Archive for February, 2011

The Time Is Coming That Tries Men’s Souls

Senior staff spent a lot of time on the House Floor. We were technical support on particular legislation and there were usually plenty of seats unoccupied, so it was easier for the congressmen to have us right there.

But when something had the whole membership down there, a lot of us would sit in the Jefferson Room or watch on the TV in the office.

But my position was as an idea man. So by the time something I was working on got the whole House membership there, it was a general issue and I was not needed down there. I would sit in the Visitor’s Gallery, if there was a seat, watching the whole House fighting over an issue I had started rolling.

One of those times another staffer sat near me in the Visitor’s Gallery, and he said, “You got this started, didn’t you?” The two biggies I remember were when I got Ashbrook to get us the weekend when anti-space types were trying to end the space telescope. Another was when I got the organizations in there to stop the IRS from enforcing its self-made rule to force race quotas on private schools.

But there were a number that only I thought of. On the above two, by the way, we won four to one on the Floor with almost the entire membership voting.

The staffer I just mentioned sat near me on another such full House vote, and he said, with some wonder, “You got THIS started, too, didn’t you?”

That made me feel good.

These votes were a lot like the Mantra. I grabbed a subject that regular conservatives would have let slip. Please note that the removal of the Hubble Telescope was going through when I stopped it, and when the whole thing actually got to the Floor, it was beaten about 340-80.

We trounced them by the same margin on the IRS race quotes.

And on most of the things I got to the Floor.

In other words, once I got hold of it and put in plain English, they couldn’t defend the position they were sneaking through. I did that for a living. So the Mantra took me YEARS to plant, and those who try it run right over the opposition.

The opposition can only try to keep it from reaching the Floor.

But at first, in every case of these House issues, I had to work my tail off to the point of passing out sometimes to get people off their asses. General Comments 5 is the fruit of a number of years I spent by myself trying to get the Mantra across.

You should be encouraged by the fact that this is not an accident. I know what can win, even if the entire elected representation and their staffs do not.

I also know how hard it was for the few others on the Hill who Got It each time. They were not as used to the complete blockheadedness of the entire membership and staff they worked with. Some of them quit, but I still won.

Hence my nervous breakdowns.

The next time an issue came from me, everybody had totally forgotten I had gotten it started. It is a very important rule: Some people DO things and others live by taking credit for them.

Instead of being bitter about this, I found it useful. If the other side had KNOWN it was me, they would have watched me like a hawk. So I traded credit for real power, as I have said here many, many times.

I can’t imagine a more powerful position to be in. For you, I cannot imagine a more frustrating position to be in. You are hitting at a target and the entire media is dedicated to keeping anyone from knowing you are doing it.

This is a great time, when you are realizing how helpless the other side is when you have the Mantra and accompanying arguments down pat. I can hardly sit still when I look at General Comments 5.

But this is the phase I went through in those earlier cases, when an enthusiastic group had taken up the cry. But the enthusiasm hit a brick wall every time. People do not take frustration well.

Next year the second phase will begin, when you have been doing this for a year and the novelty is wearing off. It was no fun on the Hill for that enthusiastic group to run into one respectable conservative after another who just DIDN’T GET IT.

That is the time when the enthusiasts start saying, “Well, we tried but it didn’t work.”

I have been through that stage many, many times. But if I kept them at it, it ALWAYS worked.

Your job is to get the Mantra in there.


The only problem there is now is YOUR getting tired of hitting the message and seeing no obvious results.

Those are the times that try men souls…



Mantra Thinking Grabs the Anti-Whites’ Ladders

Many people today see the pro-white’s fate today as that of an ancient bastion whose walls are being conquered.

Thousands of times in ancient warfare there was the same scene:

The enemy outnumbers us twenty to one, and some of us are fighting him as he comes across the wall on ladders pouring over our defenders. Most of us are away from the wall crying “All is lost!” Relatively few are so devoted that they will die on the wall just to delay the enemy, though those running away do not show up in Heroic movies.

Davy Crocket is doing all he can to beat the Mexicans off that are at the top of the ladders.

But we all know that once the fort is breached and it can’t keep off the ladders, all that is left is to die heroically.

