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Twelfth Anniversary

Posted by Bob on September 12th, 2010 under Bob, Coaching Session

BoardAd reminds me that Whitaker Online began on September 12, 1998. For the first time, I will announce our WOL/BUGS anniversary on the right date instead of realizing it later.

I had been writing emails to a small group of people and one of them asked me to begin a blog for the Southern Nationalists. He got us started on the technical side, and there may have been fifty readers.

A good teacher learns more than his students do. I don’t think there is any other blog which has a tenth as much intellectual WORK in it as this one does. Everything has evolved, from my audience to my message to my whole approach.

If it were not so much against the political grain, the last twelve years could be the Montesque’s Essays of Blogdom, developing into the form of a modern blog just as the medium itself became general.

I can’t imagine anybody has learned as much from BUGS as I did developing it. As a graduate assistant in Political Science and then a professor of economics, I felt I had never really read the textbooks until I had to teach them.

The same is true of BUGS, on several levels.

The Southern Nationalist movement turned out to be a front for some Presbyterian theocrats, and it did the usual split. But I learned about blogs, and both sides in the split carried Whitaker Online, for which neither side ever forgave me.

All they were arguing about is ancient history. We are their only legacy, and it is one hell of a legacy.

In that long stretch of years, I couldn’t get my book out, surprise, surprise, it was a screed against the whole professorial class that tells people what to publish. One publisher took it on my credentials and then READ it, and then told me that they not only would not publish it, they were DESTROYING ALL CORRESPONDENCE relating to it!

There is such a thing as being TOO accurate!

I spoke at a New Orleans conference and found Stormfront. On Stormfront I was famous for cutting down the anti-whites but no one would use my arguments. That is the story of my life, so I used what I had, I EVOLVED what I had.

Twelve years down the road, we have a simple message and a group to spread it. Like supply and demand or Newtonian Physics, it sounds simple once you GET it. But the job of hammering it down and then slowly finding people who GET it has required thousands of hours of work by me, and even more by those who, for nothing but the Cause, did what I could not do.

It looks simple, in retrospect, but I have been a professional writer for many decades. One of the first things you learn about writing is that when a piece ends up looking so logical that the author just sat down and wrote what was on his mind, there is blood on the typewriter keys.

It is the easy flow of the professional writer that makes it look so easy. I don’t know how many people have said to me, “I can say things, but I can’t WRITE them” When a professional writer has rewritten his piece a dozen times, it is easy reading, it flows naturally, or LOOKS natural. Naturally people wonder why they can’t write exactly what they are thinking of exactly like that.

Gravity was around for billions of years when Newton came along. Everybody PRACTICED the economics of supply and demand for millennia, but nobody THOUGHT IT OUT until Adam Smith.

As In the development of WOL/BUGS, what you end up with looks like what you would have started with.



What in the hell has Bob been DOING for twelve long years?

  1. #1 by Dave on 09/12/2010 - 1:37 pm

    Complexity obscures the obvious, but to be capable of seeing the obvious (what others are blind to) requires effort. Robert Whitaker says he has learned a great deal from the commenters and his interactions with them. So have I.

    Consider, for example, Richard’s comment: “The big difference between Whites and non-Whites is an understanding of the difference between form and content. The Red Indian brave thought that wearing a buffalo hide would give him the strength of a buffalo. The modern African thinks that having a European college degree makes him intelligent. And the brown skinned Hindu priests think that learning an ancient text by rote gives them Wisdom.”

    Richard just gave you the key to understanding the nonwhite world and also the heart of Political Correctness. THE KEY. You are no longer confused. And also you are now in possession of power because you now know what is being hidden in plain sight.

    There is no such thing as strategy, only attention to important details.

    That is what underlies BUGS, this paying attention to what is real as opposed to just believing things. You can’t win unless you become a better seer and thinker. To hell with ideology, defeat the opposition by becoming a better perceiver and by engaging in superior thinking.

