Archive for September 2nd, 2010
Free Speech Versus Violence
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 09/02/2010
Someone said in a forum that the one argument anti-whites had that he might consider is that pro-white statements might cause violence. Meanwhile the same anti-whites insist that the only way we can have peace is for the history of white oppression be a major topic in our schools.
When Kelso and I and others were visiting New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, the police were in force. When we spoke in a old church where an ex-cop on our side had raised the money for pro-white meetings, there were hundreds of threateners across the street.
I’m used to that.
When we speak on a campus, we are often blocked by ”a threat of violence.”
But the whole situation was summed up by one of the cops who showed up: “We aren’t worried about YOU.”
The “threat of violence” ALWAYS comes from the anti-whites. The question is not whether they will act like the thugs they are, but whether public officials should allow any point of view to be shouted down.
During the Cold War liberals always insisted that “We should settle differences by discussions, not by violence.” But every university prevents any discussion of white genocide by talking about “a threat of violence.”
What do you do when one side wants to speak out and the threat of violence comes entirely from the other side? Is this a key to a peaceful society? Is this a free society?
As usual, I am stating what everybody knows but nobody, including our side, ever SAYS. Why do our people dummy up all the time?
Speech is the human ALTERNATIVE to violence.
This is another reason the Mantra is so critical. The one barrier we have is that respectable conservatives have joined with liberals in saying that any questioning of anti-white views is to be met with violence.
Outside the United States, in fact, the government provides the violence. William Buckley endorsed Europe’s sending people to prison for denying the six million figure for the Holocaust. This is not even Holocaust denial, it is arguing the NUMBERS.
The Soviet Union sent people to the Gulag for any criticism of Jews. In Battleship Potemkin, a Soviet propaganda film, you will see a heroic mob beating a man to death for an anti-Semitic remark.
John Adams risked lynching by successfully defending the British soldiers accused of the Boston Massacre in court. He is considered a hero for that.
In fact, in every single case in history those who defended the right of speech against violence, especially the Communists, are declared heroes.
Except us.
But, just as in the case of all immigration and assimilation policy applying only to white countries, we dummy up about it.
By now, the anti-whites are terrified that something like the Mantra will be recognized as a legitimate point of view.
That is our job, and that is why it is so HARD.
And that is why all the time we waste on crime rates and US immigration policy and criticizing affirmative action is a boon to the anti-whites. If they can keep all discussion of white survival off the table, and in the Forbidden Zone, they will own the debate.
Another fact we never mention is that Hate Speech Laws didn’t stop Hitler.
The American position has always been that free speech is the only human alternative to violence.
Our side seems to have forgotten that completely.

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