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Partial Takeover of Swarm and A3P Mantra Ad

Posted by Bob on March 5th, 2012 under Coaching Session

Three months and still counting.

Some people have complained about the takeover of a major part of Swarm by anti-whites.

I told BoardAd about it.

I asked WR about how we might get his kind of ready help and advice from more of our people. I named a name or two and got a predictable answer: “Well, he’s good guy but sometimes he delivers and sometimes he doesn’t.”

We are getting more and more attacks daily. It will get worse.

You see, gang this is a real war.

THEY have unlimited resources, and THEY don’t promise and then disappear and whine. Even Kelso seems to have disappeared from the radar on the Mantra stuff.

  1. #1 by H.Avenger on 03/05/2012 - 9:50 am

    Antiwhites getting around some moderation glitch and being able to post IS NOT the same as taking over the swarm…lol. This was fixed. By the nature of technology, we find out about glitches when something goes wrong. For the board, Bob does not understand anything about the website ….so when any little thing happens ….he thinks it is a disaster. Our team always gets things fixed. Usually very quickly..and this is exceptional…since none of them ever get paid.

    I just recently asked about the Mantra ads and below is the response. Bob, I left Jamies phone number on your Skype. I deleted it below. He cannot get a hold of you. Call him.

    “Merlin Miller will be doing ads. There’s no question about it.

    You can call Jamie at ####### if you’d like… anytime. I think it would be better if you phoned him yourself (or Bob) as it can be difficult to reach Bob via the phone (and Jamie’s a phone guy more than an internet guy ). The money has not yet been spent on ads.

    Anyway, he can explain things better than I can, Horus.”

    “I asked WR about how we might get his kind of ready help and advice from more of our people.”

    This is a Bob classic. He wants another White Rabbit Radio startup or something similar. He wants it NOW. This is “Classic Bob” in a political fight. Don’t expect this to change. Typical of a winning coach. He’s Bobby Knight…throwing paragraphs instead of chairs.

    • #2 by OldBlighty on 03/05/2012 - 8:08 pm

      What would be great if someone in authority would tell us, they know an anti-White is in the Swarm and steps are being taken to boot them out.

      Confusion arises, if we don’t know if Bob knows about the anti-White, or if Bob wants the anti-White there as practice for the new BUGSers.

      No information is bad.

    • #3 by H.Avenger on 03/06/2012 - 9:59 am

      On 3/01/2012 I was sent back the above email (refer my post above). On 3/03/2012 Bob attended one of Jamie Kelso’s board meetings and was told No….they would not be running the ads.
      I don’t know if there was some miscommunication or a change of minds. But I assume if Jamie Kelso is not going to run the ads. They will send back the money to the parties that sent in money for them to do so.

      • #4 by H.Avenger on 03/06/2012 - 10:48 am

        *********2nd Correction*********************
        Bob just called Jamie and he stated that THEY are going to be running the ads.
        Also, Jamie wants his number publicized.
        You can call Jamie at 561/351-4424 if you’d like… anytime.

        • #5 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/06/2012 - 11:33 am

          A3P, you have a choice. You can go whole hog and become The Party that Opposes White Genocide, and be pilloried for it if you are mentioned at all, or you can adjust your message to the state of mass white consciousness at the present moment and become just another ethnic advocacy group and be pilloried for it if you are mentioned at all.

          Don’t do the latter and just end up having to defend yourselves eternally against the same old charges that pro-Whites have been defending themselves against forever!!

          Do the former, so you can ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK, making the anti-Whites defend THEMSELVES by exposing THEIR program of White Genocide and charging THEM with THEIR crime! Put the onus on THEM!

          • #6 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/06/2012 - 11:42 am

            A3P, you began your life by choosing the second, weaker alternative. Your bland name, “American Third Position,” whispers, “Don’t be alarmed, there’s nothing really extraordinary going on here, just an alternative way of looking at things.”

            To the devil with that! Get a new name and characterize yourself as “The Party that Opposes White Genocide”!

            • #7 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/06/2012 - 11:52 am

              “American Third Position” is an apologetic, “sneaky” name. To fully understand this, you have to imagine yourself as a typical White person hearing about the party for the first time.

              • #8 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/06/2012 - 12:20 pm

                One more comment. I just went to the A3P site and read the party’s Mission Statement, which is incredibly tepid!

                A3P’s approach and the BUGS approach share the feature of not attacking directly the “strongly fortified positions” from which anti-Whites have carried out their program of White Genocide.

                But beyond that, the two groups diverge drastically! We attack the anti-Whites for their core crime of White Genocide, while A3P states defensively,

                “Without constructive political action, within a few decades we will become a minority across the entire country. Enough is enough!”

