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A Birthday Present for Coach

Posted by Bob on March 31st, 2013 under Coaching Session

Today, I am 72 years old.   And there is a birthday present you can give me all year.

If you have the guts to post the Mantra, you get complaints about how rude you are.  A lot of people will sob that they were discussing some singer on a YouTube and these Mean People threw in the Mantra, completely off their subject. photo happyb_zpsd4b0de85.jpg

Well, gang, if that makes you the least bit uncomfortable, do it for Old Coach.    For almost  seventy years I have sat down in movies and watched TV and read novels for entertainment,  and a huge percentage of what should have been fun time turned out to be preachment at me about how great intermarriage was or how evil whites were or anything else that was fashionable with Mommy Professor at the moment.

It was called A Social Message and it ruined thousands of hours for me.

In fact, there is a huge difference between those Social Messages imposed on us and your putting the Mantra on sites.   We are banned and threatened if we put our own message into public discussion.   Outside America you are imprisoned for it.   That gives us not only the right, but the duty, to put it in every spot we can get away with.

Yesterday’s and today’s Social Message imposed on us was not just uncensored and unbanned.   All my life thousands to millions of people have been paid and promoted for repeating their usual propaganda everywhere.

The best Mantra placement offends the hell out of them.   You are hitting the same people who let anti-whites get away with throwing in their slogans absolutely anywhere.

If you don’t owe it to me, you owe it to all those who have been persecuted with insults and vicious intrusion all our lives.   It is BETTER when you can offend them and get revenge for us.

Sic the bastards!

That will be my birthday present whenever you do it.

You don’t need to wrap it, just DO it.

  1. #1 by Peter Cottontail on 03/31/2013 - 12:10 pm

    Happy birthday Bob. I will post the mantra at least 72 times today on popular youtube videos and other pop websites.

  2. #2 by WhiteWeasel on 03/31/2013 - 12:29 pm

    Happy Birthday Bob!

    Thanks for creating the megaton Bomb known as THE MANTRA!

  3. #3 by Sentinel on 03/31/2013 - 1:36 pm

    Happy Birthday, Coach.

    I’ll be offending anti-Whites for you today, and as always, for our People.

  4. #4 by dungeoneer on 03/31/2013 - 2:48 pm

    Happy birthday Chief.

    Mantra-meal for anti-white pie holes it is.

  5. #5 by patrickwhiterabbit on 03/31/2013 - 3:17 pm

    Happy Birthday Bob!

    I have been smacking anti-Whites over the head and pushing videos relentlessly all day online.

    ” A huge percentage of what should have been fun time turned out to be preachment at me about how great intermarriage was or how evil whites were or anything else that was fashionable with Mommy Professor at the moment.”

    I still think over this all the time, most of the music, films and television from my childhood were exactly what you have described above, i just didn’t realize it back then

  6. #6 by Frank on 03/31/2013 - 4:44 pm

    You are calling me a “racist”.
    “Racist” is a hate word.
    You’re only calling me a hate word because I’m White.
    Happy Birthday Bob!

  7. #7 by Jason on 03/31/2013 - 7:17 pm

    Happy Birthday, Bob!

    72? And you had us convinced you’re old. That’s nothing these days.

    I am a big fan of posting everywhere. Turnabout is fair play. These Anti-Whites make school children participate in programs designed to shame them for being White. They have no hesitation about putting Anti-White messages in kid’s movies.

    They will always call any effective action on our side RUDE and uncivilized.

    They set up the rules of “proper etiquette”, which say it is good to shock and humiliate White middle class and working people but it is crude to post a Mini on a Barbara Streisand video.

    Our side has often lost due to a misplaced desire to “act honorably” (and expecting the same in return from vicious enemies). Think of Robert E Lee. Think of the GOP for the last 60 years.

    And a lot of Whites are trying to hide from the truth. Let’s make it so they can never claim they hadn’t heard of White Genocide.

  8. #8 by AnotherWhiteRabbit88 on 03/31/2013 - 8:29 pm

    Happy Birthday Bob.

