Many times I have seen an adult writer say “a pronounced accent.”
How the hell can you have an accent that is NOT pronounced?
It is pretty common for people who are trying to sound sophisticated to trip over their own words this way.
People say, “Think of the sound of one hand clapping.”
My reply is “One hand doesn’t clap.”
They then give a sophisticated sigh, and tell me that is an Unanswerable Question from Eastern Culture.
I reply that I, too, have a culture, and my culture has an answer. In fact, mine is the first culture to stop worshiping guys sitting around and contemplating their navels while children die of starvation around them.
One hand does not clap.
Now, do you have anything worth while to talk about?

#1 by Dave on 01/22/2013 - 10:40 am
To steal is the most natural thing in human life.
The very process of generational descent is a form of theft. The product and efforts and genius of the generations that have passed are acquired for free.
So it was perfectly natural for nonwhites to reject their own inferior inheritance for the superior inheritance of the white race. In this competitive world of ours, it was perfectly natural for this to happen.
Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge inheritance. Attribution is important. A true creator knows full well how and to whom they are indebted.
When this is ignored, it is a form of conceit. And when conceit is veiled with righteousness, ideology bleeds into religion. Thereafter, the converted, with their unearned righteousness, become divorced from reality. These are the nonwhite intellectuals of America. They are a sad lot. And they are so STUPID they don’t know they are selling out the dignity of their own nonwhite people with their bullshit about white inheritance and what it means.
Barack Obama smart? Give me a break! He is as dumb as a 1960s Black Panther emulating a Maoist! Like all American nonwhite intellectuals, he is an assailant against the dignity of nonwhite people. That’s because in the real world groveling about “equality” simply means a fig leaf to cover humiliation.
Nonwhite groveling before whites is getting so bad in America I can’t go out without puking. I can’t find a nonwhite anywhere who has the slightest pride in their own inheritance. We whites are being killed with love and adulation from nonwhites everywhere. They crawl before us and have no dignity. To make matters worse, the Hannity’s and “Respectables” of the Republican Party are clueless about this problem. They are such cowards they can’t understand that the nonwhites they see as so hugely threatening are merely lost puppies begging for affection. It is nonwhite love for us that is the threat! Not their hartred of us, which doesn’t exist except in minds of academics and Hollywood!
Hatred of white people is a conceit of nonwhite intellectuals. The purpose of this conceit is to cover the humilation of the inferiority of nonwhite cultures. It is THAT simple. Never forget, beyond the confines of nonwhite intellectuals, who are being paid by white people to pretend they are personally important, hatred of white people by nonwhites DOES NOT exist. The opposite is true and that is the threat.
All nonwhites nowadays can think of is to paint themselves white without delay and claim white inheritance as their own with barely a fig leaf to cover their own humiliation. To make it even worse, they have been taught that shouting “racist!” somehow makes it all go away.
Sell out your own racial dignity and label it moral righteousness? Sell out your own racial dignity and call it equality? It is so absurd, I can hardly believe it. But it is real, nonetheless. That is how ruthless the competitive imperative is in life. The competitive imperative is brutal. It really is.
The religion of Political Correctness doesn’t have chance! Not a chance in hell!
#2 by Daniel Genseric on 01/22/2013 - 3:31 pm
It never had a chance in hell. The tipping point has arrived, hell maybe we’ve tipped the scale in our favor already.
What would be great is if you had a shortcut, as bob likes to use, to GET to “Hatred of white people is a conceit of nonwhite intellectuals”, you’d really be onto something.
Then maybe next time we can go further around the curve, beyond the cave. Great work, Dave.
We aren’t the White Supremacists. THEY are.
#3 by Jason on 01/24/2013 - 6:16 pm
Dave, thought provoking piece. It is true that non-Whites want what Whites have. But do they really LIKE Whites or just what we have?
I have been around non-Whites that I felt had animosity toward me BECAUSE I was White. It was a street situation and I was lucky to get away quickly. And we have all the videos of black youths attacking Whites, and calling them names because they are White.
So, it seems to me that they LOVE what we create and produce, but they don’t necessarily like us. Derbyshire has said that is is obvious to foreigners coming to the US that Blacks hate Whites.
#4 by Jmcaul on 01/22/2013 - 10:58 am
Yesterday as much as I tried to avoid having to see the disgusting spectacles on tv, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the ‘First Family’ walking out of the steps of one of those grand marble structures that Washington DC is famous for as if they owned it. They waved to the browned out crowds who all were waving and cheering loudly as though they’d won the lotto. The only thing that popped into my mind was ‘you didn’t build that.’
