Archive for September, 2010

General Comments V

General Comments Archives

General Comments I
General Comments II
General Comments III
General Comments IV

And a random sighting of the mantra:



The Indian Industry 2

Please read the first part, The Indian Industry, before this one.

The new theory that whites settled America before Indians did is very plausible but any threat to the idea that whites took America is a threat to the whole Indian Industry, which is based on our guilt for stealing THEIR country.

But saying the Indians first came here fourteen thousands years ago across the Bering Strait also threatens The Environmentalist Industry, which, it so happens, just lately became bigger than the Indian Industry.

You see, a whole range of species like the mammoth disappeared at exactly the time the Indians came over across the Ice Age Bering Strait land bridge. If the Indians did that, it severely damages the whole image of the Innocent Indians and it does violence to a major part of the Environmentalist Industry which, when it says “man” destroyed the environment, means the WHITE man.

This theory is getting a lot of acceptance because the Sermon at the end takes care of the problems of both industries. I am not saying this was planned, I am saying that when a theory does such a perfect job, I kind of suspect it as a detective does when he finds that one of his prime suspects happened to be out walking alone when the murder occurred.

White men first makes the white man the one who may have killed the whole range of species. That takes care of the Indian Industry and the Environmentalist Industry on one front.

But it is still heresy, because it threatens the whole “the evil white man took away Indian lands” on which all those casinos and guilt payments in the billions are based.

If the white man first settled America and wiped out the fauna, this leaves the implication that Indians drove those white men out of America.

This cannot be tolerated.

But the Sermon says that the European Clovis People didn’t wipe out the fauna, either. After developing in America for million of years, all that fauna and the white Clovis people were killed all at once by a weather catastrophe that occurred at exactly the time that the Indians were crossing the Bering Bridge.

Now you can see how I made a living doing political analyses no one else even thought of. Nobody comes at information this way.

I would be more suspicious of my own suspicions if the Sermon at the end of this documentary had not gone just one more step toward Political Correctness. It concluded that the weather catastrophe didn’t kill ALL the whites.

There were some whites left and they intermixed with the Indians. So, as bonus all gift-wrapped in the Sermon, America was BORN as a Melting Pot!

The Genome Project is only mentioned when one of its endless number of studies comes up with something the anti-whites can use. As a result, every announcement of Genome research has concluded that the Indians from whom we took America were pure Indians.

If the Bering Strait Indians had a lot of white blood from the original Melting Pot, the Genome Project will have to find those genes.



The Indian Industry

Norman G. Finkelstein’s book, the Holocaust Industry, impressed me because he is the only writer I know of who follows my question, “Why is this information being produced?”

The usual explanation of why all other Holocausts are ignored, including the greatest of all by the revered Mao Tse-Tung, is that there is a group of absolute geniuses with big noses who meet together regularly and rule the world.

“Why is this information being produced” just lacks the sex appeal of a single Conspiracy. But if you are doing political analysis for a living you can’t afford nonsense for fun.

The media concentrate on Jews because the Jews are critical to anyone who wants to make a living in the media. The Holocaust, among other things is, as Finkelstein details, an industry.

A major theme of our information-based society is what information people with money want to defend. You can say what you like about one of the many automobile companies that ceased to exist in the first half of the twentieth century, but you had better watch what you say when you discuss any Ford, including the T-Model.

Pre-Columbian America is discussed with the Indian Industry listening to every word. Indians receive billions every year from the government because “The white man took America from them.” The whole new and enormous gambling industry Indians alone are allowed to have without restrictions makes Indian history a matter over which a historian can end up in court.

The Indian Industry, like the Black Industry, is depended on by vast numbers of whites as a source of income. What happened in America fourteen thousand years ago is seen by many as a theoretical concern. But any twiddling with the idea that Indians are the natives is of immediate concern to a giant industry.

You will not see this discussed anywhere except BUGS, because no Indian Finkelstein has come forward to write about it.

Always before anyone who said that Europeans were here before Indians was instantly labeled anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjewsjews — a term we need to use more — but now a theory says that and is being accepted with an astonishing calm.

This acceptance, or at least this debate, which would once have been simply met with a shriek of “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!” and then silence on the part of its proponent, can be explained only if you are practiced in the question of “Why was this information produced?”

As I mentioned in my last book, the disappearance of the mammoths and other species fourteen thousand years ago in America was once comfortably blamed on the simultaneous invasion of Man from across the Ice Age Bering Strait land bridge.

That information was welcome because it blamed this horror on Man. This was in full accordance with the Environmentalist Industry. If you don’t think in terms of Conspiracies, you see that no group agreed on it at once and plotted it out carefully

I see that this welcome bit of information was accepted, but, as environmentalism because that Italian playing an Indian with a tear in his eye over what Evil Whites did to His Land, Indians became different from the hated Man of the Environmental Industry.

It blamed the Indian, who loved Brother Buffalo so much, that as his first act in this new land, wiped out a major part of its fauna!