  9. #9 by Joe Bug on 03/31/2013 - 8:41 pm

    Happy Birthday Coach Bob!
    You have provided me with a method of channeling my anger and passion in a positive and extremely effective way. For that, I am forever thankful. I believe that because of you, the amount of inevitable conflict our people will have to endure in the future will be immensely reduced. You must feel great about that.
    I promise you that I will be a relentless Bugster for the rest of my days.

  10. #10 by cecilhenry on 03/31/2013 - 9:09 pm

    Good point about the Mantra Bob!!!!

    These people who preach against hatred, intolerance, bigotry and prejudice have NEVER given anyone but themselves freedom of speech or conscience.

    Moreover they have never given a damn for how profoundly and thoroughly they offend others and preach contempt, hatred and derision for those who disagree with their attitudes.

    Bob is right, why should I worry about offending their prejudices?/

    They HAVE ruined hours of shows, radio, newspapers and movies for me by pushing their agenda in every crevice they can find. And they were never invited.

  11. #11 by EvenAlice on 03/31/2013 - 10:33 pm

    Just last night we sat down in front of the old joo tube to enjoy a wee bit of pre selected and refined entertainment. After the first ten minutes we learnt quickly that our culling skills in the film arena were either extremely poor or quality is near non existent. We quickly made the decision to turn it off and focus our attention to something that was far more beneficial and fun…MANTRAFRYING THE ANTI-WHITES!!!


  12. #12 by Daniel Genseric on 03/31/2013 - 10:38 pm

    I posted the Mantra today.

    All the best to you!

  13. #13 by Asgardian117 on 03/31/2013 - 10:47 pm

    Happy Birthday Mr. Whitaker

    I take comfort knowing that i havent been the only one that felt like shit at certain parts in movies and books and televison when the portrayal of our race was quite horrific, i to was expecting to enjoy myself but instead i was left feeling SICK. I know our job is to break the anti white system but i cant help but take solace in the fact that we are making these sons of bitches squirm and question themselves the way they did to me from the time i was 10 till 27 yrs old…im gonna RAID every single video that comes my way.

  14. #14 by Harumphty Dumpty on 04/01/2013 - 12:39 am

    Happy Birthday, Bob. From one young fellow to another. 🙂

    70 is the old age of youth, and 80 is the youth of old age.

    I may not have those numbers quite right…memory isn’t what it used to be.

  15. #15 by steadiness on 04/01/2013 - 2:02 am

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Whitaker!

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  16. #16 by seapea on 04/01/2013 - 5:10 am

    YouTube definitely got an extra flooding of mini-mantras for your birthday Coach. Hope it was a good one.

    – seapea

  17. #17 by Vakur on 04/01/2013 - 5:48 am

    Happy birthday. You are just one year older than my father. I hope you had a good day. One flood of Mantra coming up.

    -Vakur from Iceland

  18. #18 by Jason on 04/01/2013 - 7:40 am

    It’s pretty astounding that NO ONE in the entire pro-White movement thought to look at the collapse of the USSR as a model for how the Anti-White system could be brought down – except Bob.

    Of course, that is easy for me to say at this point (since reading this blog), but other pro-Whites who had access to Bob must have had this explicitly explained to them. Yet they rattled on about running off to the woods in camo, or quoted Nietzsche, or updated old theories about the Jews.

    I’m more convinced than ever that Samizdat in the USSR is the example to look to. Anti-Whites give off that Inevitable Future vibe (Communism is the wave of the future) that always comes right before a fall.

    I remember the insufferable self-assurance of so many who said the USSR was a viable alternative in the 80s. I remember kids getting suckered into the nuclear freeze movement and all that junk. There is something about the Anti-Whites that has the same attitude: like fools about to be proven wrong by history on a massive scale. And this will be bigger than the collapse of Communism.

  19. #19 by Lord Nelson on 04/01/2013 - 8:45 am

    That is a great point Coach.

    Happy Birthday!

  20. #20 by ioannes on 04/01/2013 - 9:42 am

    I will give a good present today coach.

    Happy Birthday.

  21. #21 by J Locke on 04/01/2013 - 11:29 am

    We love you. I hope posting the mantra doesn’t send us to Hell. I wish people would see it as love and not hate.

  22. #22 by White Dude on 04/01/2013 - 2:31 pm

    Mr. Whitaker,

    Happy Birthday and may you have many more years of peace, health, and happiness.

