The Great Plan for dealing with suitcase a-bombs or biological terrorism includes “plans for evacuating big cities.” It calls for the kind of thing they did during Katrina, but on a titanic scale.
The whole city of Chicago runs and gets together under government orders in centers the government has set up. You have the whole black South Side, all the immigrants, and the rest with you.
No white person will be allowed to take a gun in to defend himself. That will be a major priority. But suitcases will go in.
Would any sane white man go in there?
So what would any sane white person be looking for? He will want a place where he knows the other people, a small group.
A society is a place where you do not need Emergency Broadcasts to tell you how to act. By definition, a society is a group that KNOWS how to act.
The planning leaves out another factor. It may be a suitcase bomb AND biological warfare. The spread for these weapons is ENTIRELY different. Trying to get a Politically Correct population of a million crowded together with a biological attack under way would be impossible even if the whites there were all from The Greatest Generation.
A black population in a non-crisis situation today is routinely ruled by the nastiest f***rs around. In a state of total panic, this is not likely to improve.
When he invaded Britain, Caesar pointed out that the Britons could have won easily if they had broken up and kept up sallies against his forces. Instead, he discovered that they fought Robert E. Lee – George Washington style. The US Army can’t handle Baghdad, a routine occupation.
Try to imagine the situation, a situation where the FIRST explosion has gone off AND the FIRST disease is spreading.
If you saw the movie Red Dawn you will remember that it was taken for granted that Europe would just quit. What was left of the small-town society resisted. That is one reason the low-budget movie was so realistic.
But those who saw the movie didn’t THINK about it.
#1 by Simmons on 04/20/2010 - 7:12 am
Plans to evac 2 million people from a city, Hah. Since I’m from the area, Chicago is basically a metro unit (millions more people) that has varying density for basically 30 miles from the Loop (its basic center). You won’t see a cornfield for nearly an hour once you leave Lake Shore Drive in a heavy traffic situation.
The suitcase being a one shot deal could theoretically be handled but the unknown of microbial life forget about, I’m headed to my bugout area (way way from Chicago).
But the people with the motive and means have an idea about this so I disagree with Bob. Those who think they have orders from Yaweh to herd the cattle I do believe are aware thru their disaster planning. I’m sure Michael Chertoff got an earful from the thousands of disaster drills conducted by every level of city and state governments about the unpredictability of area wide disasters occuring in one shot like Katrina versus disasters with continuing effects like super terrorism and disease. (at one time Homeland Security passed out 400$ gas masks to city workers in the area guaged the response and then promptly forgot about biological warfare)
I mean Netanyahoo is not that desperate is he? Has the second province of Israel become such a burden to the core that it must be seperated and neutralized. The Boomers not gonna get a retirement check? Talk about the ultimate reduction in force (new Yuppy speak for being fired).
#2 by backbaygrouch4 on 04/20/2010 - 7:25 am
During Katrina the Blacks relied upon the government and ended up in a football stadium. The Whites relied upon themselves and got out. In a superterrorism situation the same dynamic would likely prevail. “Would any sane white man go in there?” No. That is why Whites would survive. But it would be messy, that is, brutal and bloody in spots.
#3 by Dave on 04/20/2010 - 9:09 am
To have a real society, your intelligence about what is going on has to be accurate instead of substitutes for real knowledge and endless pretending.
Just listen to Mexican immigrants carry on about the “American Dream” for a dumbass example of pretending. But a lot of the right wing stuff of we whites is no better.
Real intelligence, real knowledge, is very hard to come by. And usually it is the most important stuff.
People in a real society just think differently. They don’t get led off into being costumed “professionals”.
Real societies are hard on its members. The accountability mechanisms are onerous. In a real society you tend to get whacked for messing up. That’s a major reason why we got rid of real society in America. The simple truth is that people ran away from it. And that running away has made us weak.
#4 by BGLass on 04/20/2010 - 10:46 am
That we live in a Society is the biggest Big Lie that stops whites from having more kids. They keep wondering where their kid will “fit,” but they’re not allowed to ask out loud. They live in a happy, welcoming Society. The 60s/70s kids got hit hardest; no home school had yet emerged, no books called “Dispossessed Majority,” or Moral majority, circumcision numbers had not plummeted along with humanities program enrollment numbers. The first group of girls tried to get “careers” in confusion, and went for teaching (the traditional thing) only to realize they couldn’t teach Soul on Ice, not really.
A society within society has slowly articulated itself, no matter how dedicated others are to shutting it up. In exile from their “own” society, people have realized it is not REALLY a “western culture”— and operates on “ethics” of oligarchical feudalist structures that they only thought they left behind in the dark ages.
When people realize there is a Silent Society, they will have more kids. Even a thread of society, a PROMISE of possibility of future society–is enough to make that happen.
#5 by shari on 04/20/2010 - 11:32 am
With a suitcase bomb, I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t act to PREVENT anybody from getting out. Whites would be trapped between rampaging blacks and uniforms with machine guns. They wouldn’t try to herd them together, just block roads and ways to get away. That’s how I imagine the situation at FIRST. Homeland Security is Orwellian for securing Big Brother. They showed that after 911, with the airline rules.
#6 by Gator61 on 04/20/2010 - 12:03 pm
I don’t worry much about terrorists using suit case bombs or biological weapons when they could create havoc with power tools.
A group of terrorist need only find all the power lines going into New York City, wait until it got real hot or real cold, then knock down those power lines.
Not as sexy a news story as a suit case bomb, but very effective.
#7 by Dave on 04/20/2010 - 1:38 pm
We are not suffering from “feudalist structures”. What we are suffering from is the government’s endless depreciation of the currency, a game it has played for 100 years now.
It has been devastating and the major reason for whites not having kids. The nonwhites have kids because they believe in the security of the welfare system that has relentlessly been there for them, so the currency depreciation game has affected them differently.
You need to appreciate the role of public housing in the nonwhite world. What is public housing? It is another name for Communism.
What is HUD? It is Communist Party Headquarters in the USA.
Who is Obama? He is a Communist.
The world looks a lot different when you live rent free. Nonwhites live rent free. White people pay rent.
Why? The reason is simple: White people have regular jobs and refuse to live with nonwhites in public housing or go on welfare.
They choose instead not to have kids, the very ticket to welfare that nonwhites rely upon.
This is what Communism gets you. It is a wholesale attack on our race. Public housing is the curse of the ages. Public housing is intolerable in a free society. Public housing is a wholesale assault on white people and part of a program of genocide against our people.
Look at what is going on right now. There is this huge overhang of overbuilt housing due to the banking system’s games of currency depreciation and government subsidized profiteering. The nonwhites are looking to get those houses for free.
Rest assured they will succeed.
#8 by BGLass on 04/20/2010 - 3:55 pm
I’ll buy that. The reason I said feudalist is that Bernanke just said on t.v. he’s supposed to take in 1 Trillion in compounded interest on anything the taxpayer can manage to earn in 2020 or some such. Despite the Freudo-Marxist think-tanking and rationalizations/theories of the intellectual spin-doctor communists, the houses you mention look like spoils in the Ponzi scheme, so I usually say Neo-Weimar Welfare State feudalism. Otherwise, semantics (as I try to describe what I think for myself). HUD is definitely CPH.