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If You Don’t Trivialize Marriage, You’re a Racist

Posted by Bob on September 8th, 2010 under Coaching Session

“YOU marry who YOU are in love with. Nothing else matters.”

I hear PREACHERS saying this, I hear priests saying this.

Tiger Woods would never marry a girl who looked the way his mixed-blood children would look. That is why it comes so often from the pulpit. It is today’s church morality.

They are actually saying that the only thing that counts in marrying is whether or not “Tammy’s in Love.” But nobody seems to notice how ludicrous this bald statement is.

I was picking up my wife at a beauty shop and a woman said, about miscegenation, “Looks don’t matter.” She was in the process of having a beauty treatment my wife couldn’t afford.

I said something like “So what are you doing HERE?” and she never spoke to my wife again.

The Wedding at Cana would not have been blessed by Jesus if the couple had not both been Jews. I have been to interfaith marriages, and the rabbi met the couple in the reception room. I knew a couple that looked long and hard and unsuccessfully for a rabbi in the whole Metropolitan Washington area to marry them.

If a woman marries a man who cannot take care of their children, the “I was in love” excuse is IMMORAL.

People are always puzzling over the collapse of the institution of marriage. But they never think about the hunger for miscegenation has trivialized it.

“You marry who YOU are in love with, Nothing else matters.” The children do not matter. In polls women always say they want good-looking children, but they also say it doesn’t matter what he LOOKS like.

The last time some wisdom was spoken on this subject was by Marilyn Monroe in Gentleman Prefer Blondes. She told the rich father, “No, a girl shouldn’t marry a man just because he is rich.”

“And a man shouldn’t marry a woman just because she’s pretty.”

“But my goodness, it HELPS.”

The song said, “Your Daddy is rich and your mama’s good-lookin’, so hush little baby, don’t you cry.” But the illiterate Mammy would have been to wise to say that all that matters is those two things.

If this requires explanation, I won’t be able to give it to you. To say that a union that bears children should depend entirely on how a man and woman FEEL about each other at the moment is insane.

And if you don’t say it, you’re a racist.

  1. #1 by Dave on 09/08/2010 - 10:12 am

    Generally speaking, the greatest evils in life are hardly ever against the law.

    It is no different than what Robert Whitaker was referring to in his “We Are Repeating OLD Errors” post, if people comprehended simple truths like these the world would be a very different place.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 09/08/2010 - 10:29 am

    Telling girls to marry for love makes them feel abandoned b/c that’s no real advice at all, obviously, and it’s why so many girls hate their parents (for this sick abandonment and abnegation of the parental responsibility to teach anything even vaguely useful.)

    Money is as bad. Even Yankees say Northeasterners “only care about money.” But it’s more than that. They ORGANIZE THEIR EXPERIENCE around money. It’s how they perceive and judge things, it determines where they move, who their friends are, what jobs they do, the circles they want to join, what clubs, what they attend to when others are talking, etc. If one listens, it’s very obvious.

    Their churches always offer the “needy” MONEY. They never save their SOULS for some new version of Jesus, or an old version of Jesus, even, but only give them money, or programs or free houses— or something MATERIAL.

    Anyone who doesn’t organize their life around money is a “bigot,” and those who organize around money never understand that the Incest jokes about the South and Appalachia, which they parrot, (in person or in their movies s/a Deliverance) ARE really ABOUT breaking up KINSHIP GROUPS, and extended family as A WAY OF PERCEIVING and organizing one’s life experiences. South/Appalachia = incest.

    When other groups have obvious extended kinship this is never ever seen as the result of Incest and domestic ABUSE and marrying way too close, nepotism, etc.

    African-descent people with multiple overlapping relationships are not seen as Incestuous, or “Triangulating,” or part of generational inbreeding, no more than Jews or Mexicans, etc.

    Southerners and Appalachians are older in the country, too, somore likely TO ACTUALLY PERCEIVE in terms of kinship groups, (b/c they experienced that version of America, historically, in an experiential way— and this is a way unknown to those in many Northern metro areas (Eg: NY 45% are foreign born, more first generation, and so they have no reference experientially to the kinship-based country, only the propositional version, where it’s equal opportunity, meaning everybody can make the money. And if you can’t, you get a “leg up” to “level the playing field,” so you can get MONEY.

    So: Southerners seem more likely to move to be with extended family, for instance, (or people who look like them); in other words, to wish to be with “their people.”

    Northeasterners, move for jobs. Or to escape the violence their own politics created in a “geographical cure,” only to reproduce what they fled in the very next place they go.

    Those who organize their mentality around money can never be “bigots” b/c they will marry anyone who has the money they want. They are for equal-opportunity nuptials based in whoever can pay for their daughters— Just like in Africa, it’s whoever can offer the most cows to pay for the girl. But even African villagers seem more apt to draw the line SOMEWHERE.

    Some people who say they marry for love, if one listens, really mean the love of their race or kind. But when they say they marry for money, they usually really mean it.

    Of course, anyone who marries for fleeting stupid emotions is probably doomed.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 09/08/2010 - 12:09 pm

    1965 Immigration Act is trivialized I respond, guess which one.

  4. #4 by shari on 09/08/2010 - 12:13 pm

    There is NO racism,other than anti-white racism. That’s it. All other racial conflicts are intraracial. Nothing will stop us when our sense of kinship is extended, to include all white rabbits. Marriage will again be joyful and promising.

  5. #5 by Dick_Whitman on 09/10/2010 - 1:21 am


    you make some good points about Southern Whites being an extended kinship group. As a Northerner, I tend to see Southern Whites as their own nation. The North doesn’t have this feel as a whole.

    With that said, I don’t think I accept your blanket assertion that Northerners only live for money. I live in a post-industrial city which many people remain in despite its poor economy because they want to be near family. In fact, many people leave this area to gain work experience and look forward to moving back.

    Of course, I understand your animosity towards the North. Many Northerners feel superior to Southerners in a way that the anti-Whites accuse us of feeling towards non-whites.

    Sometimes someone will say something about how “racist” Southerners are, and I will explain to them that Southerners actually have to live near blacks and Mexicans. The person will then look at me funny and tell me that “we never had segregation.” I again explain to them that we never had diversity. I go on to explain that in the North blacks and Mexicans live in the inner city, while in the South blacks and Mexicans live EVERYWHERE. This conversation usually ends with the person in question saying “race doesn’t matter.” 🙂

    Until I lived in the South (and met Southern people) I was quite the same way. This is real bigotry, as many Northerners truly feel that they are smarter, more sophisticated, and higher morally compared to Southerners.

    Oddly enough I also met White Southern people who felt they had to prove to me that they weren’t “racist.” When I was still a Christian, I found a church in the South that I attended and remember having a conversation with an 70 year old man who wouldn’t stop telling me how smart Condoleezza Rice was. As Bob would say “it was creepy.” This 70 year old WWII vet felt he had to prove to me (a 25 year old Northerner) that he wasn’t a bad old Southerner. I distinctly remember him telling me that Rice could speak “5 dialects of Russian.” I later found out that while in Russia, Rice couldn’t answer some simple questions posed to her by some Russian journalists.

    Without trying to sound like I’m preaching, I would encourage you to stop fighting the ghosts of the past. There’s no time for Russians to hate Germans, or for Germans to hate the British, or for Southerners to hate the Northerners. We’re all being genocided for being White, and these ghosts of the past don’t matter anymore.

    More and more I see people waking up in the North and I strongly feel that it won’t be long until someone declares that “we’re all Southerners now.”

    Take care Southern Bell,


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