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Making a Living in the Cause is Legitimate

Posted by Bob on September 28th, 2011 under Coaching Session

BUGS is a unique position to be self-righteous, and that is always one hell of a temptation.

We do our work without money. This is because of the Internet and we use our own talents. I may point out that you have me, a man who made his living and comfortable retirement getting paid for exactly this kind of work and thinking, so, in a sense, we do not work without money, we work without RAISING money.

I remember how I made my living. A lot of the crap I had to write for conservatives and Republicans gives me flashbacks.

But what I did cannot be compared to prostitution. Prostitution is an honest trade where value is delivered for money.

But to operate the only licensed AM station in America that is openly pro-white requires James Edwards to raise money that potential sponsors don’t dare pay him because anti-white revenge makes it essential for him to raise money for himself and his beautiful wife and beautiful little blond daughter.

Tens of thousands, if not millions, are paid handsomely to be on the active anti-white side. Our president has never done anything else for a living.

David Duke and Don Black have dedicated their lives to our side. They have both gone to prison for it. The money anti-whites spent putting Dr. Duke in prison would have paid for a number of kidney machines to keep people alive.

As I said before, David has the name recognition to have sold out very profitably, right along with Bob Jones and others. The media would have had a field day with a weeping David joining the parade of earlier-whites who have seen the error of their ways from Evil Racism and to a nice offshore bank account.

He would at least have gotten a Harvard job the way formerly pro-flag Governor David Beasley did when he sold out.

Let me say something you know but need to keep in mind: Politics is a monstrous, vicious, and hand-to-hand combat. It makes me sick to see those asses who put pro-white activity down on their long list of things to do whining about Don Black’s livelihood.

If those total inactives do it, we could do it very easily.

It is a very human tendency, and in a lot of ways, we are like humans.

I made cracks about how the first BUGS delegation was treated when we were invited for the first time to a national convention in Sevierville.

Normally a group like us would whine about how we are outsiders making no money while the professionals mistreat us.

As it happens, that is a major part of the problem of the problem. A convention has always been mostly a gathering of people who are doing propaganda cum fund raising.

No movement ever got anywhere without a lot more of this kind of leadership as it went into serious politics.

So for God’s sake let’s not have any whining about how virtuous we are. We are a new phenomenon, and someone putting together a convention under HARRASSMENT isn’t going to instantaneously fit in a new phenomenon.

It is simply a genuine problem: how to fit us in with the professionals.

And if we begin to succeed, many of you will become professionals.

When that happens you may want to keep a copy of this article in your wallet to show to YOUR critics.

I do not want to hear any self-righteous whining about how we do this for free and they get paid.

The problem needs to be mentioned, but usually any mention of paid and unpaid leads to whining at a gale level. No one wants to DISCUSS it.

But if there is one thing BUGS will not stand for, it is not DISCUSSING a real difficulty.

To me, the present pro and amateur split is a hurdle we can handle just by facing it.

Sam Dicksen has been fitted in and as far as I know he has never gotten paid for it. He has given VERY risky legal defenses to our side which have amounted to some of the riskiest financial contributions possible.

But, as Sam says, “You people do all the work, and all I have to do is come make a speech from time to time and get applauded.” The fact that he constantly puts his entire legal practice at risk, and has done so for years, he does not mention.

I have gotten mildly ill hearing people bitch about Don Black making a modest living dedicating his life to the pro-white cause from people who just want to make trouble.

I wish there were millions of full time workers FOR whites.

Our method gives us a brand-new ability to do the work and not have to raise money.

It also gives us a unique opportunity to be self-righteous pricks.

Just because we are amateurs doesn’t give us a license to act amateurishly.

  1. #1 by Gator61 on 09/28/2011 - 9:42 am

    I’m not bitching, but it would be so cool to be in the BUGS Central Florida Regional Office with half a dozen other BUGSters getting paid to get the Mantra out.

