Archive for February, 2011

You are Grade A

More and more of what I write starts with what one of you said in Comments, especially General Comments 5, to which there is a link at the top of this page.

In a seminar, the professor’s job is to get his students to asking the right questions and making the right points. When I see someone who needs correcting, one of you leaps right in and does the correcting.

Please know that Old Bob sees what you did and is grateful.

A few of you have been a bit upset that I dropped out of comments so completely. It is VERY important to me for you to realize how delighted I am when one of you puts another back on track.

I have admitted to you that I have an ego. I like getting the praise I am due.

I am just too old and experienced for the Silent Hero crap. The one failing everybody finds at my age is that they didn’t give people enough credit. I felt my bosses were too much above me to need my praise.

I was wrong.

So you deserve praise, but it would get us off he subject if I kept thanking each person who jumps in with the right thing at the right time.

The old Strong, Silent Hero is the subject of an entire movie or book talking about how wonderful he is. Being a flatterer is something that makes us sick.

But a flatterer gives praise that is NOT deserved. He has a reward in mind besides simply encouraging someone who merits and, being human, NEEDS to be recognized.

There probably are some Strong, Silent Types out there. But as one guy said to me, “A guy who doesn’t have much to say usually doesn’t have much to say.”

No, it wasn’t Yogi Berra, but it sounds like him.

My silence is consent. You are turning right into pros before my eyes, and it is the best reward I could possibly have for years of work fighting the good fight and hoping you would come along.

Now shut up and get back to work.



The Excuse for Banning Discussion of White Genocide is the Same One EVERY Tyranny Has EVER Used

Anti-whites suppress any discussion of white genocide because Hitler talked about it.

If you outlawed discussion of anything that had been horribly misused in history every cross would to taken from every church. No one would-be allowed to wear anything that had a cross on it. Nothing has been used to kill and enslaved more tens of millions of people than Christianity.

If you used that excuse, every clergyman would be in prison.

If you outlawed discussion of anything that had been horribly misused historically, anyone who talked about the distribution of income would be in prison.

Stalin used the question the distribution of income to kill tens of millions, and Mao Tse Tung killed even more. Would it be all right then for a gang of thugs to show up and riot every time someone came to the campus to discuss income redistribution.

In Communist countries the word “fascist” is used all the time. In fascist countries almost all opposition was called “Communist.” That is exactly the way the “racist” is used today.

Freedom of speech is always suppressed with the excuse that it might cause trouble. Tyrannies like Nazism and Communism Always used somebody’s else’s totalitarianism to justify their own.

In fact, no suppression of free speech has EVER used anything but screaming some label to justify itself.

If no one stands up for the right of a person to openly talk about the disappearance of the white race we see going on around us, how long will it be before Political Correctness condemns their discussion of other issues?


1 Comment

If You Don’t USE the Mantra You Discredit It

It is critical to remember that the Mantra is not a debating tactic.

The Mantra is repeating back to anti-whites what they say all the time. If everyone took it for granted that every black country — NOT JUST AFRICA — were singled out for immigration, it would not take five minutes for everybody to realize this was an anti-BLACK measure.

Over and over I have given the example that singling out Iceland for immigration is like singling out Haiti along with all black countries. The other half of the island of San Domingo, the Dominican Republic, is already mixed blood, so it would be exempted from the pressure.

When I use the term Jewish Wet Dream I am REPEATING what an endless number of Jews have said to me and in public. They start with “I am Jewish, so…” and then they say that anyone wanting to preserve the white race is an enemy. “Race-mixing,” by which they mean WHITE-mixing, is therefore a Jew’s duty.

So when I point out that, from what THEY say, the ultimate in race-mixing, a blond girl and a black man, is a Jewish Wet Dream. They have said a million times that it represents one of their main goals in life.

Telling people what they just said is a very different form of argument than accusing a group of secret manipulators. It takes a think to “expose” such a Conspiracy. And it is as productive as accusing businessmen of wanting to make a profit.

The Mantra is the total application of the basic rule of Western science, the rule that made it the ONLY real; science on earth, Occam‘s Razor. Occam’s Razor says that you cut away the crap. Occam’s Razor says that you look carefully at the obvious cause of something instead of building a whole new World Philosophy on a whole new theology or philosophy.

Occam’s Razor is the reason we are using the Internet rather than banging on drums.

Commenters run into an endless stream of critics who want to get away from the basic point and talk about a World View. The one great barrier for us is the insistence that the Mantra will “cause trouble,” that the white problem is already being solved by being called the RACE problem.

So why bring it up?

Because you cannot deal with a problem until you have STATED the problem. What we want right now is for the planned extinction of our race to be RECOGNIZED as a PROBLEM.



To Pro-Whites, ALL Institutions are Alien

The article “It’s Ugly!” pointed out that the product of a Jewish Wet Dream, a blond woman and a black man, was just plain ugly. The answer is that this doesn’t matter, that a kinky-haired, blue eyed black having to go through life looking like that means nothing.

All that matters is that, at the time of copulation, the Jewish Wet Dream couple was “in love.”

