Archive for August, 2013

Where Were All the Yankees?

When Lee surrendered, there were about 25,000 men with him while the Union forces numbered a guesstimate of 150,000.

When I was coming up it was generally assumed that Confederates were outnumbered three to one. Three to one was also at that time the relative strength an army had to have on site to go on the attack.

The total number of men who served in the Confederate Army is pretty well established to have been around 600,000. The comparable number in the Union Army, total men serving, is even better established on the records as 2,200,000.

It was very well established that the Southerners were better soldiers. Even Yankee diaries said so.Image Hosted by

In 1957 the TV series, The Grey Ghost, about Confederate Colonel Mosby, was cancelled because of Little Rock. As Jason keeps noting from his watching of reruns, there was a national media attack on whites in general and Southerners in particular.

Sometimes a TV character who had no accent would be exposed as the villain, and he would start talking in a Southern accent!

And each year, just as the number of Jews killed by Nazis edged steadily upward, the ratio of Union to Confederate troops in each battle went down. Historical estimates say now that the two sides were just about equal in each battle.

While I am still allowed to ask this question without a mandatory prison term, let me ask it:
Where did all those Yankees go? On the record, Union soldiers outnumbered Confederates well over three to one, 2.2 million to 600,000. But from official historical figures, two thirds of those Union troops went totally unused.

Where were the other one and a half million Yankees?

It is time we handled this the Progressive Way: We need a law to jail anybody who asks that question.
[7/30/2013 1:07:15 PM] bobw1830: END



Reparations, NOT “Tribunals”

One of the constant sources of pain in Mantra Thinking is the automatic responses one has to sit through so many hundreds of times.    One example is the regularly recurring objection to a policy of financial reparations for anti-whites.


The response one gets to this from newbies is a chest-beating, tear-jerking declaration of how anti-whites deserve death, and newbie will pursue them all to his dying breath.
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Bullshit.   Once the novelty goes away you’ll do what everybody does:


Heirs to the way over half of our national wealth which can be connected directly to racial treason will be in the same position WE are:   We suddenly find all the big money that they got directed at destroying our race.    THAT is unfair to US.

Those who have money. or are heirs to those who do, have not the slightest right to claim unfairness when they are disinherited.

They have no more RIGHT to be heirs to the money than they have to be heirs to the crime.

I deal in human nature.   As long as going back over history  can yield a piece of that titanic pie, no one will forget white genocide.

As soon as I said this, Asgardian said he was getting off his “tribunals” high horse.

But in fact I shouldn’t have to say this.   YOU should.

Reparations will yield lots of money, but that is a happy accident.   It is effective and keeps down the neo-Nazi Tribunal stuff.

The sentence above is the POINT.




One-Race Diversity is Genocide

White Genocide is the use of the EXCESS population of the third world to make the white world non-white.

A place is not ever declared “diverse” unless it is “diversifying” whites.

What is called Diversity is “One-Race Diversity.”   “The races” are not intermarrying.  The white race is the only one all this Diversity aims at.

“One Race Diversity” has two parts.   First, the white race is being chased down by the SURPLUS non-white population.  It is not a matter of THE Races.   Secondly,, no one ever mentions Diversity except when it is aimed at whites.

For example, the SPLC head writer who talked to me, ONCE, was surprised to learn that Whitaker, whom they said they had been trying to find, has been on their mailing list for years!     I

I reminded him  that one of their mailings was for money for a program if bringing blacks into NORTHERN IDAHO!Image Hosted by

If I had predicted an anti-white program to chase down whites in NORTHERN IDAHO, I would not just have been called an alarmist, I would have been labeled a NUT!

Yet here was this SPLC letter, signed by George McGovern, asking for money because the smaller half of a Northwestern state was too white.

They are absolutely serious.   In the non-white world, most whole countries have a smaller percentage of non-blacks or non-browns or non-Orientals than northern Idaho does of blacks.

No one mentions this.  Certainly no one raises money to chase any other race down this way.




A Sense of Humor is a Sense of Proportion


A professional in politics sees a LOT of surveys.  I remember one consistent theme that appealed to my lonely sense of humor.

Women were asked about qualities they wanted in their children.

“Do you want your child to be beautiful?     Despite the already deep drenching in Political Correctness, eighty or ninety percent answered “Yes.”

But in another part of the survey the girls DID remember their Political Correctness Training.   So when the question was, “How would your ideal husband look?”  at least eighty percent gave the answer expected of them:

“It doesn’t make any difference.”Image Hosted by

As I say, each version of this appealed to my very lonely sense of humor.

I only argued before an audience, and one time I was in a hair salon or whatever they call it and a Politically Correct female I knew had her head in one of those huge machines.  There were other women there, including my wife.   Please do not ask me why that woman had her head in a machine which was making no noise.  I can barely comb my own hair

But for my own LONELY sense of humor, I was began talking to her about intermarriage.    I guided her around to saying, “Looks don’t matter.”

I did it to pass time, but I had no hope that anybody in the room would understand the irony of a woman spending thousands of dollars in  a beauty shop repeating  the Required Line that anyone who is not anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews must repeat, that “looks don’t matter.”

Nobody came near to getting it.    I actually gave it a minute, for “Looks don’t matter” to get across in a fairly expensive beauty shop.    I could have waited until the next  Ice Age and nobody would have gotten it.

Having a consistent moral code and a sense of humor is a LONELY business.

So, while intellectual pro-whites are arguing about HOW MUCH of children’s’ futures are determined by their genes, it would not in a million years occur to them to demand that moralists, including churches, have any morality about genetics.

Not sex, GENETICS.



Churches Are Half Moral at the Most

There is a constant argument about how much of human behavior is inherited and how much is determined by one’s environment.   Occidental Observer devotes much of its writing to that issue.   But a Mantra Thinker, and ONLY a Mantra Thinker, would begin before that massive debate.

A Mantra Thinker will not jump into the argument, but will give a lot of thought to the question itself, to the IMPLICATIONS of the argument itself.

For example, if the only reasonable question is HOW MUCH of us is determined by heredity or environment, why is it that all the churches have no morality whatsoever when it comes to heredity?

The Catholic Church has billions of words devoted to behavior, but what about genetics?

Well, it does ban incest.  But that’s IT!

Please remember that I am not talking here about  SEXUAL morality.  I am discussing GENETIC morality.Image Hosted by

Example: a black man marries a blond woman because he sees her blondness as beautiful, a judgment which is shouted out by every statistic we have on beauty products.   In marrying her, the black man is openly and consciously  destroying blondness.

Exactly this same thinking, on any issue outside of genetics, would be a sin.

But the Church says it is not only moral, it is GREAT.

The Church’s only genetic morality is against incest, a level of evolution already reached by meerkats.

Should morons produce children?

That would depend heavily on whether their feeble mindedness is genetic.

But the Church?   It will dictate freely about behavior in your bedroom, but has no opinion on genetics.

But the big issue is, should only people who have no concern about their children’s future be the ones to have offsrping.

That is the reality, countries that are too dumb for birth control have the kids.

But the outfit that calls itself a Church, of whatever denomination, has no opinion on THESE moral issues at all.


