National Review ran a special piece on how researchers had discovered that blacks have bad jobs because of discrimination. It said all the factors had been compared, and the only explanation was that blacks were discriminated against.
It would be interesting to compare black income with that of whites with an average IQ of 80. There are no special programs for THEM, so I would guess that they are doing MUCH worse. But the IQ difference is now taboo, and no one is more fanatical to lynch heretics on this than are respectable conservatives.
The Genome Project is the Only True Faith. It says that there is no difference between races except skin color. If “scientists” will skew information on Global Warning, can you imagine what they release on RACE? It took many years of hard struggle to get rid of the absolute declaration by every Mommy Professor that it was proven that all inherited IQs were same.
As I keep saying, to be a forensic crime lab scientist, you routinely have to do two things: 1) Discern the race of a long-dead corpse even as a witness, and 2) Swear on the stand that race does not exist.
Once again I am saying what everybody knows but no one on our side ever says.
The racist bit is so effective even conservatives are being irritated by it, says the “racist” Tea Party.
But none of them ever asks for a definition of “racist.”
No one THINKS. And they are moral cowards.
Like the IQ heretics, the Genome heretics will take many years to appear. They were not conservatives then and they will not be now. What passes for thought on the right can’t reach that high. I’ve lived through this before, and the “modern science has proven all races are the same” is old stuff to me.
The same violence was used against anyone who said there are innate intelligence differences and National Review attacked contrary information, except for an occasional heretic who got through their screen. Then they fell back on it doesn’t matter because we are all the Christ’s Children, after all.
If it didn‘t matter, why did so many of them demand the lynching of heretics on racial IQ in the first place?
The Bell Curve pretty well shot the last of the equal innate IQ crap, so two lines developed to counter it. One said that IQ was meaningless and the other said that IQ was everything.
National Review said that IQ means nothing. We are all Children or all men are created equal said that IQ didn’t matter and because all humanity is one.
The other line argued that some blacks had enormous IQs so the average meant nothing. Mean regression is one consideration here, and so the fact that the only reason IQ differences are important is that it shows that the races DO differ. Proving IQ differences with nurture taken into account, just confirmed that general point.
IQ differences are a sign of SOMETHING important, but no matter what you prove about them, we do not get the full import of what the difference is.
Now the Wilson Quarterly complains that people are ALLOWED to talk about the racial IQ difference. The Bell Curve could not be published today. William Buckley was the only major American opinionist who endorsed Europe and Canada’s Thought Crime laws.
Even liberals are a bit shamed by those laws, so Buckley got major Respectability Points for saying what they wouldn’t say.
That is what respectable conservatives are FOR.
#1 by BGLass on 04/24/2010 - 9:49 am
“If “scientists” will skew information on Global Warning, can you imagine what they [or don’t] release on RACE?”— Good sentence. That’s the one problem with Big Lies. Right now, 80% of people polled say they don’t trust the government. Get caught on one tiny thing–and snowballs avalanche.
#2 by Dave on 04/24/2010 - 8:14 pm
The real problem with Big Lies is that they are lies. What allows Respectable Conservatives to pretend is the same thing that makes them weak.
There is no pretending where life actually occurs and that is the land of rocks and hard places.
The Respectable Conservative folds, he or she collapses, once he or she is cast into the land of rocks and hard places. It is a land the Respectable Conservative can’t handle.
If you really examine the behavior of the Establishment, they are all BELIEVERS in escape hatches that don’t exist.
Simmons said, “The Managerial Bureaucracy is top dog right now.” I am personally in a position to watch the “The Managerial Bureaucracy” at its highest policy levels (deep into the esoteric the public doesn’t know about) and I am telling you they are pathetic.
Your mind is either rooted in a lie or it is not. Minds that are rooted in lies cannot deal with reality. The “Managerial Bureaucracy” cannot deal with reality.
Now here is an irony, one of life’s greatest: Minds that are rooted in lies are MORE susceptible to terror than reality based minds. These minds succumb more readily to fear than reality based minds do.
If you understand that you understand a lot about what is really going on with our Establishment these days. This, of course, includes Respectable Conservatives.
No matter how diseased the mind, fear always has an object rooted in reality.
Desegregation and the racial destabilization of America has been an utter catastrophe.
There is no way this can be patched up. That is the reality and that is the terror the Establishment is succumbing to. It has no means of coming to grips with it.
#3 by shari on 04/24/2010 - 10:02 pm
Lawlessness is unleashed in the name of equality,is how I would sumerize. That can’t hold up at all.
#4 by BGLass on 04/25/2010 - 8:56 am
Thanks Dave. Deep down, that Escape Hatch they don’t even know they believe in seems to be the white people, imo. It’s the t.v. pundits looking around wildly, repeatedly saying, “We are an Innovative COUNTRY,” as if a plot of dirt somehow has human agency and can actually do this magical thing called, “Innovate,” which they’re hoping it will do soon, even as they do in the population most inclined to THINK. Openly, they say, “WE will get out of this, somehow. WE always have. WE always do.” Maybe the “country” will make progress soon in nano-technology or something so we’ll find something to sell and so on.”
Most of the smartest, thinking people I’ve known have never worked, which is very incredible. As a kid I would think moving between THEM and then the kind of people you see on t.v., as being engaged in “translation,” just like when speaking other languages. So–there is one fear, based in non-reality-based thinking; and the reality-based fear that comes from knowing how far gone a lot of people are, like the vacant-eyed people eaten with hate who do such horrific acts of violence, and so on. Hmm. Thanks for thought-making post.
#5 by shari on 04/25/2010 - 12:33 pm
Our minds have been messed with to an incredible extent. To have a sound mind simply means that reality and our response to it matches. Anger at what we OUGHT to be angry with. Prejudice that is normal is healthy,etc No wonder some have just snapped! I think that the HATE most non-whites direct towards whites is also due to minds filled with unreal nonsense. Or the lack of much mind let loose! Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind!
#6 by Simmons on 04/25/2010 - 1:21 pm
The pigs and humans have merged which one is the “respectable” conservative is up to your opinion. The “managers” are not so much respected they are all we have and the hacks who cash those checks would gun down the mobs of tea partiers with M-2 .50 caliber machine guns if they thought it would interupt the gravy train.
Anyway after reading a guy named Kalb at alt-right it dawned on me that beyond the check cashing by the hacks everything the “managers” propose is connected to GENOCIDE.
Go ahead name a “policy” and tell me where it doesn’t come down to genocide.
The “respectables” believe in their heart that the Left is the moral force in this universe, well I have other ideas. They get no reprieve from me, no rest allowed.
Go read any comments section you can on any website we have a huge demographic wanting our message and our message which cedes no moral authority to those who want our genocide.