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Pro-Whites Are on Our Own in a Vicious World

Posted by Bob on March 18th, 2011 under Coaching Session

From time to time some young person on campus asks me how much he can say and still not be liquidated career wise. Some are actually staying on for an academic career, and they do not look forward to all those years of hypocrisy until they get tenure.

I am not very comforting, nor do I think I am the person who could advise them best:

I went back to grad school briefly in 1992,and from that and other sources I know that the suppression of thought is much greater seen than when I was in academe, and it was rough then.

I am able to say what you want to say because I am safely retired from a workaholic career.

You can probably get away with some version of Mantra as a “special concern,” but you had better be orthodox on all else.

It will be of interest to me if you get away with some version of the Mantra before you get warned.

You can do good field work as you find the answer to your own question. What CAN you say? You will have to find that out in the field rather than from a person who’s a generation out of date.

I think you can get away with some version of the Mantra. But even tenure won’t protect from this kind of heresy,

Like the Soviet samizdat writers, “You will NEVER be FREE.”

So, as always, I want to remind you that YOU have to learn all this in ACTION.

My drilling can be very useful to you, but one reason it is is because I read GCVI carefully, and I read the reports people send to me.

Calling my stuff your drill has some lessons in it. The most obvious thing you find in military history is that professional soldiers fight exactly the same way they lost the last war. The strategy of France against Germany in 19870, 1914, and 1940 was exactly the same, and each time they got stomped on.

This may be part of the explanation why so many pro-white leaders keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. They can’t overcome their DRILLING.

You note I am wrong about a lot of details and even spelling. You will correct me if I go too far over the edge, and the only facts that would make my writings seriously wrong would be if someone actually showed me an Ancient Civilization whose people collapsed PERMANENTLY and who didn’t turn into brown people, or how the world was anxious to get rid of any other race than ours.

I give you pivotal realities, and the details are part of the explanation. But the real test of what I say is when I am out there trying my stuff on real people. My advice to you is tested daily on the battlefront YOU are on.

As we get more participants, we will have some who report their experience among the Thought Police, who make no secret of their existence, on campus.

In the Soviet Union, samizdat writers had no guide but how many of their fellows were arrested for a particular article, to the extent they could find out.

But, as one commenter pointed out, the samizdats did not make real progress until they broke through the Silence, exactly the way BUGS is aimed at doing.

A totalitarian today makes as few open martyrs as he can. Everywhere the modern tyranny ruins or commits people, it doesn’t smash their door down.

The Silence has been imposed steadily on America. Racists used to be interviewed by talk show hosts, under very unfair conditions, but they were interviewed. Then all the hosts decided that anyone who even interviewed one would be committing heresy. They were no longer subjected to ridicule, because Archie Bunker showed a lot of people saw through the game, so they were subjected to the Silence.

Today respectable conservatives are the “other side,” the ONLY “other side.” In their later years, the Communists adopted this strategy.

In East Germany I saw the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party of the DDR, an “opposition” voice supported and chained by the still-Stalinist Communist Party which ruled East Germany. The Russian Orthodox Church was a branch of the State in Soviet Russia, which paid the priests’ salaries.

Those who thought the Church would oppose the regime were sadly disappointed.

Respectable “Christian” conservatives know which side their bread is buttered on.

This is a life-and-death game for young people who expect to depend on academe for their livelihoods. Nor is any other pro-white’s livelihood much safer.

In a case like this, I am not about to play The Wise Old Man at the risk of people’s ruining themselves taking my advice.

If you have some good advice on this and you withhold it from Comments, you are taking the same risk with your comrades’ lives.

The final authority in BUGS is not Bob, it is reality.

  1. #1 by dungeoneer on 03/18/2011 - 9:27 am

    I thank the Lord that my “occupation” of ad-hoc odd-job man is both recession-,and dictatorship-proof.


  2. #2 by Dave on 03/18/2011 - 10:53 am

    The “silence” isn’t really silence. Everybody, except the truly stupid knows how wrongful and defective the bus we are collectively riding in is.

    That is the “latent” part of what is going on.

    This issue never gets resolved. It is the job of any political ideology to ignore reality.

    It is what drives evolution. There is no choice but to change, to change perspective, to change ways of thinking, to change ways of behaving.

    This is what the Mantra attempts to do for Stormfront and all of our activists that are taking ineffective approaches.

    I call the Jews “the lowest rung on the ladder of humanity” for a reason: They are militantly opposed to change. They predicate their entire descent and being as a people on never changing. This is the ultimate in stupidity. In comparison, black Africans are much more evolved. They are amenable to transformation. Not so the Jews, the very model of what not to be.

    We whites have never had this problem. The truly stupid among us have a much harder time holding us back.

    But our political system and our universities are occupied by the truly stupid. Everybody knows it.

    It is going to be a real hootenanny getting this sorted out.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 03/18/2011 - 11:29 am

    My little bit of advice for prof wannabes, if you can pacify the overweight, overwrought, emotionally stressed white women’s tendency to cry then you can make it on campus.

    Whites I think could actually tell the non-whites to go pound sand, they are simply so unattractive in so many respects that doing so should come natural. But the problem is that our “society” hinges upon the well being of the above named white woman.