I have pointed out how documentaries usually end with the Sermon at the end, telling how the events it is discussing fit into the Party Line on history or whatever other subject it deals with. The Sermon at the end of this one was a work of art.

I get complaints if my pieces are too long, so I’ll explain this in The Indian Industry 2.



Congrats to the Political Cesspool

James Edwards of the Political Cesspool was denounced in June by Keith Obermann as the “the worst person in the world.”

I am trying hard not to be jealous, but it is not easy. I told John Ashbrook that one the great pleasures of working for him was that, in any political gathering or at any cocktail party, when I said I worked for John Ashbrook all the right people shied away.

Some years ago I also talked about James’ beautiful young wife. I know that thing about not coveting, but who can I fool?

There’s a reason we’re GRUMPY old men.

I don’t listen to James’ show because I don’t listen to ANYTHING. Honestly, after writing, giving and listening to thousands of speeches listening is a chore for me. But the Cesspool is obviously becoming an outlet for people who are famous but beyond the fringe.

Mel Gibson’s father, Hutton Gibson, has been on the Cesspool at least twice now, and the famous Arizona sheriff who makes his jailees live in tents was on, too.

There is a continuum of respectability in our society. We all remember how the militias screamed against all “racists” the moment they got a little publicity that was not wholly hostile. Respectable conservatives are the media’s ever-ready lynch mob against anything the left decides is intolerable to it.

That continuum is a practical matter. It needs to be discussed and the rings of that ladder named.

I have found that what really hurts our established religion is when one starts discussing the Politically Correct Order of Preference. PC required Women’s Liberation, but what if the woman who was raped was raped by a black man?

This is like quoting the California guy who asked, “Are we still boycotting grapes?” No respectable conservative would do that. No respectable conservative would discuss with a liberal the exact priorities of the preference ladder we all know about?

Respectable conservatives make their living avoiding anything that hits home like that. But I am the only one who talks about exactly what a respectable conservative avoids. It is perfect guide to what hits home.

The Ladder of Political Correctness for each group, the Ladder of Respectability, quoting the most slavish statements on the left. These were the kind of analysis by which I made my living.

The Ladder of Respectability tells you where liberals are hurting. They divert public hostility they can no longer ignore into the direction that hurts least. So they gave up gun control, and militia groups obediently began to denounce racism. To a person who doesn’t do this sort of thing for a living, this is a connection that sounds almost esoteric, but it is actually routine.

I had to know what legislation could be passed by our side and when. I knew exactly where and how they were backing down in one area to retrench in another. It is called strategy, and it is professional matter.

And when they give respectability or even attention, you have to talk openly about what they are going to want in return.

You see, they, too, have their professionals.

The political front is not called strategy for nothing.

I know James, and we talked about all this stuff years ago. He is a hale and well-met, smiling chap, but I hope the cold steel I saw back then remains beneath his charm.

We laugh and joke, but we do not play. This is a war, not a game.



The Minimum Wage

Please let me know if what I am saying here bores you. It is not on our subject, but it is general history that will die with me.

Obama has raised the minimum wage. In the debate over this, no one mentions where it came from.

After the Civil War the Northerners who then owned all the railroads made agreements that kept industry up North, especially in New England. These agreements were a major part of legislative history no one hears about, and they kept the center of American industry slightly NORTH of the center of industrial production in CANADA!

As these railroad rates were slowly being equalized after the Republican defeat in 1932, industry began to move south. Nobody but me remembers that that was where the minimum wage got its majority vote.

Unions have no minimum wage workers, so people wonder why they are the biggest force in favor of it. Now it is to keep two minimum wage workers from replacing one union man. But in 1935 it had to do with the evening of railroad rates.

Unions were afraid that a huge part of their jobs would move to the low-wage South. So with the South having all the chairmanships ruling congress — all the seniority from when most of the few Democrats in congress were Southern — the unions demanded that the competition be limited by a minimum wage for Southern labor.

Mommy Professor teaches that it was Idealists and Intellectuals like him who gave thought to the working poor that caused the minimum wage.

Unlike Mommy Professor, I have KNOWN a lot of working people.

The most fanatical opponent of a minimum wage rise I ever met was a black man who worked on our brick plant. He didn’t drink and he fired the kilns and supported a big family.

Normally the “fireman” had to stoke the kilns every half hour or every hour. So he just slept in between. He preferred being in the plant to his crowded home and his family could come see him at the plant nearby.

There wasn’t a lot of entertainment in Pontiac, South Carolina.

So he was happy to put in a hundred hours a week when the minimum wage was a dollar an hour. He got $1.50 for the other sixty hours. That was $130 a week.

When the minimum wage went up to $1.25 we could not longer afford his overtime. He went down to 50 a week and had nothing to do the rest of the time.

The unions were right. Their area has been known as The Rust Belt for a long time. The minimum wage was passed to keep the flow of industry to the South down.
