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BUGS Strategy is Based on Our Being Right All Along

Posted by Bob on March 17th, 2012 under Coaching Session

I have spent over fifty-five years fighting anti-white traitors and predicting what has happened.

I hate the bastards. When I was in my early teens I used to say “Nothing too bad can happen to an integrationist.”

When White Rabbit got going for a while, he asked me how I had stayed sane after all these years of dealing with the people he had suffered from in a short time.

I have had two nervous breakdowns and two heart attacks. And I have forced myself to do, for over half a century, the greatest feat possible of MORAL COURAGE:

I have CHANNELED my anger. Those five words contain more suffering over half a century than you could get in a torture chamber.

One of the first lessons I brought over from Stormfront was that SF is not a weapon of war, it is a VENTING device. Conventions were also good VENTING places. It was wonderful to hear speeches which told the truth.

I bitch about Stormfront all the time, but Stormfront was a major turning point for BUGS, which was Whitakeronline before it evolved into BUGS. To my mind, BUGS is not a contradiction to Stormfront or the Conventions. Instead BUGS is a the next step.

When younger people — at least younger in the movement, read Stormfront and heard the speeches at Conventions, it was major relief to them to see people telling the truth despite our Thought Police.

I had heard those truths in my youth, when I lived where a solid segregationist viewpoint was regularly aired. But I also came from a fight where they had integrated us and forced us to say we LIKED it.

So where newer people felt that conventions and Stormfront were naturally leading somewhere, I had the advantage — if you call something that horrible an advantage — of seeing that telling the truth is not enough.

But I saw another advantage. We are in a different era from the one in which segregationists were trying to explain what this ruling integrationist mentality would LEAD TO. The disaster and the genocide of our kind that we pointed to then are now not only real, they are established doctrine that we have Thought Police to enforce.

They used to chuckle at us for saying integration was aimed at intermarriage. They chuckled at our statement that a country which has no race soon has no borders.

I faithfully attended the conventions and wrote in Stormfront, but I had been through all this before, and we LOST. Most former segregationists have sold out partly because they have been here before and LOST before.

But I saw the GIANT advantage we now have: Everything we predicted is not happening, it is DOCTRINE. Now what we were trying to say then can be stated in 222 words and no one can deny it.

  1. #1 by Gator61 on 03/17/2012 - 8:03 am

    I’m assuming that 222 is the number of words in the Matra. If so, I think a new number has entered the lexicon of White and Normals along side 14 and 88.

    222 ya’ll.

  2. #2 by Dave on 03/17/2012 - 8:11 am

    Our persecutors wrought double destruction. First, they ceded the world to the dominion and return to slavery. Second, they erected a barrier to perceiving the way the jungle takes the law into its own hands.

    The Mantra knells the mourning for the life of our people that was lost. For we are hand bound and foot bound to the jailer’s lattice, but also to the watchtower and views of the horizon.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 03/17/2012 - 9:10 am

    We are not reactionary in any sense.

  4. #4 by dungeoneer on 03/17/2012 - 11:27 am

    The enemy has feasted well on the blood and suffering of our people,and it is only right and fitting that the indigestable and toxic mantra be forced down his throat for dessert.

  5. #5 by Dick_Whitman on 03/17/2012 - 12:25 pm

    “I have CHANNELED my anger. Those five words contain more suffering over half a century than you could get in a torture chamber.” (Bob)

    And we’re better for it. This is discipline. It shows confidence in yourself as well as in your FOLK. It means you didn’t give up hope. And it is in the darkest of times when we need people with the WILL to carry on in a disciplined way.

    It should be fully recognized that Bob’s work required great patience and discipline. He had to work with dirt-bag politicos and even some “Pink Rabbits,” as told from the tales of the White Rabbit. I’m sure much stress and pressure occurred by just having to be in the same vicinity with certain globalist-anti White-Sociopath-politico beings.

    Moral people, or people with a conscience, or people who can feel empathy for someone beyond themselves, don’t like the “vibrations” of politicos. These people make level headed and moral people nervous because you never know what they’re going to do to screw someone over to attain more power (which is what their egos require). Much of the time these people don’t even consciously know what they’re doing. In fact, as they victimize and traumatize people, they think they’re the victims.

