Archive for July, 2012

Race To The Top: B.U.G.S. IS A Business

“You can read the old statements until your eyes drop out, and you will NEVER find any statement about someone being anti-white. In every single case, it was “Anti-White and Anti-Semitic.” – Bob

To take this a step further, it is important to note exactly what is done here when they attach the “and anti-Semitic” or any OTHER preferred smoke screen. They are effectively cancelling out or SILENCING the part that really matters. The anti-whites purposefully do this when the heat is turned up and they are forced to react to a problem. They are drawing upon their trillion-dollar repository of double standards, anti-white market saturation, and REPEATERS. Again, the aim here is to solve these problems by “marginalizing and sidelining.”

Just like our very own little Jewaholics do to US from time to time by attaching things like “Jewish Bankers.” That is akin to someone in the board room suggesting Coca Cola CHANGE “Always, Coca-Cola.” That is I-N-S-A-N-E. I can honestly say it’s a relief to be able to acknowledge my own mistakes and addictions such as these. These colossal mistakes which can prove fatal when repeated.

The Soviet Union’s fatal mistake was NOT successfully trivializing and marginalizing The Space Program. What they needed was a distraction, what they did was tailgate in the worst way imaginable. They bought it hook, line, and SINKER. The writers working for the Czars should have crafted a meme such as, “The U.S. Space Program is ‘Revolutionary,’ but it is revolutionary AND meaningless.” They could have went on to say “It is truly a revolution in BIG government spending.” It seems to be the case that they preferred THEIR big government over winning the war. Epic fail.

Now, as we punch our ticket on the galactic super highway and the American Space Program becomes more privatized every day, the whole white world can see this. However, none of this old paradigm matters anymore. From left to right, we are showing anti-whites the door.

We won’t let them sideline the Mantra and our message, nor will we let them strap it to some monkey’s behind and jettison it into the nether regions of Outer Space. Even better yet, ours is a business financed without money. Moreover, our mission statement is to PUNISH them by taking their most beloved and prized possession: THEIRS.

And we will have OCEANS of Really Big Thinkers crashing down upon the shores of our little BUGSter island to tell us EXACTLY how to spend it.


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Anti-Racist is an excuse for Anti-White

One of my favorite phrases from Bob’s Mantra is “Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White”. I use it all of the time. In fact, when writing emails and messages I often sign off with that, instead of saying “Sincerely”, “Yours truly”, etc. I do this in order to show my allegiance to the BUGS team and to further hammer in the meme.

There is one little twist to this that I have found useful in the field. Though the term “code word” is regularly used in political and other discourse, some Anti-Whites choose to pretend that this part of the phrase isn’t there, or try to confuse the matter. They’ll do anything except acknowledge the very blatant truth and meaning of this phrase, because they can’t deal with it.

Sometimes they’ll say that “code word” makes us sound like “conspiracy” nuts, etc. They’ll often say, “If Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White, does that mean White is code for Racist?”. Or they will purposefully misquote it and say something like “Mr. Racist here says ‘Anti-Racist = Anti-White’. How does that make (literal) sense?”. I’ve named these the “switcheroo”, I’ve seen these time after time.

I recall learning here on BUGS the importance of including “code word” in this phrase, I was told it implies conscious deceit. Of course we get it, but Anti-Whites love to play stupid on this, and often.

We’re not trying to change the literal meaning of words to suit our agenda, which we’ve been accused of more than once. We are simply pointing out to them that they call themselves “Anti-Racist” to justify their Anti-White policies, actions and attitudes. Almost always, when somebody or something is called “racist”, “somebody” or “something” is White. When somebody is “Anti-Racist”, they almost always are ONLY attacking white targets.

I realize what the original phrase means, and I understand the importance of repetition and all of the hard work that’s gone into pushing it. I usually stick with “Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White”, until an Anti-White tries to muddle this up and get everything off track. Then I dumb it down further and quickly say “Anti-Racist is an excuse for Anti-White”.

This makes the “switcheroo” tough for them to pull off and sounds much less like anything having to do with a “conspiracy”. And, it makes it unnecessary to explain to the Anti-White and the audience any of what I went through above. Short, to the point, and seems to work. I don’t enjoy arguing about this tedious stuff with Anti-Whites, I enjoy making the point and getting the desired reaction (or lack of reaction) from them.

It usually stumps them, or makes them angrier and their arguments more far-fetched, vulgar or ridiculous, which tells me I’m back on track.

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White,




FEAR: The greatest barrier to success and creation.

Being relaxed, without worry, unafraid, and confident in the moment allows you to be more creative and perceive reality with more clarity.  The reason the military does drills over and over is to prepare people to carry out tasks when they’re extremely fearful.  It’s hard to think straight when you’re scared.

That which holds back humans most is fear.

The fear response is useful if a tornado is ripping through town or when wild animals attack. If you’re on the African savanna and a lion attacks you or a giant baboon comes at you the fear response is there to take over when reason won’t work anymore.  You wouldn’t try to reason with a lion.  Wild animals live in almost constant fear.