                We at BUGS agree. Enough is enough! Let’s be done with that kind of language, twisting ourselves into the terminology of the Anti-Whites and referring to ourselves as a “minority.” When I was a young man, the word “minority” was not a part of the general lexicon! Its introduction into common language has served the purpose of the anti-Whites in the same way as other anti-White terms we’ve discussed here have, namely, it normalizes the introduction into White countries of millions of non-Whites with whom Whites are legally forced to assimilate and be blended out of existence!

                • #9 by Coniglio Bianco on 03/06/2012 - 1:29 pm

                  As if a ‘third position’ is going to succeed where the first two haven’t. I don’t get people who think that anything is ever going to be solved by voting.

                  • #10 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/06/2012 - 2:36 pm

                    I’m all in favor of having a political party. I’m all in favor of fighting on as many fronts as possible and in as many ways as seem helpful. But in contexts where our way seems the best to me, I’ll push for it being used. So far I haven’t seen any contexts that seem ill-suited for our approach.

                • #11 by Genseric on 03/06/2012 - 1:43 pm

                  Before we lambaste them too badly, let’s not forget that Bob is a part of A3P, as are many notable and not necessarily anti-Mantra pro-whites.

                  There is still a distinct possibility that A3P and BUGS will be working together. To my knowledge, they haven’t BANNED the Mantra or Mantra thinkers yet.

                  Think: BIGGER picture.

                • #12 by Simmons on 03/06/2012 - 1:49 pm

                  Perhaps in a calmer day someone can ask AP3 in a very polite way why they did not run those ads. And then in true marketing fashion let them explain why they find fault with the Mantra.

                  Now my guess it is basically ego, and I don’t care since all leaders seem to be for the most part are people who see a parade and jump out front, they can have all the ego they want.

                  Shrieking at Kelso will have no real benefits to us so if anyone here posts over there only do so when you are calm.

                  Somehow the N&J are under the brainy idea that they can coopt conservatism and the GOP, but they don’t realize is that since when Bob fed his pet Tyranosaurus the GOP has been coopting our little movements and then discarding them.

                  • #13 by Genseric on 03/07/2012 - 12:11 am

                    You forgot to capitalize “brainy.”

                    “…the GOP has been coopting our little movements and then discarding them.” – Simmons

                    And now we are forced to reconsider certain factions WITHIN White Nationalism; co-opting us and doing the very same. Stay on your toes everybody.

                • #14 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/06/2012 - 2:27 pm

                  @ Genseric and Simmons: I have an honestly huge admiration for Jamie Kelso and for the others on the board of A3P whom I have some knowledge of. But in case any of them read our comments here I felt the point needed to be made strongly enough to be clear.

                  I think they just haven’t “gotten” the bugs approach yet. Like so many others, they think the BUGS approach is just a slightly different way of expressing content that they already understand. They don’t understand that the BUGS approach is a game changer.

  2. #15 by Coniglio Bianco on 03/05/2012 - 11:38 am

    There are still a few technical glitches on the site. They don’t seem to be getting fixed though. On some threads in the SWARM there’s a problem with the style sheets which makes the box you type in too big and then it covers the submit button so you can’t publish your post. I figured out you can work around it by turning off page styles in your browser. Is anyone else having this problem?

    Another thing is the redirect page after login should be set properly so people get directed to either the main article for the day or to the main SWARM page. Right now it’s redirecting to a page called ********Blog Book which is from 2005.

  3. #16 by Gar5 on 03/05/2012 - 12:07 pm

    Coniglio & Swarm, the best thing to do in that problem is click on the message box and press tab until the submit button is selected and then press enter.

  4. #17 by Gavin on 03/05/2012 - 12:38 pm

    I just cannot understand the anti-White mindset. I know it’s a real war but I have no idea WHY they are fighting and WHY they want our genocide so badly.

    They get FURIOUS at any White man or woman who objects to our own genocide.

    I was talking to one a few days ago and this is what I gleaned:

    – All power that Whites have in formerly White societies is bad. All power that Whites have in non-White societies is bad. White should have no power anywhere on Earth.

    – Anti-Whites “do not see race.” Except when it comes to time to blame our race for everything bad in the world.

    – Whites are not entitled to the fruits of our people’s labour. This is “privilege” and must be atoned for by giving everything we have built over to non-Whites. However, non-Whites are entitled to the fruits of their people’s labour and any attempt to take that from them is evil.

    – White people as individuals and societies can never succeed through hard work and ingenuity. Any success that a White person or society has is bad and an unearned “privilege.” Any success that non-Whites have is due to their own virtues.

    – By spending countless time, resources and manpower developing agriculture, medicine, electricity etc… and then sharing what we developed with other races, greating improving their standard of living; our race has somehow “ruined the world” and we must atone for this great sin by giving even more away to non-Whites.

