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The Mantra’s Bob Problem

Posted by Bob on March 19th, 2012 under Coaching Session

c-bear writes:

I have a teenage son. He came back from school the other day and recalled a discussion he had with a peer about immigration. The point he brought up was that Irish immigrants actually earned their citizenship, as opposed to the more recent Mexican variety. I explained to him that the main difference between Mexican and Irish immigrants is that the Irish are white. He looked perplexed that I would say something so obvious. I had to explain to him the importance of using the Mantra, that he missed out on the perfect opportunity to go full Mantra. While the kid is racially aware, for which I am grateful, he is still resistant to using the Mantra. This is probably because of pride. The kid is uber intelligent and thinks he should be able to come up with his own talking points. I have explained how practical politics works but once to him. I guess he still needs more work, but he is further ahead on the race issue than I was at his age. He’ll be Swarming soon enough. : )

So the Bear addresses that problem all of us who have used the Mantra out in real battle have: Where does this last-ditch resistance come from?

When Derrick Black called me about the Sevierville convention for me and White Rabbit and Trucker Joe to speak, he told me he had tried every way he could find to find a substitute for the Mantra and for the word “genocide.”

But he did NOT do any explaining as to WHY he had avoided it. We are both professionals, and we both understand this Bob Problem.

One of the basic ways I have exerted power is by avoiding identifying myself with my own ideas. Both Derek and I understand why the identification of the Mantra with me has been a disaster I tried to avoid. I spent a couple of YEARS trying to plant this concept into Stormfront, the way I have planted a hundred others through the years, so it would filter down to a Big Name, or at least a name, that would pick up on it and take it for his own.

I cleared out the friggin‘ Opposing Views, and everybody saw it. They DISCUSSED my beating all the OVs. But nobody wanted to find out HOW I was doing this.

So I had to do what to me was a nightmare: I had to sell the Mantra IN MY OWN NAME.

You would be astonished if you really found out how many things I got through by the opposite means: Developing an idea and then letting it filter in someone else’s name. That’s THEIR incentive.

The effectiveness of my technique is demonstrated by the Bob Problem with the Mantra. I had to become a Coach to push it, and it took YEARS even then. But my usual method is totally destroyed in this case.

Derrick told me how hard he had tried not to use the Mantra, we both understood why so well it didn’t come up. Every professional understands the Mantra’s Bob Problem.

  1. #1 by Dave on 03/19/2012 - 8:18 am

    This is false problem and I am sure of it.

    But the truth in the way enduring ideas spread is solely on their usefulness and the debate and issues surrounding author’s of these ideas becomes an ENTIRELY different subject.

    It is really a bizarre process and also is the self-consciousness of those who know they are using someone else’s ideas bizarre. I see this all the time, someone who is self-conscious using an idea that everybody knows who the author is and they don’t want to be associated with being a blind FOLLOWER.

    To say that it is human nature to steal the ideas of others and make them your own doesn’t really get at the process. And the idea that thieves don’t like to get caught is irrelevant. The whole process is deeper than that and not understood. It is something very passionate and not recognized and unconscious. The names and personalities associated as being the authors of important ideas is a game for intellectuals and it is a game that doesn’t matter. The real game transpires in a way that is largely unconscious and is based solely on the usefulness of the idea and the process takes TIME.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 03/19/2012 - 9:05 am

    Instead of theorizing, just ask them.

    But we white men just love our theorizing, we literally crank out millions of words a day theorizing about every damn thing on Earth, but in many instances it is as simple as just ask them.

    Take the crazy jew talk industry, last I knew there were actual live jews on Earth, just go ask them whatever you are curious about, but let me tell our jewsers that and those jewsers go apeshit.

    Anyway as for Derek Black, someone try some honey, just ask him nicely instead of theorizing about his reasons. If the young man wants to spend his life theorizing News & Jews thats his problem.

  3. #3 by H.Avenger on 03/19/2012 - 10:17 am

    I know as much about Bob’s Mantra problem as anyone. I had to make myself into a White Rabbit just get around this “Bob” issue. Pro White dissidents are even more stubborn than the average White Man or Women. That is why they are dissidents. This makes for an even bigger challenge.