We Whites design, build and carefully maintain marvels of engineering, architecture, art and technology. When the grasping non-Whites demand and over-run them, they are slated for destruction.
#5 by minervia on 01/22/2013 - 1:06 pm
Equality is another code word. Biologically, innately, naturally, the thought process of the non white is NOT like that of Whites.
The aboriginals in Australia have never learned to cultivate. But they tell us we are all equal.
Equality, affirmative action, are just code words of Political Correctness.
#6 by Simmons on 01/22/2013 - 2:01 pm
A slight deviation from Dave’s thoughts. On the anti-white fringe they preach white inferiority. I say thank god for that, equality sucks.
I’m going to start thanking the anti-whites for this, maybe this will kill off the influence of the Becks and Hannitys and all the rest of the respecticon dimwits. Anyway its kind of cute when BoogaBooga says, “me build that, me smart.”
#7 by Jmcaul on 01/23/2013 - 7:15 pm
Speaking of ‘respectable conservatives,’ would it be accurate to say they are the political equivalent of the woman whom the homosexual marries in order that she can be his ‘beard,’ thus providing the illusion of him being straight in order to accrue acceptance?
In the case of politics, the respecticon ‘beards’ provide the illusion of a system that is ‘fair and balanced.’ Yes, I realize this is Bob’s concept. I am just attempting to build on his work and further develop useful metaphors for us to use.
#8 by dungeoneer on 01/22/2013 - 3:14 pm
Quote: “Philosophers also point out that the exact meaning of simplest may be nuanced.”
A BUGSer using the mantra to gut the anti-whites takes that claim with a cargo container worth of salt.
#9 by Dick_Whitman on 01/22/2013 - 6:04 pm
It’s going to be funny watching people change their tune once the anti-White Order crumbles. People who were once hardcore liberals and respecticons are going to say things to try to impress us but end up sounding really stupid. Today’s liberal “hipsters” are tomorrow’s Neo fascists. Most people are followers who just want to be “in.”
People don’t realize how stupid they sound. I know some Patriotard types who tell me that we should “nuke the Middle East into a glass parking lot.” I then ask them if they would be for Whites having their own countries, communities, and institutions and they look at me like I’m a crazy person.
People don’t realize how stupid they sound.
#10 by cecilhenry on 01/22/2013 - 6:27 pm
The quest for ‘Equality’ is usually a mask for ENVY.
And recognizing that fact, it should be pointed out and used against anti-white and levelers everywhere.
#11 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/22/2013 - 7:53 pm
Thanks, Bob. “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” is real popular here in Berkeley. I’ve always thought it was foolish nonsense, but I hadn’t realized until your blog…and I burst out laughing at your answer to the “question”…that I also feared that maybe I was too stupid in some very important way to understand the “question.”
Which I suppose is the question’s intention.
Embarrassing to admit. I feel like I’m in a 12-step program for F**king Idiots, and I’ve just stood up and said, “My name is Harumphty, and I’m a F**king Idiot”!
#12 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/22/2013 - 9:40 pm
The working thread isn’t accepting this:
When you come across articles, etc. about the petitions, you might want to leave this or some version of it.
I’m the “Albert” referred to in the article, and I hope that all of you will register a couple of initials…that’s all that’s required now at the White House’s farcical “petition” site!…so that you can very quickly click them on to our three monthly STOP WHITE GENOCIDE petitions that will be appearing every month for the next four years.
We are using that site as a billboard to spread our message to Whites, and to create a phenomenon that will be covered by media so that media will help us spread our message. It looks like the tactic is working!
Please read this month’s three petitions and add the two initials to them that you register with (I believe the site asks for a name, but your initials will appear on the petitions and count as a signature if you give only initials)
It’s fun to be a part of this large group effort and watch our “scores” increase monthly! We are calling the whole project the Million Name March on Washington, D.C. to STOP WHITE GENOCIDE, and that final march is scheduled to take place during the month of December, 2016!
Please join the fun!
1. STOP WHITE GENOCIDE! Halt MASSIVE third world immigration and FORCED assimilation in White countries!
2. Teach public school children the truth: ANTI-RACIST IS A CODE WORD FOR ANTI-WHITE!
3. Show the video “STOP WHITE GENOCIDE” in all Federally funded Diversity Training!
Thank you, and please watch the ladies’ brilliant 5 minute video whose URL is in the third petition…it’s dynamite!
And please spread this comment around!
#13 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/22/2013 - 10:01 pm
If you use this, please do include the part at the end that mentions Weirwood’s video with the young ladies! If we can get that video out there, I think it’s the best way we have by far of delivering Mantra! I want to use the petitions to promote it, and vice versa.