    – Less White people in any given country or town is a great thing and is cause for celebration. However only an evil monster would celebrate less non-White people in a country or town.

    – If you are White then you are a bad person who deserves to be disadvantaged, but at the same time you are very powerful and therefore have no right to complain about being racially attacked.

    – White children are responsible for bad things that other White people hundreds of years ago and thousands of miles away have done. However, non-Whites are not even responsible for the bad things they do today. The bad things that non-Whites do are really the fault of Whites.

    – Even though the mere insinuation that a White man or woman cares about their own race is enough to get them fired from their job, thrown in prison, attacked and insulted, we somehow live in a ” racist White supremacist” society.

    – Racial hatred is evil, no one should be attacked or mistreated on the basis of their race. However, Whites are evil and must be punished

    This girl I was talking to just was the typical anti-White zombie, saying all the standard anti-White stuff. When I pointed out what she was saying and the implications she would just tell me to “acknowledge my privilege.” It was like she didn’t even hear me. Who are these people and why do they hate us so much?

    • #18 by OldBlighty on 03/05/2012 - 3:27 pm

      “Who are these people and why do they hate us so much?”

      Why are you trying to understand someone who is silly?

      “acknowledge my privilege.”

      Why do they only combat this kind of privilege in White countries?

      • #19 by Gavin on 03/05/2012 - 3:37 pm

        I know all about anti-Whites, I just really have a hard time understanding how these sick freaks can stand there and insult my race right to my face. Why?!?!? What the hell do they get out of it?

        The White anti-White I was talking to felt perfectly comfortable racially attacking me when she would never in a million years utter a peep of criticism of any other race.

        What makes them so downright evil?

        • #20 by OldBlighty on 03/05/2012 - 4:08 pm

          “What makes them so downright evil?”

          Stupid is as stupid does.

    • #21 by timeforfreedom on 03/05/2012 - 3:40 pm

      Who are these people and why do they hate us soooo much you ask???? Those are easy to answer if you have listened to Horus the Avenger’s Follow the White Rabbit podcasts. They are by and large WHITE people who have had their minds intentionally alter from birth by the biggest system of psychosocial engineering the world has ever seen. Her intense and unexamined anti-Whitism is thoroughly engrained in her very being and it is highly doubtful that she will ever be able to be saved. The only thing perhaps that might help her alter her mindset is the total and violent collapse of this whole system of White Genocide that has been erected since WW2.
      She is however, still very useful to us as a prop if you will. All you have to do is to keep making Mantra points to her anti-Whitism so that the other healthy and normal White people observing the ‘debate’ between the both of you can then plainly see how horribly anti-White and psychologically maladjusted is the typical doctrinaire ant-racist(read anti-White) That is the only function of talking with these horribly sick people. The reason that you are discussing anything with these people is to demonstrate to everyone watching/listening how anti-White, genocidal, and unfair is the whole anti-racist agenda; You are NOT trying to change the thinking of the anti-racist(read anti-White).
      Quite simply, they hate us because they have been indoctrinated to hate White people and our children.
      I hope this helps

      • #22 by Gavin on 03/05/2012 - 3:59 pm

        I’ve been subject to the anti-White indoctrination too, but I could at see that there was something wrong and think things through. These people are like zombies who just groan “rayyycisssss, rayyyycissss” at everything.

        That’s why I call them militant idiots. They are mindless zombies who have total conviction but can’t evaluate and examine their own attitudes and opinions. How can a person act like this?

    • #23 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/06/2012 - 1:46 am

      This is a wonderful list.

  5. #24 by Cleric Preston on 03/05/2012 - 3:30 pm

    GAVIN, It doesn’t matter if you ‘win’ or ‘lose’ the interaction with an Anti-White,the important thing is that you where able to expose onlookers to our terminology.
    As long as you used ‘GENOCIDE’ and ‘Anti-racism’ is a codeword for Anti-White,and this was heard by onlookers you’ve done great.
    Don’t worry to much what Anti-Whites say,take a leaf out of the Anti-Whites book and keep acusing them of GENOCIDE and of being Anti-White for as long and loud as you can.

    If you really want to know ‘why’ they are Anti-White watch the Yuri Bezmenov KGB agent interviews on youtube.

  6. #25 by Genseric on 03/05/2012 - 3:39 pm

    “..and this is exceptional…since none of them ever get paid.” – H

    HAHA! This is very true.

