Archive for September 5th, 2010
We are Repeating OLD Errors
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 09/05/2010
In their desperate attempt to separate Christianity from its roots in Zoroastrianism, Christians say there is no relationship because Zoroaster is “dualistic.” This doesn’t wash.
This dualism means that Zoroaster had two EQUAL gods, one of This World, the Evil Ahriman, and the God of the Next World, Ahura Mazda. Then, they tell us, the rest of the Middle East came up with religions several centuries later that had an Evil One and a Good God, but this was entirely independent, because the versions we have make God superior to Satan.
So, see, there’s no relation.
CS Lewis did not compromise his Christianity. He said, as Zoroaster and St. Paul did, that this whole universe is an illusion. He also made a major point of the fact that only two Beings would ever be able to say Mine about anything, and those two Beings were God and Satan.
Making Satan inferior does not hide this equality: there are two Eternal Powers. A lot more was added by Christianity to Zoroastrianism than Satan being a rebellious angel.
“Dualism” is one of those words used, like “Gnostic,” when someone wants to sound like an expert rather than simply one who doesn’t like what is being said.
Our whole idea of morality comes from the concept that this world is an illusion. This means that this world is coming to an end. Jesus declared it once, and later he said there were people listening who would live to see this world end.
The impressive thing is that these predictions were not erased, as our established religion today and the ancient Egyptians would have done. They believed Jesus said it and they wrote it down.
In this sense Political Correctness is a step back toward the Ancient World. Political Correctness is a Marxist term, as anyone with even the vaguest knowledge of Marxist speech would know if he wasn’t trained not to, and Marx said, “Truth is a bourgeois concept.”
Jesus’ erroneous prediction that the world was about to end has driven theologians nuts. There are tens of millions of words devoted to saying he did not say what he is quoted as saying. Christians quoted it because it was the truth, and they did not compromise it.
As Lewis said in his Forward to The Screwtape Letters, it made no difference to his faith whether or not Angels from Heaven and the Tempters From Hell he was writing about in that particular book existed or not.
This is a reason Lewis was able to reach many people no other Christian writer could.
He said it was a matter of faith. Too many Christians say it is faith, and then try to prove that the Bible is exactly true in every word. The next step is to try to prove God through the world, or to justify God because “I could not live if I didn’t believe there is More.”
One fellow was a guest on Christian religious show years ago and he was trying to sell his book which gave the exact SIZE of Heaven. These are the people who Lewis tried to counteract.
Why did Jesus say this? BBG uses the same term the Orthodox Church does: It is a Mystery, and the only real question is Faith.
And the Faith is not in quotations or a Book. The Faith is in Christ.
We have the same problem in our own attempt to spread racial morality. We go off of the core and into books and endless attempts to make the world conform exactly to whatever each person who enters our new world of thinking gets obsessed with.
We lost people that way, the same way so many skeptics were turned off by attempts to prove the world is less than seven thousand years old and the Bible tells you how big Heaven is.
But what does this do for the Faith? You don’t help those who agree with you and you alienate those who think you are getting silly. You undermine their Faith.
And when you throw all your efforts into proving details about a Jewish Conspiracy, you lose those who don’t agree with your facts. All of us have had the experience of thinking that someone was making statements which had no use but to be quoted by our enemies to make us all look silly.
Disabuse yourself. These are not ADL plants, they are simply repeating the same error so many Christians have routinely made and other surely made thousands of years before Christ.

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