    Bob had to deal with the worst of the worst. This required discipline, patience, and confidence. One day I hope we’ll hear more of Bob’s works, but today is not the time. I like to believe that Bob has some “secret diaries” where his greatest adventures and perspectives and esoteric knowledge is stored?

  6. #6 by BGLass on 03/17/2012 - 12:39 pm

    Wrath is a Deadly sin, as surely as Envy, covetousness, greed that drive the welfare-statist spirit and anti-white genocidal impulses and desires. Buried Wrath is the worst, the wrath that does not even know its real object, it’s own source, but seethes beneath the mask of a smile, unknown even to itself.

    Channeling Wrath isn’t just hard, it’s holy.

  7. #7 by Dick_Whitman on 03/17/2012 - 12:55 pm

    “I bitch about Stormfront all the time, but Stormfront was a major turning point for BUGS, which was Whitakeronline before it evolved into BUGS. To my mind, BUGS is not a contradiction to Stormfront or the Conventions. Instead BUGS is a the next step.” (Bob)

    Bob, Stormfront is a perfect labor pool for the SWARM. There should be a mechanism in place at SF that is fully dedicated to getting people who “want to do something” to join the SWARM. People come to SF and learn the basics of the anti-White systems, BUGS SWARM needs to be the “answer” for when they ask “what do we do about this?”

    These people just need to be taught the basics of SWARMing (just go post the mantra). Later, people will develop their own specialties in SWARMing. Some people will always just post the mantra. You do what you’re good at.

    I should also add that we need more artists (people who create great works of art that inspire Whites). Some of you may have heard of “Johnny White Rabbit?” (1) He writes rock and techno songs with BUGS and FTWR themes. We need more artists creating movies, fiction, music, paintings, cartoons, etc, that pushes our message and frames the world from our perspective. If you’re an artist and need new ideas to inspire you, I highly recommend listing to Follow the White Rabbit. If you still can’t figure out what to paint or what to write your song about, I’ll tell you. So just ask.


    • #8 by Genseric on 03/17/2012 - 3:50 pm

      It’s called Swarmfront BUGS. It is a sub forum at SF. NOW, it is up to us to leverage this field office.

  8. #9 by Genseric on 03/17/2012 - 3:45 pm

    The Mantra: Our Struggle Aticulated – 222 words that WILL save your life.

    “Unser Kampf”

  9. #10 by Genseric on 03/17/2012 - 4:00 pm

    “I have CHANNELED my anger. Those five words contain more suffering over half a century than you could get in a torture chamber.”

    This is precisely where I come up short and BIG TIME. I let my emotions overwhelm me all too often when Tubing. And it-is-DRAINING. That is why I have had to scale back my engagements on the Swarm front. I am sad to say, I am going to be taking a leave of absence for an extended period of time.

    All the best to you boys and girls. I know you will all keep up the great work.

    • #11 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/17/2012 - 7:30 pm

      Genseric, take care of yourself and do what you need to do. I accomplish much less than you do before I’m overwhelmed and have to lay back for awhile.

      One minute this is glorious fun, and the next minute it’s enraging.

      But I’m pretty confident that in time I will find a way to be steady with it.

      Every time I think I’ve about settled in, someone links to a new depth of stupidity, like that college in northern Kentucky where “Mandy” is going to give her wretched little talk on her experiences with “white privilege.” The students who posted there seemed like some of the dumbest human beings I’d ever tried to communicate with.

      Genseric, just as you always are in my mind here ever since I arrived, you will be in my mind until you return. Take care!

      • #12 by Gavin on 03/17/2012 - 8:00 pm

        They think they are being “mature” and “sophisticated” by being race traitors.

        I will admit that at one time in my life I read books with titles like “prejudice” and parroted the standard anti-White dogma of the PC religion…I was 10. I grew out of it by the time I was 12.