    This just happened last night. So, the timing is great: I had a person who saw one of my two dozen or so Mantra-laced videos on YouTube offer to paypal me some Patriot Dollars because he likes one of my videos “so much.” Naturally, after more than 50,000 views channel-wide, I was suspicious. This is the ONE offer to become professional I have received, EVER. ha -G

    “This is a Bob classic. He wants another White Rabbit Radio startup or something similar. He wants it NOW. This is “Classic Bob” in a political fight. Don’t expect this to change. Typical of a winning coach. He’s Bobby Knight…throwing paragraphs instead of chairs.” -H

    Something tells me that I wouldn’t want to turn my back on Ole “Bobby Whit” in a gymnasium full of folding chairs! I can envisage Bob picking a row after a “Replacement” moment on stage and alleviating it of ALL its chairs by chucking them to the other side of the room. One – by – one. Then, he singles out the band as they made the grave mistake of NOT knowing “I wish I was in Dixie.” AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Seriously though. Did Bob see this yet? – G

    “I just cannot understand the anti-White mindset. I know it’s a real war but I have no idea WHY they are fighting and WHY they want our genocide so badly.” – Gavin

    The white anti-whites? Well, you have figured that part out yourself. It’s just as – I believe it was – Dave wrote. The non-white anti-whites want that which they cannot have. They want to BE us. Cerebral, moral, innovative and industrious. And most importantly they want to be successful. They can’t be us. So, they do the next best thing. They attempt to destroy that which escapes them; that which they LOVE and covet.


  7. #26 by Coniglio Bianco on 03/05/2012 - 5:35 pm


    Our enemies hate us because they envy us and they attack our people out of spite. They cannot stand to even look at us without being made to feel the inferior beings that they are.

    Whites who otherwise have no reason to hate themselves have been subverted by the poisonous venom of the anti-White zionist machine. Some of them can be saved but many others will perish.

    The Roman emperor Caligula once said, ‘let them hate us so long as they fear us’. I say that it’s time we taught our enemies to fear us once again.

  8. #27 by herrMajor on 03/05/2012 - 7:06 pm


    You guys questioning where the Anti-Whites got their message may want to read Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his “200 years living together” and “The Gulag Archipelago”.

    @Bob and Horus,

    In a war there are deserters, defectors (traitors) and of course boys who are too young for combat.

    In 1940, F.D.R. sent Blue eyed Blonde Germanic Americans to fight the Japanese as their professional soldiers. In the western front, we sent boys as young as 14 in some cases to die against the superior German army who didn’t want to kill their kinsmen. Most of the Germanic Americans like my Grandpa, didn’t even fire on the Germans most of the time, as they mostly didn’t fire back.

    Men fight a war against their racial and tribal enemies, when you fight an ideological war, as Lincoln demonstrated, you need to bring in a racial element in order to prevent defectors to the South because the southerners are their kinsmen. Propaganda is a very effective way of tearing kin out of the equation, hence the “All southerners are evil racist rednecks”

    George S. Patton Jr. Our Good ol’ general on the allies, commented that the Jews weren’t worth saving, and the end result of the war was the destruction of the German race in whole. He also demanded the authority to march on Moscow, and was denied for reasons he didn’t understand. Yet Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and many other KNOWN COMMUNISTS were acting in our war, and foreign policy.

    The wars weren’t about how Nazis are evil, or commies are evil, or the south is evil.

    It’s about the destruction of a race, our race.

    What you guys don’t understand is, not everyone sees the loyalty based on race as a virtue, the vast majority of our enemies base their loyalty to THEIR OWN GROUPS and NOT OUR RACE.

    “My true enemy, is someone who looks like me and has no loyalty to me” but let me continue that. “And want’s me to fight my own people, for their gain”.

    • #28 by Gavin on 03/05/2012 - 7:44 pm

      What kind of a fool would fight an ideological war? A war for words?

      I have come to think of wordism as a spell. A wordist wizard casts a wordist spell and all those under the spell become the wizards pawns.

  9. #29 by Harumphty Dumpty on 03/06/2012 - 1:03 am

    People’s views, however acquired, are part of their sense of identity, their sense of who they are. We attack their views, we’re attacking their sense of who they are.

    We’re also challenging them to risk their friendships, relationships, and possibly the whole life they’ve constructed on their present views…we’re asking them to step into a mess of trouble!

    That’ll be 2 cents, please.

  10. #30 by mandela on 03/06/2012 - 4:13 pm

    GAVIN – I know what you mean. It is as if people have been hypnotised to be anti-White, it puzzles me why their minds work as badly as they do.

    • #31 by Gavin on 03/06/2012 - 6:18 pm

      The weirdest thing is when they use these wacky perjorative words as if they are legitimate communication.

      They use their latest “ist” or “phobe” to signify that Mommy Prof has declared another opinion taboo and off limits to all of her flock. Then these “open minded” and “tolerant” anti-Whites expect ME to submit to their religious taboos as well!

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