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The Culture of Defeat

Posted by Bob on September 1st, 2010 under Coaching Session

I spoke of earlier of how the selection of winners is different from the selection of Spokesmen. The Republican Party went without a majority in either House of Congress for a generation. In fact, from 1931 to 1995, they held a House majority for four years.

Yet the same leadership stayed at the top of the Party.

Those who were at the top of the Party all that time obviously did not care about winning. They had jobs based on their filling a place in the system. As soon as they DID win, the Reaganites came pouring in, and a lot of the old leadership lost their jobs.

Rush Limbaugh scared the diddly out of the media at first. The established media, including respectable conservatives, are always afraid of new people and new ideas.

We are not talking about their cause, but of their livelihood. Every successful movement has to deal with those for whom that movement was a comfortable niche.

It is easy to forget that “survival of the fittest” is a misleading term. Some animals do evolve to rule over and eat others. But most animals do not. Most evolve to fit a humble place where they do not compete. They develop camouflage.

So if you understand survival of the fittest to be the survival of some ideal, you are wrong. The same is true of institutions as of animals.

The REPUBLICAN Ohio legislature tried three times to get rid of my Republican boss, John Ashbrook, by changing his district to include Democrats. In his final run before he was murdered, the district that had been changed three times to add more Democrats had about a 65% traditional Democratic vote.

But in the 1980 election, John got 73% of that vote!

Obviously, what John was doing WON. Equally obviously, the Party leaders were desperate to get rid of him.

Nobody was less happy at Obama’s election victory than Jessie Jackson. In South Carolina, an obscure Black man won the Democratic Senate primary and nobody was more infuriated about it than this state’s lone black congressman.

If you devote your life to a cause, this is a very practical reality. I have always shown my approach wins. People saw me prove it in my confrontations. Obviously, winning was not the criterion, the usual meaning of “survival of the fittest” did not apply.

In the real world, every group has its own evolution. I found that I had to deal with those whom their organizations had put at the top of political and media outfits. They evolve, not so their group will win, but to FIT.

John Ashbrook won and won and won. He was not the slightest bit surprised that his Party tried desperately to get rid of a winner.

Groups that have been constantly losing will tend to develop a selection process that favors people who fit in with losers. I don’t know of any examples of a group that has lost for decades becoming a winner without major personnel changes.

  1. #1 by Dave on 09/01/2010 - 10:17 am

    This culture of defeat is careerism. That is all it is.

    The American military suffers endless defeats and humiliations, and it doesn’t skip a beat.

    It is impossible to have a more top heavy organization that the American military. It can do nothing successfully, and has never done anything successfully, a fact that doesn’t bother the ranks one little bit.

    As long as the money works, nobody cares.

    Meanwhile, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are spending that cash and talking that trash in Hollywood and another meaningless election cycle looms.

    As I said, as long as the money works, nobody cares.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 09/01/2010 - 11:29 am

    Derbyshire puts the News & Jews spin on this topic at

    We’re all Materialists now and Materialism is dying like a leper with gangrene.

    Too bad, but honestly if “Whiteness” is similar to a thick lip rolling down the boulevard in his leased Lexus with spinners while glancing up at a billboard with an impossibly white supermodel in her naughties than “Whiteness” is dead as well.

    Philosophizing over. Evolutionary bottleneck straight ahead, Amen.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 09/01/2010 - 1:32 pm

    I post on the “winners” website anti-racism = anti-white.

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