    Pro White Dissidents are continuously trying to write the next book or develop the next method to save our race. I started using the Mantra quite a ways back. I realized that all other efforts in this type of system are a waste of time. You have to have a consistent message written by a professional. And you have to be on it. Everything else I had done up until the Mantra had just been a learning experience in wasting time.

    Most Pro White Dissidents want to become famous for developing something special to help their race. Nothing wrong with that. But you don’t have to redo the wheel to get there. White Rabbit Radio is a good example of using Bob’s goods in a unique way and getting a well trafficked site out of the deal.

    • #4 by Gavin on 03/19/2012 - 1:33 pm

      “Pro White Dissidents are continuously trying to write the next book or develop the next method to save our race.”

      Too many pro-White dissidents think they have to “convince” people. They don’t realize that letting objection and defiance alone is powerful.

  4. #5 by Adit on 03/19/2012 - 12:53 pm

    Do you think a mechanic refuses to use a wrench because he didn’t invent it?

  5. #6 by Gavin on 03/19/2012 - 1:18 pm

    Bob, you present yourself as a peer, not a priest.

    I don’t think very many people know how to deal with that.

  6. #7 by Bob on 03/19/2012 - 3:56 pm

    Simmons, please read the article again re Derek.
    I said we both understood why he tried to vary from the Mantra.

    AS TWO PROFESSIONALS, there was no reason to explain it to me.

    This is not a complaint against Derek. It is, in fact, a compliment.

    • #8 by Simmons on 03/20/2012 - 8:22 am

      Mines not a complaint, I don’t worry about complaints, complaining just puts up walls.

      Questions tear down wall.

  7. #9 by mandela on 03/19/2012 - 4:02 pm

    C-bear, when I was a teen I would have wanted to use my own words too. Now I am older I am deleriously happy that someone has worked it out for me.

  8. #10 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/19/2012 - 4:32 pm

    I’m a man who’s always found it ENJOYABLE to ask directions when traveling, so I don’t get any of this.

    Bob is smarter than I am, he worked for years fashioning messages to win hearts and minds, he developed the Mantra over years and tested it for years….how frigging crazy would I have to be to come along and think I could improve on it????

    Well I’m too fond of Derek Black for my exasperation to carry over to him…I now have one more incentive to be thrifty in hopes of attending the next seminar so hopefully on a leisurely nature walk I can ask Derek about his reaction…I was very surprised to hear of it, and I’m fascinated by the psychology.

    It all seems nuts to me.

    To the extent that it’s a matter of ego, people need to stare into the mirror for a few days until they can see themselves.

  9. #11 by c-bear on 03/19/2012 - 5:02 pm

    Some will use the Mantra, some won’t. As long as they are sticking up for themselves, and not curled up in the fetal position like a neo-con does every time the race issue comes up, it’s OK with me.
    I have gotten into more fights with “White Nationalists” on race than anyone else. Every one of us has their own ideas on race and (this is key:) are passionate enough about this that many will fight for their beliefs at the drop of the hat.
    This in-fighting turns a lot of people off. I think it gets on just about everyone’s nerves who sticks around for any amount of time. That said, I think this is the very nature of the people we are dealing with here. Truthfully, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  10. #12 by Soldier_Ant on 03/19/2012 - 6:10 pm

    “I have gotten into more fights with “White Nationalists” on race than anyone else.”

    Pro-Whites are naturally an independent free thinking lot. They have had to be to survive in the anti-White west. Everybody wants to be a professional. Everybody fancies themselves as a guru on the mountain. Everybody fancies themselves as indispensable. I was this way until I had kids. Now I just want them to have a home when they grow up and have their own kids where they are not a minority. I don’t care how we can secure that for them as long as it works. I can see it working slowly every time the anti-Whites are hit with it. I don’t want to debate anymore, which is why I love the Mantra.

  11. #13 by Epiphany on 03/20/2012 - 3:20 pm

    We really should study India. I do have faith in the Aryan Invasion theory. And Bob, I loved your article on White India. I really do. Thank you very much.
    There should be more archeological digs in Northern India. The White Mummies showing up around the world are really most interesting!

  12. #14 by Jason Here on 03/26/2012 - 3:43 am

    I would be hesitant about encouraging your son to take stands his teachers will hate, if his teachers are vindictive. It’s not worth it. Now, some teachers will allow dissent, but if not, it’s more important for your kid to get through school and go to college than win a debate with some leftist teacher who will never change.

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