Archive for March, 2012

BUGS Strategy is Based on Our Being Right All Along

I have spent over fifty-five years fighting anti-white traitors and predicting what has happened.

I hate the bastards. When I was in my early teens I used to say “Nothing too bad can happen to an integrationist.”

When White Rabbit got going for a while, he asked me how I had stayed sane after all these years of dealing with the people he had suffered from in a short time.

I have had two nervous breakdowns and two heart attacks. And I have forced myself to do, for over half a century, the greatest feat possible of MORAL COURAGE:

I have CHANNELED my anger. Those five words contain more suffering over half a century than you could get in a torture chamber.

One of the first lessons I brought over from Stormfront was that SF is not a weapon of war, it is a VENTING device. Conventions were also good VENTING places. It was wonderful to hear speeches which told the truth.

I bitch about Stormfront all the time, but Stormfront was a major turning point for BUGS, which was Whitakeronline before it evolved into BUGS. To my mind, BUGS is not a contradiction to Stormfront or the Conventions. Instead BUGS is a the next step.

When younger people — at least younger in the movement, read Stormfront and heard the speeches at Conventions, it was major relief to them to see people telling the truth despite our Thought Police.

I had heard those truths in my youth, when I lived where a solid segregationist viewpoint was regularly aired. But I also came from a fight where they had integrated us and forced us to say we LIKED it.

So where newer people felt that conventions and Stormfront were naturally leading somewhere, I had the advantage — if you call something that horrible an advantage — of seeing that telling the truth is not enough.

But I saw another advantage. We are in a different era from the one in which segregationists were trying to explain what this ruling integrationist mentality would LEAD TO. The disaster and the genocide of our kind that we pointed to then are now not only real, they are established doctrine that we have Thought Police to enforce.

They used to chuckle at us for saying integration was aimed at intermarriage. They chuckled at our statement that a country which has no race soon has no borders.

I faithfully attended the conventions and wrote in Stormfront, but I had been through all this before, and we LOST. Most former segregationists have sold out partly because they have been here before and LOST before.

But I saw the GIANT advantage we now have: Everything we predicted is not happening, it is DOCTRINE. Now what we were trying to say then can be stated in 222 words and no one can deny it.




Let me repeat that a major danger to us is being pulled off the subject of Assimilation as integral and essential to white genocide. I always go a little rigid when I see somebody lolling off into a discussion of “culture” or attacking only immigration.

This is the other side’s generations-long campaign to get us to accept intermarriage. When David Duke said he was against whites intermarrying with other races, Hannity said, “You ARE a Nazi!!!”

Opposition to intermarriage is the ultimate sin in the eyes of our enemies. If they can get us to accept it without mentioning it as part of the general program of immigration AND assimilation, white genocide is assured.

It is ALL white countries and ONLY white countries. It is immigration AND assimilation.

Don’t let them get you off the critical points.



No Race, No Genocide

Don’t use a book where a sentence will do.

The name of the Genocide Treaty shows that saying race does not exist is no defense against a charge of genocide.



Our Cause or Your Pride?

In Swarm, someone said that when they threatened eventual punishment for those participating in white genocide, they got banned. But they bragged they keep doing it.

It reminds me of a scene in an old movie when a hypochondriac told a tired doctor that one his symptoms was that “It hurts when I press right here.”

The doctor replied, “Then don’t press there!”

Our aim here is not to “show ‘em” or “scare ‘em.”

Our main discipline here consists of foregoing showing how smart we are or whatever else the tomeists get out of it and sticking to the pila and the sword thrusts.

It is VERY frustrating to me when someone forgets this. If you get banned, STOP DOING IT.

The danger to our message is that you will go dribbling off the point when I am no longer here. I don’t know how many times I have quoted Caesar as saying the Britons could have destroyed his army if they had stuck to small, surprise attacks.

But that was not macho enough. The Britons wanted to go Bravely Into the Field and defeat the Romans in Brave Battle.

I repeat things for a reason. I know how easy it is to show how wonderful and tough and knowledgeable WE are, but our goal is to expose others to the basic reality of white genocide.

Before you pat your back, CHECK YOUR PREMISES.



Respectable Conservatives are Critical to our Rulers as Thought Police Ratifiers

Respectable conservatives serve as ratifiers of Politically Correct Policy. Historically, Mommy Professor announces a national policy. Then conservatives argue against him for a generation. Then, if it is a policy that is key to our established religion, conservatives join in denouncing all questions about it.

Today any discussion of where we predicted with 100% accuracy “civil rights” would get us is forbidden in order to be avoided. So respectable conservatives ratify this prohibition. They help scream down any discussion of this history and thereby buy their “respectable” status which keeps their checks coming in.

Conservatives were America First before World War II, and were called Isolationists. So they lost and we went ahead and destroyed the balance between fascism and communism, taking the Communist side, and thereby delivered a third of the human race to the Communists.

Today it is the respectable conservatives who want America’s armed forces in the middle of every war on earth. They have ratified the idea that Mommy Professor was always right to denounce Isolationism.

So all you have to do to overcome any objection to any war we get in is to scream Isolationist and conservatives will move to suppress anything you say even more loudly than the left does.

The trick is that respectable conservatives make history say that the left was always right.

More important, respectable conservatives close the canon for our established religion.

In our national religion a policy is not part of the Established Faith, until the time comes when respectable conservatives agree to declare it Official Heresy.

Historically every prediction made by those who opposed American entry into World War II and those who opposed “civil rights” has turned out to be historically, absolutely, perfectly accurate. The only way to handle it is to denounce anyone who mentions this historical reality.

To ban such discussions requires not only Mommy Professor to be outraged at such discussion, it also MUST HAVE the ban agreed to by what is called “the other side.”

The “other side,” respectable conservatives, is absolutely essential to imposing Thought Police policy.

When “both sides” agree, the Thought Police have a license to kill.

In cases like Isolationism and Civil Rights, respectable conservatives are subtly informed, by a process I have described repeatedly, that a whole area of discussion is simply closed . So today Ron Paul’s discussion of a country in a debt crisis spending trillions on soldiers for anybody in the world is no longer subject to debate.

Respectable conservatives EARN their tithe of the money that is paid to our national Politically Correct priesthood by joining liberals in absolutely closing any area to debate which Mommy Professor can’t handle.