#14 by mandela on 01/23/2013 - 12:11 am
Have fried my brain reading thru the hundreds of debating style posts. Have distilled it down to a few Word pages under headings. What is the best way to get this onto the site so it is accesable by others?
#15 by John White on 01/23/2013 - 1:40 pm
Well, I think any culture can be put down with a good wisecrack.
I would point out, however, that the “Eastern thought” we often hear about comes from new-agey White liberal snobs–and it’s a caricature.
“Western thought” is what Mr. Whitaker described but it’s also about spending six years in a 500 page essay Concerning the Nature and Substance of Happiness when you could just smell a flower and smile… And open a charity for children.
Just saying.
#16 by dungeoneer on 01/23/2013 - 6:45 pm
Don`t be fooled into thinking the mumblings of some Mommy Professor or devotee and their equally foolish contemporaries in past times represent real Western thought.
Think instead of the peasant in Chaucer`s Canterbury Tales who complains about the Church`s dysgenics, or of SimmelWeiss trying to prevent infant mortality etc,etc
“Well, I think any culture can be put down with a good wisecrack”
Your attempt to do so failed. Try again.
#17 by Jmcaul on 01/23/2013 - 5:49 pm
This is something I’ve sensed for quite awhile. Only recently have I been able to put it into the same words; but once you start to become aware of this, the evidence is EVERYWHERE.
#18 by John White on 01/23/2013 - 8:46 pm
I think you’ve mistaken me for an anti-White. I’m not. I merely tried to point out that “Western thought” can be many things and not all of them are flattering. And maybe I’m wrong but I tend to believe so-called “Eastern” thought is, in SOME cases, ancient White Aryan thought regurgitated back to us through India-China-Japan. But then again, I might be wrong.
In my humble opinion, a serious person interested in “Eastern” thought would NOT say the clap example is “unanswerable”. On the contrary, he would have celebrated Mr. Whitaker’s answer as excellent. New Age crap is not “Eastern Thought”.
Please bare in mind that both of us are on the same goddamn side, OK? I’ve had enough for today. I’ve been MANY HOURS back and forth today with the anti-Whites and I’m filled to the top with all the insults and smart-ass remarks anti-Whites have thrown at me. So let’s try and get the hell along, ALRIGHT??
#19 by dungeoneer on 01/24/2013 - 12:06 am
“I merely tried to point out that “Western thought” can be many things and not all of them are flattering”
The whole point of this article is to demonstrate that the Western mode of thought is of rationality, precision, concreteness.
This is acknowledged by non-whites and anti-whites, openly or implicitly., so for a BUGSer who is well versed in anti-white demonization of all things white and good such as our superior intellect it is more than a little suspicious for you to try and minimize it.
“Just saying”.
#20 by John White on 01/24/2013 - 5:50 am
You know you’ve been around the pro-White movement long enough when someone accuses you of being a traitor or an infiltrator.
Anyway, I apologize if I gave the wrong impression. I was really tired an angry after many hours of dealing with the anti-whites (you can see my most recent activity in where did you post the mantra today) and maybe that’s why I gave the wrong impression.
I really should refrain to post when I’m angry.
Anyway, I’m definitely pro-White, it’s just that I’m not that enthusiastic about the label “Western” and its implications as being the only valid aspect of White culture. You must see where I’m coming from.
I do think that not all the aspects of Western thought are beneficial for a White racial thought.
Two examples would be the belief that the individual is more important than the group, and the concept of nationhood based on “citizenship” rather than tribe.
And I do think that so-called “Eastern” thought is not really Eastern, but a brown-ized version of the most ancient White Aryan thought that our White Aryan ancestors took to the Indus Valley a long, long time ago. But I may be wrong.
#21 by Jmcaul on 01/24/2013 - 2:49 pm
“I do think that not all the aspects of Western thought are beneficial for a White racial thought.
Two examples would be the belief that the individual is more important than the group, and the concept of nationhood based on “citizenship” rather than tribe.”
Another outstanding BUGSter crystallization of a notion that’s been rattling around in my head, unable to come out succinctly enough to be usable.
Thanks for the assistance!
#22 by Jmcaul on 01/24/2013 - 5:43 pm
I am amending what I wrote earlier, above. THEY are ‘white supremacists’ in the worst possible sense of the term. I would probably call myself a White Supremacist in the sense that I prefer MY culture, they type of culture that develops uniquely in ALL White and ONLY White countries, to all other cultures. I expect a black man to be a black supremacist, an asian to be an asian supremacist. I do NOT expect them to be White supremacists; and when they ARE, it is unbecoming.