    The world belongs to those that get it right so let clowns parade around with their epaulets. That is a lot what academia really is, clowns parading around with epaulets. In court, these clowns wear black robes and you sure in the hell don’t want to allow yourself to be subject to the jurisdiction of these clowns.

    That is because as a BUGSTER, you are in power, not them.

  2. #2 by seriouswon on 09/12/2010 - 2:49 pm

    Congratulations on 12 years to Bob and all the Bugsters! Thank you!

  3. #3 by Simmons on 09/13/2010 - 10:21 am

    BUGS is masculine logic at its best.

    The USA is a large cult styled on Jim Jones’ cult where some crazy zealots intimidate white woman into caring for \all of god’s children\ at the cult’s day care center. American politics/culture have tended towards the feminine mind since the Abolition days.

    The obsession with News & Jews yields nothing of much importance, those who share that obsession simply trying to find out what is taboo and what is not \official party line.\

    We at BUGS say none of it is of much importance.

    We offer a way out of the cult’s embrace of death; \You can stay there and die or you can come with us and live like a White Man should live?\

  4. #4 by Simmons on 09/13/2010 - 11:05 am

    Question for Bob was one of those Southern Nat. outfits the League of the South? They keep pestering me to renew and I want to tell them they should have listened to you.

  5. #5 by rdc75 on 09/14/2010 - 2:23 am

    Congratulations for the 12-year anniversary.

    However, there is one thing I really miss and which was better years ago:

    Please make some AUDIO-material again!

    You cannot underestimate how effective it is, A LOT of people go by car every day and are bored on the ride (including me, BTW). Listening to Bob on my commute is really effective.

    You say how important repetition is – it is unlikely that you will reread articles often, but it is very likely that you will repeat the mp3s when you are through, because the radio is crap anyway. (I probably heard the complete mp3-collection by Bob at least 4 times)

    The good thing about Audio is that you can listen while you wait, drive, jog or do something else that does not need your ears, you don’t have to dedicate time for it but can do it while you do something else.

    I tried to substitute White Rabbit for my hearing on my commute, but that’s not really a substitute. (He’s a bit to occult for my tastes)

    So, please do some more audio material again, it is the most EFFECTIVE way to get our message across, because you can listen to it WITHOUT SPENDING TIME for it and because people will repeat, repeat, repeat the Audios just like they repeat songs.

  6. #6 by Dick_Whitman on 09/15/2010 - 1:14 pm

    I agree that Bob’s best form of communication is talking. This is probably the result of his “porch talk” upbringing?

    With that said, I think the most important thing I take away from BUGS is optimism.

    People in the so called “movement” claim all the time that multi-ethnic countries don’t work. They point out that Whites faced other historical situations where “all hope was lost” but found ways out of it (see the battles of Thermopylae, Tours, and Vienna).

    But then they say that all hope is lost and that the mighty Jewish Conspiracy “will bury us.”

    It was from BUGS that I first realized the folly of this thinking. If what people claim above is true, then there is absolutely no reason to despair.

    If multi-ethnic societies don’t work, then why in God’s name would they start working in the 21st century? And if Charles Martelle, Jon Sobieski, and Leonidas found ways to win under very difficult circumstances, then what makes today any different?

    How many “experts” predicted that the Berlin wall would never fall?

    This mighty wall not only fell, it fell without a shot being fired. Germans one day just grabbed their sledge hammers and decided enough was enough.

    But even after the wall fell (under the mantra: Wir sind ein Volk), the so called “movement” still can’t imagine smashing the “walls” of the anti-Whites.

    BUGS makes the White man start thinking like a White man again. When people thought “only birds can fly” White man proved them wrong. When people said “we’ll never go to space” White man proved them wrong again.

    BUGS is about taking a sledge hammer (the Mantra) and saying “enough is enough.”

    BUGS is about thinking like a White man again.

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