It is amazing how the convention changed when we came on at four Each speaker before us was a name the audience knew well. Each had a complete explanation of what was wrong that he had given hundreds of times before. Then we came on.
All the speeches had been excellent before us.
But Derek had given me the impression that this convention was aimed at a new approach leaning heavily on the Mantra, at least as an excellent tactic. By four in the afternoon we were nearing the end of the whole thing and everybody was tired.
The presentation of our whole approach BEGAN, and I had to introduce it. Six or seven hours of the great oratory that we had heard at conventions annually for fifteen years was the WORST POSSIBLE introduction. And the audience was exhausted.
Sam Dickson was the only one even vaguely along our lines. But even he had announced “white nationalism” as the solution.
The premise set was that when the world adopts our complete world view and reads books on it, we will march up and impose a particular program. I am sure the Communists had similar speeches before they took power.
So when three relatively unknowns came up and began to talk about how we would get Started on overthrowing the entrenched mentality, and I had to get it started, a sane man would have just given up.
Which is exactly why you have me. It took Derek and Truck Roy YEARS to “get” the Mantra. Talking about a basic political strategy for the first step is hopeless for almost all of the audience. This kind of thing is hard to talk about to professional politicians.
I do not want to specify a solution to white genocide, because that comes after we have made people DISCUSS white genocide. As White Rabbit explained at length, the Soviet Union was assumed to be a forever thing, even in neoconservative-oriented Science Fiction books.
But once the questioning began, the whole Soviet Empire collapsed. Not one Sovietologist had an inkling of what was coming. They did not see the system as SILLY.
But to introduce THAT realism after a whole day of torch lighter speeches seemed hopeless.
The crowd was deeply impressed by the front line experience that Derek, Truck Roy and White Rabbit related, but there is no way they get it.
Once they begin to get it, the system is on its way down. One thing I see is that the anti-whites are SILLY.
#1 by OldBlighty on 09/24/2011 - 9:19 am
Just saw this comment on Youtube:
If Hitler forced all male Jews to move to a West African nation and all female Jews to move to an East African nation and they were allowed to chose their mate, would that be considered genocide?
PeteHappee 52 minutes ago
An excellent example of loopy anti-white logic.
They say they are not using violence to eliminate white people, so they say they aren’t committing genocide.
As Bob points out, the reason they shout racist, naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews, supremacist, and censor, is because they want to prevent anyone Discussing this issue.
They know if people start discussing it rationally, everyone will find out how silly they are and the game will be up.
#2 by Genseric on 09/24/2011 - 10:30 am
“They know if people start discussing it rationally, everyone will find out how silly they are and the game will be up.”
The professional anti-Whites know it is up. It’s just a matter of time now. And how fast we can propagate the message.
They would arrest us right now if they could. But, they KNOW that will only aide in propagating the message because sheeple would begin to realize pro-White dissidents are being rounded up and/or suppressed.
#3 by Dave on 09/24/2011 - 11:04 am
The academic will say; It is an “ESTABLISHED FACT” that on a cloudless fair weather day blue sky can be seen.
The academic will say; It is an “ESTABLISHED FACT” that the highest and lowest tides occur with the new moon.
When does the preposterous gullibility end? When does the public rise up and hang academics upside down from trees until they agree to be sane?
The answer is that gullibility NEVER ENDS and that the public will NEVER do this.
What happens is the REGIME of gullibility simply sinks into quick sand, eventually.
Nobody really wakes up. It is just that a new day dawns and the REGIME of gullibility is nowhere to be found. That is what actually happens.
#4 by shari on 09/24/2011 - 12:08 pm
Perhaps the public never wakes in it’s entirety, but NOBODY? I certainly hope this is not a phantam revolution. I think it will be much more hard and clear than that. It’s TIME.
#5 by Harumphty Dumpty on 09/25/2011 - 2:40 pm
“It took Derek and Truck Roy YEARS to ‘get’ the Mantra.”
Well I must be brilliant then, because when I stumbled across this site a few weeks ago, I felt like I understood immediately what you guys were up to, and I was elated and I just jumped right in! I did need some corrections, which I felt I understood the point of immediately, and I did have trouble with “genocide” for a short period.
Well Derek and Truck Roy certainly have got it now, because at the conference I couldn’t take notes fast enough on what they were saying!!
I’m back now from an extended trip following the conference, and I hope to find time very quickly to get serious on this site and learn how to do it better and better.
Thanks, Mr. Whitaker. I found plenty in all the speeches that I think I’ll be able to use bugstering, but you were the main reason I was there.
Yes, there were lots of things said at the conference that surprised me in people’s inability to feel what is a defensive response, and what is a response that takes the commanding ground. Something that all of us have been struggling with for years, and which you have apparently long had the key to.
I have a lot to learn, and I hope to get busy at it.