Sometimes humans can be like wild animals as well (which is the result of fear).  Here’s an example of a person, (who probably teaches at an Ivy League school?), who is no different than an animal.  I found this comment at a website called “Mind Book.”  At Mind Book’s home page they describe the site as follows:

“Mind book is a respectful social network comprised of open-minded people that have a passion for consciousness-elevating, stimulating, and meaningful ideas and information.” (1)

So now that you have an introduction to “Mind Book” here’s the comment I found at this site.  It’s in reference to the Greek Nationalist Party which has been experiencing some recent successes.

“Could be, but they are also neo-nazis who should be dealt with. If I lived in Greece, I’d be planting bombs at their headquarters and murdering them in the streets. These fascists are sick people, you can see them and their ways in videos people are posting. I do have a little understanding of occult magick and im not attacking that, but a fascist is a fascist…as if these ignorant neanderthals hold any secret knowledge. “(Geoff Anderson) (2)

This commenter (“Geoff Anderson”) at the site “Mind Book” is so filled with fear that he can only react like an animal to ideas that he doesn’t even have the capability of trying to understand. For these people we must act as one would when dealing with a wild animal.  This person is not capable of rational discussion.

So besides the obvious times when fear is useful in defending yourself (from irrational animals) or escaping danger, (like a hurricane), fear is not useful.

We at BUGS, (and others who have an interest in the survival and amelioration of a bio-cultural human group known as Whites), should understand that we have nothing to fear.  We oppose the genocide of a human group which would be more than acceptable, (and even encouraged), if this human group was known as “Mexican,” or “Native American,” or “ Tibetan,” or “Jewish.”   Pro-Whites are scientifically and morally in the right.  We break no laws.  We don’t take part in violence. We don’t encourage violence.

All we do is disseminate a message in opposition to the genocide of a human group.  We disseminate this message mostly with words but this writer also highly encourages creating art that conveys the message.  The animation of Follow the White Rabbit and the music of JohnnyWhiteRabbit are examples of such art.

Whites have been programmed to feel fear at the idea of opposing the forced integration and assimilation of White countries, communities, and institutions.  This fear has been cultivated to cause inaction.  IOW, this fear is programmed in you to stop you from opposing the program of White genocide.  What we know today as “political correctness” is a mechanism for keeping people afraid.   The truth of the matter is that we have no reason to be afraid and are 100% justified in our desire to survive and thrive just as any other human group.

All of us at BUGS and/or other pro-White activists, must always keep in mind that we have no reason to fear. The more we can overcome our fears, the more effective we will be at not only smashing the anti-White system, but at creating anything we put our minds to.



Look for more articles on the subject of fear from this writer in the future.





“-ist” Vs “-ism”

I first read the mantra in 2010. I was still new to the consistent message thing but when I came across one line of the mantra, I knew I had to put it in every post I wrote. That line was:

“Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.

But at the time I thought it sounded funny. The thing that sounded funny to me was the “-ist” part.

I was in a wordist mentality. I wanted to attack the word “Anti-racISM” so my “White nationalISM” could prevail. I quickly adopted that phrase and changed just ONE letter;

“Anti-racism” is a codeword for anti-white.

This is the one that sounds funny to me now.

I was in a wordist mentality. I believed that an “-ism” meant it was objective and true.


I know better now.

An “-ism” means whatever an “-ist” wants it to mean.

It doesn’t matter if one “-ist” says this about this “-ism” and another “-ist” says something completely different about that same “-ism.”

An “-ism” means whatever an “-ist” wants it to mean.


That is how the “anti-racists” were able to be so anti-white for so long and get away with it. We believed the “-ism” meant they were objective and true.

I now try to avoid using any “-ism” online or in any conversation.

And in almost every post I do, the last line I write is:

“Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.




(KISS) Keep It Simple Stupid

Anti-Whites are brainwashed fools who do not realize that their actual role in life is to justify and support the Genocide of a particular race of people. Instead they are fooled into thinking they are actually fighting naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews.

For decades most of our side (even the ones who were for real) were brainwashed into obliging them by acting like Nazis, and talking about superior White IQ scores, Black crime rates, and scheming Jews.

So for decades the people who actually had the hard job made it look easy. And the people who actually had the easy job made it look hard.

Talking about Black crime stats, etc…. when you are facing a deliberate attempt at Genocide, is a bit like complaining to the police because the guy who stole your car had an unpaid speeding ticket. And yet some people still wonder how we got nowhere after all those years of doing exactly what our opponents wanted us to do.

It’s amazing how clear and simple it all becomes when you take a step back. Start seeing through the BS, and actually start pointing to the crime being committed. What we have is actually the easy job. And it even comes complete with the moral high ground too. But in the beginning, it’s ONLY there for those who have the clear presence of mind to see it, and the sense of destiny and moral guidance to want it.

ALL White countries and ONLY White countries. It’s GENOCIDE!

And don’t ever let the sick b@stards forget it.