    This white woman, speaking generically has been convinced that her “special love” can create “unity and harmony”, call this the linch pin of the Clinton coalition. (go to a lefty board this is so obvious, they are dominated in most part by middle aged white women or people who aspire to be middle aged white women)

    The world stops for a blubbering pathetic white woman, doubt me then watch a few episodes of Maury Povitch’s show on who is the father, even the hootin and hollerin blacks sit there in silence when a blubbering pathetic white women sits there in tears.

    So if you are the person who can pacify the teddy bear huggers then you can be a professor, if not find something else to do with your college degree.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 03/18/2011 - 1:52 pm

    I’ll give you folks a stirling example of the power of the whiny white woman.

    A few months after that blow hard Jesse Ventura was elected govenor the state was in the middle of its budget debate. Well the man of the people was walking across the capitol grounds being followed by a TV camera as he strutted like a cock in the hen yard.

    Well lo an behold he was beset by some 30 year old overweight, overwrought white women who basically started crying in his face. He lasted 1 minute, the Ventura phenom ended on the spot, he went on to announce football games, no more of that libertarian hoo haa.

    My respect for the political savy of the Left went up 100%, they could have used harpy black women for their street theatre but they surrounded him with pathetic white women.

    My solution hand out teddy bears.

    Imagine the SPLC sending in some of those to an AmRen conference, it would basically end the whole shebang as half the conference would almost immediately go into “protect the white woman” mode and the debate on Crime and IQ would be shelved.

  5. #5 by phil white on 03/21/2011 - 3:52 pm

    In most situations we should just get aggressive with the charge of white genocide,
    however in a dangerous environment you may use the technique developed against the Stalinist.
    It can be called, “If the shoe fits, wear it” tactic.
    You take the name of the current “public enemy #1″ and write an article about ” him” but using the most despicable character traits of the Glorious Leader.
    Can you imagine if someone wrote a story about “Trotsky” that said he was a paranoiac, guilty of massacring millions, and was rumored to have shot his own wife? What would L. Beria do, run to Stalin and say , “Comrade Stalin, we must arrest this man. Clearly he is not writing about Trotsky, he is writing about you.”

    Instead of Trotsky, I used Red Necks. The blog essay I called “The Parable Of the Red Necks.”

    Some of it that I can remembered from 7 years back is:

    Red Necks are vengeful people. If they ever identify you as their enemy they will hunt you to the ends of the earth, sometimes for decades. Then finally they will catch an old man and hall him into court.
    Another bad thing about Red Necks is they have this desire to take credit for things they actually didn’t do. For instance during the Clinton Administration one old Red Neck wanted to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery so he made up a story that he had served in the merchant marine in WWII
    (he actually was a civilian safe at home for the whole war) and how he had got blown off his ship.
    So he managed to get this story passed and ended up being buried in Arlington along side a lot of real heroes.
    Finally the truth came out and President Clinton had to have his sorry old Red Neck a– dug up and removed from that hallowed ground.
    The Red Neck religion predates the appearance of Christianity in Europe, so instead of having a straight cross on their graves, they use an ancient Celtic cross. The Red Necks had a movie about WWII about 20 years back. In the opening scene you see this old man an his family visiting the military cemetery at Normandy. In the first close shot you can see the old soldier standing with his family among the rows of crosses. Just to his left and rear, you can see one of these old Pagan Red Neck Celtic crosses, to give the impression a significant number of Red Necks gave their lives in WWII.
    But a few moments into the movie, they cut to a wide angle Ariel shot, and it can be clearly seen that amongst the next closest 100 or so crosses to the family, not another one is a Pagan Red Neck Celtic cross.
    This is the subtlety of Red Neck propaganda.
    Gene tells me that during WWII there were so many Red Necks in the Coast Guard ( Red Necks figured a Coast Guard ship wouldn’t be within a 5,000 miles of a Kamikaze) that it became known as “The Red Neck Navy”.
    Some people say that a lot of America’s wars have been fought at the behest of Red Necks. Some people say this is still going on to this day.
    Another thing about Red Necks is they are greedy. You can see this in your grocery.
    I’m sure this all got started innocently at a United Daughters of the Confederacy bake sale. The daughters decided they could sell their baked goods in stores and have the grocery chain pay a fee for the United Daughters of the Confederacy logo, UDC. Over time the C morphed into a circle around the U to symbolize that as long as the Daughters remain united there is no escape from the circle of their power.
    Soon other Red Neck organizations decided they should get in on this lucrative racket.
    For instance some times you will see a product with a K inside a triangle.
    Any Red Neck will realize that a triangle has three sides. It also has three corners. So any Red Neck knows that the K surrounded by a triangle really stands for three K’s, KKK. Get it? This is how the Red Necks communicate to each other in code.
    When Red Necks see the triangle with the K inside it they will buy it instead of boycotting it, or worse yet might write scare stories in the news papers about how your product was contaminated or something.
    Again the Grocer has to pay to have one of these seals of approval on all kinds of goodies and goods.
    Anyway, these Red Necks are really bad people.
    I say we wash all Red Necks mouths out with soap and administer them a good dose of Sunday School.

    After “The Parable Of the Red Necks” went up on one blog a Red Neck professor got in contact with me by email. I guess it thought it was really really important to calm me down.
    Using a different story once I got a web host to take down his entire site within five hours of another such post. Have fun in grad school guys. 🙂

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