    Thank you for all that you do.

  23. #23 by OldBlighty on 04/01/2013 - 3:48 pm

    Happy birthday Bob. 🙂

  24. #24 by FirstTube11100 on 04/01/2013 - 8:18 pm

    Happy birthday, Mr. Whitaker.


    Happy Easter.

  25. #25 by Simmons on 04/01/2013 - 9:12 pm

    Harold Covington gave some praise to the Mantra today, if not a complete understanding of what it is. He also within his group found the need to create those short pithy polemics that summize entire intellectual pursuits within a sentence.

  26. #26 by Fred_Richthofen on 04/01/2013 - 10:02 pm

    Happy Birthday Bob

    I was right in the middle of watching a perfectly good Western and about halfway through it was completely ruined by one of those Social Messages.

    Thanks for crafting the weapon known as The Mantra.

  27. #27 by Harumphty Dumpty on 04/02/2013 - 12:17 am

    I feel in exile in the middle of my own culture, my own society. I can’t watch TV, can’t watch movies, can’t do lots of things. I think about that a lot, and this blog really hit home.

    And, of course I feel like an idiot (one of the things I love about BUGS! 🙂 ) for never having had this thought:

    “You are hitting the same people who let anti-whites get away with throwing in their slogans absolutely anywhere.”

    Yes, Bob, that and the rest of this blog will help a lot. But I will need to include some version of what I just quoted in what I deliver to them to let out some anger. It shouldn’t be hard to mantrify.

    • #28 by Jason on 04/02/2013 - 1:03 am

      For generations they were silent while every media outlet preached the genocide of their children. Now, let them learn to accept a defense of their children’s right to exist in those same outlets.

      Since obviously they aren’t doing it, we have to.

  28. #29 by Scythian on 04/02/2013 - 4:29 am

    I recently saw a program on the History Channel called ‘The Little Ice Age’, one part was about Viking settlements in Greenland and North America. A mommy professor says “the Vikings didn’t assimilate probably because they thought they were superior to the Inuit.”
    This is a blatant WHITE SUPREMACIST and RACIST statement with the implicit claim of “anti-racism”.
    If “race is just skin color”, if “race doesn’t matter”, if “we are all equal”, then why didn’t mommy professor contemplate other possible scenarios such as maybe the Eskimos thought they themselves were superior and didn’t want to assimilate with the Vikings? Or, maybe the Eskimos didn’t want to assimilate because they wanted to preserve their own kind? Or, maybe the Eskimos wanted the immigrant Vikings to starve to death so they could have all their lands back to themselves?
    Of course in mommy professor’s narrow little anti-white mind, ALWAYS white “bad”, non-white good, while implicitly claiming “anti-racism”. Anti-racism is a code word for anti-white.
    Unbeknownst to mommy professor, he exposed his own white supremacy by accusing the Vikings of it. Anti-white HYPOCRITES!
    Ruined it, I shut it off.

  29. #30 by Bob on 04/02/2013 - 11:00 am

    Thanks, BG, for finding me a birthday photo that doesn’t look so OLD!

  30. #31 by AtlosTeutā on 04/02/2013 - 2:48 pm

    Happy B-day and hope you’ll be here to scold us for a long time!

    Just the obvious answer of being battered with anti-White commercials, sit-coms and media in general seems so stupid that one could miss. Show’s how truly usefull common sense and how to forge a weapon out of it, really is. Thanks Bob!

    P.S. Also, if anyone could tell me, i keep getting “awaiting moderation” all the time on “Where did you post the mantra today”. Do i need permission or such?

  31. #32 by Harumphty Dumpty on 04/02/2013 - 4:55 pm

    Bob, lol…I scrolled upward to see the photo, and…lol! What’s that saying, ‘It takes an old dog to teach us new tricks”?…my own memory is going, so I may not have that one right either.

  32. #33 by Linux Lewis on 04/03/2013 - 10:39 am

    Happy belated Birthday Bob!

  33. #34 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 04/03/2013 - 11:20 pm

    Happy Birthday Coach!

    I am relentless on YouTube!

    Enjoy a good book, or a good movie for your birthday, if you can find one.

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