  10. #13 by Genseric on 03/17/2012 - 4:10 pm

    For Bob,

    “To my mind, BUGS is not a contradiction to Stormfront or the Conventions. Instead BUGS is a the next step.” – Bob

    “I just came home and listened to the second riding shotgun interview, so now i know it was mentioned

    Yes i would be glad to do translations or give my perspective on it!

    Ok i’ll register at bugs now.” – German BUGSter recruit through Swarmfront

    It’s happening Bob. They ARE taking the next step. Well done. You have proven time again that you are a pioneer among staunch practitioners of non-conformity.


  11. #14 by shari on 03/17/2012 - 4:52 pm

    Can you take a leave of absence for an extended period from a war for survival?

    • #15 by Genseric on 03/18/2012 - 1:46 am


      However, I won’t be swarming for quite a while. I need to recharge my batteries and work out some things for myself. I will contribute in ancillary ways that propagate the message.

      This is a level of honesty you won’t get from other Pro-Whites.

      • #16 by Soldier_Ant on 03/18/2012 - 11:56 am

        Good luck Genseric. Your youtube videos were my wake-up call and introduction to the Mantra and BUGS thinking. I thank you for that. What you are doing is good work and it is spreading the truth. Never forget that.

        Illegitimi non carborundum

      • #17 by dungeoneer on 03/18/2012 - 5:46 pm

        Thanks for everything you`ve done so far,and everything you will do in the future G.

  12. #18 by Gavin on 03/17/2012 - 7:53 pm

    I always understood that I must channel my rage into productive and effective actions. Venting, whining and bitching is sterile. The mantra mentality is virile.

  13. #19 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/17/2012 - 8:29 pm

    I just read this post by Bob a second time, and it’s deepened my understanding. In a way, all we are saying to other Whites is just, “Look! Just open your eyes and Look!”

    Thanks, Bob, for going through the horrors you went through. I feel like I understand you better also after this post, and it’s added to my feeling that I’m doing this for you as well as for myself and the other bugsers and my race.

  14. #21 by AnotherWhiteRabbit88 on 03/17/2012 - 9:11 pm

    Hi guys I’m posting my links to YT videos etc where I have used the Mantra but they are being left on moderation. When will they be posted and how long will I be moderated for?

  15. #22 by Cleric Preston on 03/18/2012 - 4:22 am

    SHARI- Each of us is allowed to take time off when needed.
    I have just restarted after a period of rest.
    One afternnoon,after a full day of posting I checked the ‘where did you post today’ link and thought,I’ll just do one more and then relax.

    The link I clicked happened to be another story of the Boer Genocide and I just started crying….

    Yes,this is a war for survival,and in todays 24 hour 7 day a week battlefield that makes fatigue management crucial to our victory.

    If you need time off,then please,take time off. This is especially important for the top BUGSERS who seem to have an austism like ability to keep on the keyboard for 10 or 12 hours at a time,day after day (when needed) like with the ‘My tram experience’ Swarm a while back.

    Of course that will deplete anyones energy.Take 1 day in 7 break,or whatever,and don’t let it get to the stage I did,where I was out of action for a period of weeks.

  16. #23 by shari on 03/18/2012 - 6:52 am

    Genseric I understand. I saw ”extended period” and felt worried because you do so much.

  17. #24 by shari on 03/18/2012 - 9:26 am

    Thanks Cleric, I know it’s hard to stay positive, and I can’t even do as much as you computer warriors.

  18. #25 by mandela on 03/18/2012 - 5:18 pm

    Come back after you have had a rest Genseric. Last week I have again been reading thru your long list of mini-Mantra on the train ride to work. It inspires me.

  19. #26 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/19/2012 - 4:05 pm

    “I hate the bastards. When I was in my early teens I used to say ‘Nothing too bad can happen to an integrationist.'”

    That stuck in my mind for two days, until this morning I woke up emotionally overcome with the realization of the NASTINESS, the FILTHINESS, the DEFILEMENT that the integrationists have done the White race. What complete disregard for us, and hatred and contempt for us, must have been in many integrationists’ hearts to have inflicted such a disgusting and impossible condition on us.

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