But what if somebody snuck out of the Alamo and took advantage of the confusion of Mexicans trying to get onto the crowded ladders, and went in and jerked the ladders out from under them?

As long as you concede them the ladders, you are lost.

Stormfront tried for years to throw off the guys coming over on the ladders. The ladders the enemy used were on our wall, and we never gave any thought to the BASE of those ladders.

The BASE of the conquering ladders was based on the solid ground that we had to accommodate them, to be fair, to be decent, to treat everyone the same. We were arguing about “mankind” pouring into all white countries and ONLY white countries as if everyone had as much right to white countries as we did.

Everybody in SF seemed to think of himself as Davy Crockett, fighting it out hand to hand.

If you are only fighting the swarming masses at the TOP of the ladder, OF COURSE you are doomed.

The Mantra pulls the ladder out from under them.

When I use the Mantra the anti-whites look a lot like a warrior who is at the top of the ladder, seeing his forces overwhelming the wall, when suddenly someone takes the thing out from under him. He is holding on, his legs swinging, and he doesn’t know what to do next.

But I feel that a lot of commenters are still playing Davy Crockett. They can’t see Old Davy sneaking down in a Mexican uniform and joining those who are taking the ladders away.

They want to talk about how The World is Going. They want to yell that we are not defeated and go right on with the kind of fighting that got us into this fix in the first place.

Stop beating your chest. Stop trying to call those mewling runaways to come back to the wall.

Go where the action is.

Go grab the ladders.



Mantra Thinking and the Human Nature Revolution

The whole basis of ALL Wordism is that human nature produces societies that are contrary to human nature.

All Wordism begins with Rousseau’s assumption that in nature all animals are equal, that animals have no wars, that birds sing to attract mates, but hold no territory against other birds.

Even Jesus talked about the birds as if they did not plan for tomorrow. Really? Watch the male get the best tree to attract his mate, watch the birds build their nests.

This is one of the most critical things you can learn from the Old Man simply because he is an Old Man. No one but me seems to remember how totally ALL the forms of Wordism, left and right, were developed when EVERYONE actually BELIEVED that in nature there were no borders, no class distinctions, no war.

That is why there IS Wordism. Wordism assumes that everything “wrong” with “society” is the result of our institutions, our going Away From Nature. Remove civilization, said Rousseau, and all of men’s evil habits would go away.

In fact Rousseau came up with our present assumptions that Noble Savages are just like animals, so they are guiltless and good. Rousseau invented the term Noble Savage.

He never SAW one, of course.

All the other forms of Wordism begin with this same assumption. Marxism says that the only thing keeping us from his idea of the utopia is exploitation. He began with the idea that animals have no class system and no exploitation.

Libertarians believe that if government were removed, people would go back to their natural instinct to be as free as the birds.

But birds are not free. Their nature controls their life to an extent even a Communist government would find hard to imitate.

No social animal has anything like equality.

This is Mantra Thinking. Mantra Thinking does not accept the details everybody is talking about. Mantra Thinking goes back to the assumptions everybody takes for granted.

ALL social science, ALL Wordism, is still in the 1950s before the total revolution about how social animals actually behave occurred and ALL our assumptions about animal and human nature became completely laughable.

I get almost no comments on this. In a seminar, your comments are your own, but the old prof would like to see more talk about how different the world looks when you realize that the ENTIRE so-called Intellectual Discussion is as out of date and as just plain SILLY as arguing how many angels can stand on the point of a pin.

The problem is, we all know the angels on a pin stuff is ridiculous, but we STILL take our outdated “discussion” seriously.



Is Loyalty a Sin?

I pointed out that while every human being had always dealt with gravity, Isaac Newton did the Mantra Thinking and THOUGHT about gravity. I pointed out that every successful businessman back to Neanderthal practiced supply and demand, but Adam Smith went Mantra and THOUGHT about it.

I have talked about how no one ever fails to join in a discussion of “Is Eastern Europe READY for immigration?” but nobody ever THINKS about it. Why should Eastern Europe be ready for immigration and not much richer countries like Japan or Taiwan?

The Mantra THINKS about that and points out “Eastern Europe is White.”

