Archive for February, 2012

Mantra Thinking is a Long, Long Road

Only by stating my worry can I raise a possibility it will not come true:

I often feel that I will be the last, as I was the first, true Mantra thinker.

Let me go straight to an example, the mammoth.

In my last book I actually set out the priorities of Political Correctness in English, something no one else would do. I said black good, white bad; female good, male bad; and a list of list of others, Then I discussed, in English, the conflicts that every professional commentator faces when, say, black male rapes white female and how the categories of Good/Bad are balanced.

Few people I know would ever GET there, and no one but me would have gone on BEYOND there.

The English prof who reviewed my first book in National Review, called his review, “Read This One!” and said the best thing about the book were the coruscating insights. I get a lot of insights by going on with my reasoning rather than stopping to find a news item or an impressive philosophy it lets me expound on.

For example, another rule of Political Correctness is “Animal Good, People Bad” Then while thinking over conflicts, I discovered something. It hit me that funded science — which is a good term in itself — has done a screeching U-turn on the extinction of the mammoths. Everybody used to agree that when men came across he Bering Strait, mammoths and nearly every other large animal disappeared.

So the information justified the funding because it fitted the “man evil, animals good” rule. I thought about this screeching U-Turn, where every documentary tries desperately to prove that animals who lived through numerous ice ages simply happened to drop dead in the one when “humans” came over.

What happened was that they ran into a conflict. “Man” almost invariably means the Evil White Man. But according the rules of that day, there wasn’t a single Evil White Man involved.

Just the opposite! The humans who would have killed the Mammoths, according to the rules then, world have been the Good Humans, the Native Americans, those who cry like a baby when a white man takes a pee in their woods!

Somewhere this conflict was noted. I had heard the screech when documentaries abruptly started denying that man killed the mammoths, but until I did some Mantra Thinking while writing, I didn’t realize why.

And no one in our Stormfront-trained generation ever will.

The coruscating insights in my books came from continuing on with my assumptions. All others today get from one statement right into how it fits in being Profound or hits the headlines or their pet ideology.

If I talk about how their media defending them from challenges has weakened the other side, the main thing people think about is how the example I give deals with slavery.

I live in hope that some BUGSERS — and we are VERY few — will begin to learn how to follow these assumptions and sometimes not worry about how the first assumptions offend the present ruling class.

THAT would take you time.

It took ME many years.



Tell, Don’t Ask

When someone starts talking about race mixing being good, it is time to say that all brown countries, and all brown PARTS of countries, are failures.

This is fundamental to Mantra communication. We keep them off of anything familiar. We hit them with our Pilum, the Mantra, and then we follow up on their disorder, not with some version of THEIR tactics, but with our own information and OUR weapon, the short word for gut-jabbing.

This takes a lot of discipline and lot of practice.

When they say anything you should be thinking of how you can use that to make one of OUR points. They have absolutely nothing to say we haven’t heard a thousands times.

So when they say, “We should love all mankind,” we hit them with the FACT that they are using decency as a weapon of genocide. That is like using the name of God to sponsor war, it is exactly like blasphemy, it makes every word they say poison.

I get so TIRED and frustrated seeing someone repeat the old ARGUMENTS, because I know they are losing. Familiar ground is FATAL

When I reply I use the term “Thought Police.” In fact, just using that term makes the communication worth while.

The only way I answer anything THEY say is “You honestly think I haven’t heard all that crap before?’ Then I TELL them something that hits home, like using Thought Police or the truth about colored countries.

TELL, don’t ASK.



Bob Gets His

I wrote a piece about how the answer to blacks who said their mulattoes were an improvement should be told that all brown countries or brown parts of countries were disasters.

Feu denfer pointed out that that was the kind of stuff I was always hitting you about, getting off the subject of GENOCIDE. To put it in technical terms, I had just made a horse’s ass of myself.

I am glad I did, just for that reply.

If Bob makes a horse’s ass of himself, and I often do, I need correction as much as you do. My dream is that one day BUGSERS will look back fondly and nostalgically on what Bob, not as the end of Wisdom, but as fumbling, early attempts at the techniques and arguments they have perfected.

That is a VERY different way of looking at things from the way a Leader does it.

Feu denfer didn’t begin his disagreement with long apostrophes about how wise and self-sacrificing I have been but in this case my brilliant mind had made an error that this inferior being was daring to correct. His approach was a little different:

“That’s stupid, Bob.”

I got a laugh out of that. Can you imagine one of David Duke’s troops saying, “That’s stupid, Dave,” or one of Jared Taylor’s people beginning his critique with “That’s stupid, Jared.” ? You don’t DO that with a Leader.

But you can do it with a COACH. Especially a Coach who considers it part of your training to give you hell when you break discipline.

A Leader tells you what Truth is. A Coach disciplines you so you can get out there and bang it out for yourself.

I am not asking for a lot of this. You know I HAVE made lifelong sacrifices and done a lot and deserve a LOT of respect.

And I’m old.

So I deserve a lot of deference, just as any Coach does. And when you quote me it shows you are staying on OUR subject. But don’t confuse that with treating me as a Fearless Leader.

IMPORTANT: This is a Subtle Point. Here, you find these subtle differences in my constantly talking about Lord Nelson’s error, but the point has nothing to do with the error itself. The faster you and LN get that the better, because the POINT is how LN TOOK my correction. He took it and he ran with it, and the more time he spends apologizing for it the more he gets us off the SUBTLE POINT I‘m trying to make..

Most training, as opposed to most preaching, consists of pointing out ERRORS. It is something critically important HERE how you deal with them.

Sometimes my mistakes are subtle. But when I do something truly dumb like getting off the Mantra to talk about colored countries, the only proper observation is the one I would make if YOU did that:

“That’s stupid, Bob.”

We’re on the right track.



Short Sword Screw Ups

A usual anti-white comment is about the healthiness of mixed genes. One commenter had a black saying he screwed white women for our own good.

The ONLY answer to this is the short sword gut blow of saying “All brown-skinned countries are failures. All brown skinned PARTS of countries, as in Italy, are failures.”

If you do anything but use this short sword reply you are a fool. This is a legion, and failure to use your sword properly endangers everybody.

Do not answer them when you can knock the hell out of them instead.



Monkey Shines

We all know that the Thought Police move in if one compares blacks in any way with monkeys.

But honestly it seems that blacks go out of their way to behave like monkeys. For example, the rapper-general Negroid gesture with his left hand in front of him leftward is EXACTLY what one world expect a monkey to do.

Holding a pistol sideways is EXACTLY what one would expect a monkey to do.

We have already noted how an anti-white frustrated with the Mantra pretends to be black and starts shrieking the way he thinks a black — or a monkey — would.

I don’t know if this is consciously done behind a screen of Thought Police protection, but everything blacks adopt as a part of Blackness seems to be directly based on monkeys. It may well be that it is not conscious, but they have adopted a view of THEMSELVES which is unconsciously exactly like that of the society they are raised in.
