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The PC Tree

Posted by Bob on April 14th, 2010 under Coaching Session

Here we are in the midst of pollen season. Millions of people are suffering from this unnatural substance in the air. Sorry, it’s a natural substance. I was wondering why the Activist Associations weren’t out in defense of my green-slimed car.

But the Greens Should take a side AGAINST the people taking unnatural action against the unnatural substances being used AGAINST pollen. Thousands of tons of chemicals are being used to destroy the natural effects of pollen and the natural body’s reactions to it.

We have been abusing nature ever since the average human life span was twenty years.

On the Politically Correct Tree, the most evil creature is the white goy male. We go up a step to the white goy female, then up to the nonwhite goy female. It is a tree, not a Scale, and so one can sidestep from a white goy male to a nonwhite goy male and still be going up.

Actually it should be called not a tree but a Root System, since a tree is the smallest at the top. Let’s make it an African upside down tree, with the roots on top. Before the Greatest Generation, it WOULD be considered upside down.

Before the Greatest Generation the top was held by white male gentiles. But the same tree works today, you just flip it.

I say that one has to be a goy to be at the bottom, but that depends entirely on what a Jew decides he is for now. Sometimes they’re whites, sometimes they are the most persecuted minority, not white at all — did you know that Hitler killed Six Million Jews?

Jews are put in whichever spot is the most favorable. They are the only wild card in the PC Tree Game.

Otherwise we should record for history what everybody in our society understands and which is written into our law as sumptuary regulations were in the Middle Ages. Every person looking for work must understand this, just as completely as a person who wanted to keep out of the stocks understood the Medieval pecking order.

We began with a purist complication. Greens routinely use “unnatural,” which means “human,” substances to fight pollen, though precious few greens have to. Their offices in Washington and New York are always air conditioned, and they seldom see any green, much less get exposed to pollen.

Like Marxist theorists, Greens leave actual woods to the peasants, just as no real Battler for the Working Class ever does any WORK.

The PC Tree broadens as it goes down. All humanity is evil. Sweet natural creatures are a step up. The scariest thing that ever happened to me in a life full of scary stuff was finding myself right in the middle of a group of migrating baboons.

They aren’t quite so cute close up. But where is the average Green going to see one outside of a Zoo, and I doubt many of them leave their country clubs and university lounges to go to zoos. Zoos are for The Working Class.

Jane Fonda loves The Working Class but she doesn’t want it in her yard for any reason other than what Scarlett O’Hara wanted HER Georgia darkies out there for.

I guess I had better stop writing before I become cynical.

  1. #1 by Dave on 04/14/2010 - 9:53 am

    Atrocities are the warp and woof of politics for the same reason fault finding and blaming are the warp and woof of social life. That would not be so if it were not also true that we live in a world of multi-faceted and telescoping vulnerability within an order of life that forms on the basis of threats and responses to threats.

    For example, there are crustaceans that live in the beds of clear mountain streams that look exactly like the rocks that surround them. That is their trip in life, to look exactly like a rock, fooling the birds hovering from above. Things would not be like this if it were not true that we live in a world of multi-faceted and telescoping vulnerability, part of an order of threats and responses to threats that envelopes every facet of life and being.

    The romanticism of the “ecology” that is promoted by our present day Professor Priesthood is just a nutty take on it all, positing a “universal harmony” that just isn’t there (for the purpose of selling a load of horseshit to the kiddies). Political Correctness gets everything upside down regarding “natural order”. These Marxists pull everything inside out to arrive at stupendous conclusions that just plain do not accord to reality. There is no underlying harmony of life.

    And in reality, in no way shape or form was the Holocaust story an accident from the perspective of the world’s natural order: What happened to influence those thousands of American GI’s stranded in Germany and Austria from May of 1945 until January of 1946 was ordained for reasons entirely unknown to them. They didn’t have a clue. But it was ordained. And they didn’t have a clue that it was ordained. It was ordained by the real “ecology” of the world and its true order. This is the very same (and all too) real “ecology” that is today threatening the annihilation of our people.

    And John Ashbrook and Sony Bono (assuming they actually were murdered) would not be the first men to fail to escape politically motivated ambushes. Ambushes are endemic to politics, hard to explain to those unfamiliar with the hoodlum world, but nevertheless a facet of politics that always has been and always will be – the real “ecology” and its threats.

    It’s hard to come to grips with, that’s all.

    But the Manta helps. It is a reminder – to get a grip.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 04/14/2010 - 10:51 am

    In school, we had one particularly wild-eyed teacher who’d say, “Marx turned Hegel on his Head!!!” Idealism was dead and now everything (happily) was about greed, exploitation, murdering people on the basis of class/race/ gender affiliation and so on. Marx “rooted us in earth and reality!” Hate was the source! That was “reality!” Hegel’s idea of World Spirit emerging was exposed!

    Somehow, unlike Blake’s Poison Tree, this new tree situation was leading toward the Multicultural Paradise, which was The Garden of Eden. (The real fruits were always just right around the corner, after some new phase of “necessary” destruction—the burning of some new sacred grove or another.)

    All the weird, easily-observable, upside-down growth was attributed to “Late Capitalism,” although in the experiential lives of us real students none had ever observed a free market, only planned economies, in the form of bankers on t.v. everyday, jiggling interest rates, inflation, deflationary trends, and so on.

    Outside the classroom, these Mexican leaf blowers were always carrying machines to blow leaves to one side of campus, then to blow them back to the other side, and we students would watch them until class was over. It was as if they were saying: The trees are growing upside-down, so leaves have become useless for anything natural like compost; there are no longer roots to feed and yet the stupid leaves keep falling so they brought in all us Mexicans to blow these leaves around for a cheap price until all growth can finally cease, which will be paradise.

    I just feel bad for all the students who could not sit with the unnamable panic they felt in the face of all the lies, while staring out our classroom windows watching the Mexicans.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 04/14/2010 - 11:40 am

    I would say stone block pyramid built on sand instead dependent on the respectables authenticating the legitimacy of the anti-white left.

    I mean Olbermann on MSNBC I believe gets between 150,000 to 350,000 viewers and half of them at least are conservatives who want to see how he can offend them, he would get less viewers than a Iowa cable access quilting show if he got the respect he deserved.

    The same for all the minicults the left has splintered off into, if they received as much as one punch back they would collapse and be eaten by the ravenous pack. You think LaRaza racists care about global warming libkids?

    That is why I dislike this kind of commentary that Bob produced, heard it before, sean hannity could produce this.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 04/14/2010 - 11:54 am

    A comment by me illustrating how the reactionary right such as in this case plays by the anti-whites’ rules and validates them. I offer solution in comments.

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