If you can take that crap seriously, that being ugly is nothing compared to the emotions of two people at one moment in time, one of us is a very sick puppy indeed.

A lady commenter said that blacks were mean to the blonds they marry. A chorus of commenters said that was not the point, so I was spared the trouble.

This is the problem with a real seminar. It is one reason they no longer exist. In a seminar, the young graduate students are deadly serious. Everybody really catches hell from time to time, so the young lady just ran into something all of us have to catch from time to time because we are serious.

It beats hell out of what they now call a seminar, which is young graduate students learning what they are supposed to say and vomiting it back. It is a continuation of grammar school, as is Middle School, high school, and college.

Mommy Professor’s “education” is one long grammar school.

If our lady commentator thinks about it, it is a hell of a lot better to catch hell at rare intervals rather than sitting there for hours listening to the grammar school Political Correctness drill year after year after year after year after year after year..

The point here is that the destruction of our race is more important than how a female race-traitor is treated or Love Conquers All.

In the more general context what the other commenters were saying was what we all said when Stormfront got into a debate about whether one could be pro-white and not be a practicing Christian:

“Why in the hell does one have to be loyal to an institution to fight for his race?”

On this front we have had some hot words about Catholic and Protestant behavior.

I use churches as the prime example of independent institutions, which doesn’t get mentioned in any classroom. Our race is being destroyed in the name of institutions.

It is VERY important to get the pro-white position on this straight: Loyalty to ANY institution is anti-white.

It is impossible for any person raised in society NOT to have feelings for some institutions. Even me. When someone says something nasty about the South, my back goes up like an infuriated cat’s. When Catholicism is just plain insulted, Backbaygrouch reacts as someone who has stood for that sort of thing for decades would be expected to.

I know more bad things about the South than any of its detractors. BBG knows more dirt on his church than outsiders do. But it is still a touchy point with us.

It always will be. But we all have greed and all the other Deadly Sins, too.

What we have done here is to take this loyalty to institutions out and see it is no longer moral when our race is literally being obliterated. That is the ONLY MORAL consideration.

The fight going on about a commenter’s sayings about Catholics and Protestants will not be settled by me or anybody else making some soothing remarks to soothe the feelings expressed.

The ONLY thing we must remember is that we are in a graduate seminar. We have outgrown our college education whether we had one or not. If a commenter makes statements that he or she feels are relevant, they are going to sound like insults to some institution.

But. Unlike today’s so-called seminars, this is a real one. It is up to the commenter to keep insults down. It is up to the other commenter to not let the whole thing go off in a defense of any institutions.

In short, it is a matter for grown-ups not Mommy Professor’s lifetime children being nice to each other. A real professor, now a vanished breed, would use this occasion to point out the real point of the real discussion: We must grow out of our loyalty to institutions.



IRS Private School Quotas and Today

I very seldom try to link BUGS with current issues. But Porch Talk is not connected with what just happened. I went from Porch Talk to using what I learned listening to the hardnest and most practical kind of current politics.

Porch Talk can be good advise in almost anything.

One example is my lone and successful initiative to get congress to stop the IRS from unilaterally imposing race quotas on private schools. The reason it is current is because Obama announced his intention to get a lot of his environmentalist programs that congress wouldn’t pass through by having regulatory agencies impose them.

Our most effective argument against this, as usual, was a basic. A regulatory agency only exists because congress cannot do everything. Article 1 of the Constitution says that “ALL legislative authority is invested in Congress.”

John Ashbrook asked each of the one in five minority that did not want to repeal those IRS regs, “Why don’t you introduce those regulations in congress?” It was very effective, like the Mantra, because it dealt with a point no one had considered in many years: regulatory agencies issue regs to CARRY OUT the mission given them in the legislation which created them.

When John died and Mrs. Ashbrook and Bob Dornan were left to debate the renewal of the ban on such IRS regs. From a four to one majority, they damned near lost. They were pitiful. As usual, they ended up compromising.

I wish you could have seen their floundering attempts to defend what John and I had beaten the crap out of the opposition on.

It wasn’t just the issue, it was the ARGUMENTS we had that got that four to one majority. I watched it on C-Span, and even I was impressed by how critical it is TO GET YOUR POINTS RIGHT.

What they desperately needed was me. I have seldom felt so helpless, as I had moved on into the Administration. But even I did not fully realize until that moment how absolutely critical it is to MAKE YOUR POINT AND MAKE IT RIGHT.

Both Dornan and Mrs. Ashbrook were totally devoted to what they were doing, but they didn’t have the intellectual discipline John and I had developed, and I watched them lose a lot for that reason.

Most people are not really aware that regulatory agencies are given only the powers congress hasn’t the TIME to regulate. They’re not legislative bodies.

Read any agency ruling and you will find, first of all, reference to the legislation that gave the agency the right to make that regulation.

But I doubt seriously anyone among the respectable conservatives will MAKE that point, much less ram it down the opposition’s throat the way they would have to in order to rein in the Obama Power Grab.
