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In Their System, Even Our Friends Play a Role

Posted by Bob on March 17th, 2011 under Coaching Session

Conservatives have just adopted a “new” policy on crime. It calls for more parole, shorter sentences, and less prisons.

It is pure déjà vu. But ALL new conservative policies are déjà vu. The National Review article announcing this great new crime advance is exactly like the ones I read from liberals who were demanding all the same things in the 1950s. They were adopted and crime went out of control. Like the liberal articles then, the NR one carefully said that none of this was being soft on criminals.

Likewise, the new heroine of paleoconservatives declares the Tea Party’s Worship Martin Luther King Day, while at the same time yelling about the borders not being protected. We kept telling conservatives that “a little bit of integration is like a little bit of pregnancy,” once you start along that road you can’t preserve ANYTHING.

I can tell you from personal experience that nobody, from open Marxist to pro-white, wants to hear plain political reality.

Those who won the media have a buyer’s market. There is a huge glut of turncoat Southerners and respectable conservatives to choose from, and it doesn’t take a Conspiracy to get them to select ex-school teachers like O’Reilly or pure wimps like Hannity. A Catholic with a Southern background like Buckley had an agonizing desire to be respected by his WASP Yale colleagues.

Underneath Buckley’s genuine dislike of leftism was his groveling need for approval from the John Galbraiths of the world.

When James Edwards polled his listeners about who THEY wanted him to interview again, they chose me. In fact, the last time he interviewed me he told me he had twice as many listeners as he did when he had Bay Buchanan on, back when the Buchanans were hot. But when his listeners chose me again, he was a bit embarrassed that he hadn’t invited me on for six years.

This is to be expected. Bay Buchanan is a name one can tell other leaders about and get admired and praised for such a catch.

Even National Public Radio had me for few shows and when they realized what I had to say they dropped me –no surprise.

No one interviews me more than twice.

Not a single person I interviewed with had the Mantra right or could even cite the key words.

I wrote a number of articles for National Review, too. They were widely quoted and were not even heresy. They were simply too common sense.

And that, not heresy, is why I am so unpopular.

And why YOU are so unpopular.

When I explain that obviously the left is going to choose to argue with conservatives they consider reasonable, and who admit that every conservative policy of a generation ago was evil, and lead the lynch mob against anyone who takes the same stand they did back then, it is not exposing any conspiracy.

Hannity’s boy Colmes was selected, and liberals were astonished to see that he was a complete wimp, just like the conservatives they choose.

Like the market system, the stable political system makes choices without any conspiracy to it. Just because something is predictable does NOT mean that it is a plot.

In fact, like the free market, the system organizes itself much more effectively than any conspirators could.

It goes like this: a liberal policy is introduced, tried, and fails. A generation later conservatives pick it up, and, no matter what a failure it is in practice, it becomes “the way America works,” adopted by BOTH sides.

In the meantime, instead of noticing the pattern, the paleoconservative screamers and the Conspiracy types yell.

So we get a Sara Palin declaring a worship MLK Day while leading the shouting about what happened to our keeping Mexicans out.

The more you fit into the system, the more publicity you can get. Anyone who fits at all into the system doesn’t want to hear from me. But that is not because they are not sincere. A violence-demanding extremist is far more welcome to the system than I am. Someone who demands that you read huge books and adopt more World Views in order to oppose obvious insanity is far more welcome than any BUGSter.

And that is in ALL parts of the system, the Bad Guys AND the Good Guys.

Both the white hats and the black guys have a role in the movie, but they are united in opposing anyone saying on screen that it IS a movie.

  1. #1 by Dave on 03/17/2011 - 10:11 am

    Underneath all of this is raw bullying and defamation, pure and simple.

    I well remember the thuggery that Bill Buckley suffered. His sin was that through it all his number one goal was to remain a media personality and celebrity, so he endured the thuggery with a humor that was entirely out of place and uncalled for.

    We must never lose sight that the real regime of the land is one of bullying and the thuggery of defamation.

    Everybody is left to cope with it one way or another. The “respecables” coping mechanism is to join it. That is why the number one thing they are left to dance around is their own cowardice and shame. It is so obvious. Their lives are reduced to the awful arithmetic of endlessly grasping for veils to cover their own cowardice and shame.

    For many of them, this leads directly to madness. Look at Rush Limbaugh. Do you really believe he is not a madman?

    Then we have the O’Reillys’ and Brooks’ and a whole big cast of pathetic characters leading pathetic lives.

    People like Palin and McCain are strangely two peas in a pod: They are so submerged in their own self-interest and money greed, it is like they are sealed up in glass coffins. Their lives are a hopeless struggle against compulsive thought processes restricted wholly to calculating what benefits them personally.

    It is all so transparent to discerning people. That why each of them are saddled with a “fan base” of stupid people with low intelligence. Of course, our media love celebrities with that kind of fan base. It dovetails so nicely with the overriding political environment of bullying and defamation.

    You never can be too stupid from the standpoint of the Establishment. A lack of discernment is just what the doctor ordered.

    A very different kind of society must emerge to overcome the ambient regime of bullying and defamation.

    The emergence of such a society is not on the horizon. We are left to endure endless fraud.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 03/17/2011 - 11:09 am

    I’ll bore everyone with my opinions of political theorizing. Our “society” is basically that of the Eastern European shetl of rabinical judaism, bullying and defamation overtop of superstition. The Coen brother directed a horror film roughly based on the Book of Job that took a good swipe at their co-ethnics’ society. The jews are a special set of horrors that I’ll admit, but thankfully they are anti-white. Now if only our N&J’ers would come to understand that bit of logic.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 03/17/2011 - 11:31 am

    Speaking of movies, some semis are critiquing some hollywood crap using the respectable abstract dictionary, RobRoy dissents.

  4. #4 by Dave on 03/17/2011 - 12:38 pm


    I read your RobRoy piece and it is absolutely right on. When are we ever going to get our people to realize that when you are speaking of Jews, you are talking about the lowest rung on the ladder of humanity?

    Such a people cannot possibility constitute an enduring threat to anybody. It is like having to cope with a gaggle of out of control retards armed with bicycle chains at the State Fair. Whose fault was it that “Fair Security” happened to be run by Yasser Arafat?

    I just keep thinking Togo Witch Doctor in Togo – the land of enlightenment.

    Gimme some of that salt peter!

  5. #5 by BGLass on 03/17/2011 - 5:10 pm

    The Coen brother directed a horror film roughly based on the Book of Job that took a good swipe at their co-ethnics’ society…’

    Don’t know if it matters, but from the Jewish point of view, the whole point of Job is that he is a gentile. Some readings see it as a book about how gentiles can never attain the similar status and righteousness of jews, and the book is used to teach that. The Art Scroll series version, used by orthodox jews for study, says this.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 03/18/2011 - 11:06 am

    Thanks Glass, I am the world’s most biblically illiterate person, so please correct me if I ever make any biblical reference. I literally cannot read the bible, the language drives me nuts after one sentence.

  7. #7 by Mademoiselle White Rabbit on 03/18/2011 - 7:38 pm

    Bluegrass Lass, the arrogance of that is unbelievable. How can they completely miss that the whole point of that book was that Job was the most faithful servant of God at that point in time – and that when his testing was done, God gave him sevenfold what he had had before? Boggles the mind, really.

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