselves out over the planet.. Conquering and destroying every Civilization you have come in contact with.. I’m not gonna say it was a Bad thing (except for those killed) because it spread Western Civilization over the planet and caused Humanity to Evolve Technologically..

    But in a world where everyone has Yellow to Dark Brown skin, Black hair and Brown eyes.. Your Genes are NOT strong enough to NOT be bred out in due time Which is Exactly what is happening today..

    3) You cant go around telling everybody on the planet HOW SUPERIOR you are and how BEAUTIFUL your WOMEN are without the Brown Male across the planet NOT wanting one for themselves.. You told Black men to want to be with white Women.. You told Black men that your Women are superior.. With your Commercial adds and Television shows and Movies YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for the objectification of your own Women..

    Don’t blame Black men for wanting your Women.. It’s YOUR FAULT that the fastest growing segment in the US Population are Mulatto’s… Black/White.. Spanish/White.. Asian/White..

    And speaking of your Women.. STOP THROWING AWAY THE FAT ONES!!! That Vision of Pure Aryan Purity and Beauty RARELY includes a 5ft3 140lb White woman… You throw them away because you suckered yourselves into Believing some 5ft3 105lb Dixie Chicken is what is Beautiful.. You have NARROWED your ability to mate..

    The Brotha’s and the Mexicans are ALWAYS standing by to pick up your scraps, Cause that’s EXACTLY how you treat them.. Then you have the nerve to look at them funny when you see them with a Black man?? You gave them away with your TV adds, Your Music Video’s and your Movies.. Those white women couldn’t Compete with YOUR vision of what Beautiful is..

    The worst thing is, Is when they DO GO BLACK, a lot of them don’t feel like they could ever go back to a White man because of how RACIST they know you are.. You would and will REJECT THEM all over again.. Especially if they have Black Children.. How can you HATE the seeds of your own Race that much because your just too RACIST to give a white girl a second chance..

    The ONLY savior of your White Race IS with those Po Dung Hillbillies from Jerk Water Junction any Red State USA… They don’t care what their women look like..

    But here’s the REAL Kicker… White Males having Black Wives and Mulatto children is becoming the “New Norm” of Interracial Relationships… Sure black men don’t like it but they cant compete with the Economic Power and stability a White Male brings to that relationship..

    Black males are not that worried about losing their African Heritage because they NEVER HAD ONE… They are no more African than the Whites in America will be European…

    In 50 to 100 years the White Race in America will NOT be the same… YES there will still be White People there ALWAYS WILL BE… But what is Considered White will be more like a J-Lo, Derrick Jeter, Vin Diesel, Soledad Obrien Quadroon or Octoroon… Very few blond hair Aryan beauties and Teutonic Viking Red Heads may be almost nonexistent…

    The Black Race “In America” also will get lighter and share features of the White and Hispanic Races… A lot of Hally Berrie’s , The Rock, Collin Powell and Yes Obama’s may be the standard of what Blacks of 2100 look like… There will still be Dark Skin Brotha’s out there but not as prominent as they are today…

    4) Sorry but once again for the scared folks out there YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELVES…. Maybe NOT YOU personally but definitely your parents and your grandparents and WAY BACK to those founding forefathers everybody loves…

    GREED and a WARPED sense of capitalism caused this….. For the Whites, Your not gonna send Blond hair Blue eye Johnny out there to pick food… You left those crappy jobs for the Blacks and the Mexicans.. Your far to interested in the accumulation of wealth to even consider your children doing that kind of work….

    Whites in this country have focused so much on trying to be wealthy they put off having Children till they so called “MAKE IT”…… So now many whites are having LESS CHILDREN and LATER IN LIFE….. Thinking that it is the responsible thing to do…. But guess what???? Studies show the Longer you wait to have Children in life the more the chance of your child being AUTISTIC….. So now we have a whole bunch of 40 yr old Upper Middle Class and Wealthy people (Mostly Whites) having genetically and mentally disabled children…..

    I’m not saying Poor Folks and Minorities dont have Autistic Children…. But look at the numbers and you will see for yourself how ECONOMICS plays into WHY the white population is becoming lower…..

    Unless you want to go to the SHALLOW end of the Caucasian Gene Pool…The Hillbilly Holler Trailer park, Jerk Water Junction, Any Red state USA is the ONLY place where your gonna find White Folks having Children….. From Sarah Palin to Larry the Cable Guy MIGHT be the best that White America will be able to offer….. Because 60 year old parents have PIPER, CODY and FAWN sitting in the back of a Limo blowing SPIT BUBBLES and wearing Hockey Equipment…..

    Bottom line is I love you White folks… Your good people most of you.. But when you start spewing hate against Blacks and Mexicans or any one else NOT like you… Every Hateful word and Violent action makes your race turn BROWNER and BROWNER…

    Loving who you are as a Race does NOT mean you have to HATE every other race…

    Ps dare you to post this

  10. #10 by Genseric on 02/06/2011 - 8:33 am


  11. #11 by dungeoneer on 02/06/2011 - 10:56 am



    Damn straight comrade.

    EVERY White anti-racist is de facto guilty of supporting White genocide.

    If the sick joke at White people`s expense that is the “anti-racist” movement wants to pretend otherwise,then us BUGSTERS will happily pick over their feeble protestations of innocence!

    Or they can just post a load of dishonest and illogical rubbish like Vox has done.

    Either way,the pro-White hunters are coming for you “anti-racists”.

    Taste it!

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