    On the other hand I’m working as a substitute teacer seeing thing in real life to keep me motivated. Today I’m subbing for a very Jewish teacher who has the blondest little girls paired up with the Blackest little boys. It isn’t subtle and it is very real.

  2. #2 by Genseric on 09/28/2011 - 10:21 am

    People might notice that I use the word “professional” from time to time. Please do NOT mistake it for applying to the context of “paid vs. unpaid.” When I use the word professional I am referring to the advanced SKILL SET of certain individual(s).

    The not getting paid part is a foregone conclusion in my mind. It just comes with the territory, in my opinion.

  3. #3 by Dave on 09/28/2011 - 10:51 am

    Robert Whitaker’s content appeals to a muscular kind of person, so it seems that it is useful for supporting career trajectories.

    The huge gift that Robert Whitaker has given us rises out the fact that we do not see ourselves accurately, and neither does our race. Robert Whitaker wants to fix that.

    We must package facets of our being in deliberately crafted presentations. It can be done authentically or falsely, but amateurs seem to think it doesn’t need to be done at all. Our race suffers from this amateurism also.

    Robert Whitaker’s writing is for professionals. I use Robert Whitaker in my professional life. I am relying on his ideas, ideas that are very muscular and powerful. They are a vehicle for personal autonomy.

    Ideas must judged by their usefulness in marshalling encounters with the world, and for organizing people and into a collective force.

    All of us want to live with purpose, but what is lacking is an organizing force that cuts through the impediments to common commitment. It doesn’t matter why you are participating. What matters is our common commitment and the use of our skill sets on behalf of worthy purposes. I don’t think there is anyone on the planet that has thought through this issue more carefully than Robert Whitaker. That is the reason he is getting it done for the white race.

    And on behalf of our race, there are a million different kinds of paying occupations. So let us not be silly about this. Of course it is ok to make a living promoting our race. Of course it is!!!

  4. #4 by Coniglio Bianco on 09/28/2011 - 11:45 am

    I wish Bob would stop being so modest. He is the only PROFESSIONAL we have fighting for our cause.

  5. #5 by Coniglio Bianco on 09/28/2011 - 11:50 am

    Not to split hairs but Don Black went to prison for violating the US Neutrality Act by attempting to invade the island of Dominica, overthrow their government and install a black dictator into power in exchange for business concessions.

  6. #7 by Frank on 09/28/2011 - 4:19 pm

    Dave said, “… I don’t think there is anyone on the planet that has thought through this issue more carefully than Robert Whitaker.”

    No offense to either Bob or Dave, but there actually is someone who has thought deeply about this, and apparently outside the boundaries of conventional wordist nonsense, why is probably why he’s not very well known.

    He is Bruno Latour, sometimes dubbed the “Prince of Networks”. His books go rather deeply into the processes and “stuff” that link actors into networks that WORK, in the real world. Unlike Bob et al, Latour isn’t focussing his research on White-Victory specific memes or talking points; but speaks in more general terms about effective networks and the use of things that are “mantra-like” in bringing them into being, and sustaining them.

    Try either “Prince of Networks” for an overview by another thinker, or go straight to the rules for network creation and management in “Science in Action”, by B. Latour.

    I realize this is possibly off-topic, but there may be some people here who might be interested.

  7. #8 by herrMajor on 09/29/2011 - 5:14 am

    Bob, you need to remember that we aren’t slow, nor are we still children.

    I myself may not be very good, nor a perfect debater. Nor have the silver tongue you do.

    We are dedicated, we don’t need money, its just funny money nowadays anyway.

    I’m a volunteer, not a worker, or a professional.

    But I will try, and succeed. I, WE, can promise you that.

  8. #9 by Dick_Whitman on 10/07/2011 - 1:05 pm

    Maybe after we take down the anti-Whites some of their money can be used to pay swarmers a (a posterior) commission for their swarm work? This is why it’s important to report your swarm work. You may get paid per swarm one day in the future?

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