We all learn about the Medieval struggle between Church and State and, like early men with gravity or traders with supply and demand, we didn’t THINK about it. We know why that struggle happened, just a men always knew about gravity and supply and demand.

It never occurs to us WHY we know.

The answer is simple: Church and State were two institutions competing for the same resources.

Backbaygrouch was a bit grouchy when I insisted that the Catholic Church was anti-white. But unlike others, he caught on immediately when I pointed out that ALL institutions are anti-white. All institutions compete for a limited resource:

Our loyalty.

We have watched Stormfront having a knock-down-drag-out fight about whether a person can be pro-white without being a Christian. We are wearily aware of all the people who want to destroy the white race because they are loyal to respectability.

The Reformed Church in South Africa switched sides on apartheid, just as Bob Jones IV did on the Confederate flag. Did either of them honestly believe that GOD had changed his mind on these issues at just the right time?

Rome declared Joan of Arc a saint after World War II. She had gone out and, in the Name of God, killed the English invaders, who were then also Catholic, for the sake of her King and country.

But the Catholic Archbishop of New Orleans excommunicated lifelong loyal Catholics who publicly opposed integration.

If you are to understand Christ, you have to view the institutions that claim His name as institutions, just as you must understand that the men who speak for religion are just men.

We all know that, but while we would say we know it, we don’t THINK about it.

Christ did. In fact the quotes we have from Christ himself show a deep, penetrating acceptance of human nature:

“Not all who call me Lord, Lord, will be saved.”

Not all who called him Lord would be right.

Each real church considers that it represents the true Christ. God knows what the rulers of the mainline Protestant churches believe, if anything.

But churches consist of mere humans and as no one has considered enough, each one is an institution which has survived in competition with every other institution. Realizing this evolution of institutions is every bit as important as understanding the nature of humans in general.



A Note From Your Absent-Minded Professor

Mantra Thinking is looking at basics that one in Mommy Professor’s world would never look at. Once you get used to it, it is amazing how no one notices the truth of the so-called “race” problem, that it applies only to white countries and to all white countries.

But Newton also did Mantra Thinking. Through all the ages of hard work that had gone before, gravity was a force everyone was all too familiar with.

But Newton didn’t just NOTICE gravity he LOOKED at it.

Likewise in all the millennia before Adam Smith successful merchants all the way back before Neanderthal knew that what was most valuable was what was most rare. Men have made their livings buying things where they grow in plenty and taking them to places where they are not for time out of mind.

But Adam Smith didn’t just NOTICE supply and demand, he LOOKED at it.

These days the million of our Mommy Professors are a bureaucracy like any other bureaucracy, but it hasn’t been that long since someone who became a college teacher was FASCINATED by his subject.

A century ago they were known as Absent Minded Professors, because their minds were on mathematics or history or whatever they devoted their lives to. That is forgotten now, when there are so many of them and most of them did well in school so they just stayed there.

I hope I am throwback to the old fashioned kind of prof. I think Mantra Thinking is the most fascinating thing in the world. It fills all my hours. And, like an old-fashioned professor, I want you to be fascinated by it too.

For instance a documentary talked about how the trilobites died out in the Cambrian Extinction but have descendants, today’s ANTS. They just mentioned it in passing, but to me the idea is fascinating when you THINK about it.

A trilobite was a couple of FEET long. There was no land life then, so they were in the ocean. We don’t know if they had any social life at all, but it seems unlikely. So I love the sheer mystery of this. I dwell on it.

We do have a complete fossil history of how the whale began as a hoofed predator about dog-size. Became something like a hairy alligator breeding and living on land, and evolved into the whale as we know it now.

Back when the name of this forum was changed from blog to seminar, I talked at length about how this was about the only real seminar existing today. A seminar today is simply where graduate students learn to think and talk like members of the professorial bureaucracy.

Seminars used to be the place where one moved from student to talking about one OWN ideas of the subject he had mastered. It was the transition point between hearing and coughing up facts to the level of being a scholar. I explained at length, and it is still there if you want to look for some of it, that I give you points but you have to look at them from your own religious or non-religious, or any point of view from your own mind.

This is a real, old-fashioned seminar, and I am a real old-fashioned professor.
