Archive for February, 2012

Swarm is for WORKING Bugsers

Someone put a general comment about how education was the problem, a straight Stormfront comment, not only into the Swarm, but into the main topic there, “Where did you post the Mantra Today?”

I asked the commenter, “What is this Stormfront comment doing HERE?”

For me, the Swarm is what membership and money are to Jared Taylor.

Doing Mantra WORK is what I get out of handful of the thousands who read BUGS.

You can, as some do, make BUGS the place you do your own blog because you don’t want to bother to set up your own and work up an audience.

But NOT the Swarm!

The Swarm is STRICTLY for the handful of people who are actively changing the world



Mantra Thinking Involves Rethinking

Mantra Thinking, like Hoffer’s “American,” will probably never have a strict definition. Hoffer defines “American” by his usage of the term in actual experiments, which jibes with that of his millions of readers.

So when I discuss Mantra Thinking, it is in jabs at reality.

For example, Mantra Thinking involves a great deal more Rethinking that what professors think of as thinking. The Mantra, for example, is very hard to grasp precisely because those who hear of it have never actually THOUGHT about what their actual ASSUMPTIONS are.

Not only is it difficult for people to realize that all their talk about “men love one another” and “assimilation” applies entirely and unquestionably ONLY to white countries and to ALL white countries. As I have repeatedly pointed out, as soon as the Soviet Empire collapsed, the question came up, “When will Eastern Europe be ready for immigration?”

No one would ask, if North Korea were freed, “When will it be ready for immigration?” Some one who brought up that question in relation to North Korea would be considered a kook: “What in the hell does immigration policy have to do with just having overthrown Communism?”

But the same question was instantaneous in the case of Eastern Europe, and no one asked why because they all KNEW why.

Eastern Europe is WHITE.

The assumption is so deep no one asks about it, but EVERYONE goes by it.

No one is going to be praised for taking that question out and asking it.

That is NOT what is considered “thinking” in this society.

So a major part of Mantra Thinking is going back over the assumptions that got us here.

That used to be called Heresy. It is now called Politically Incorrect.



Hoffer’s — and My Definition of “American”

Eric Hoffer, whose short biography is worth reading, defined the term “American” as I use it. He was a real worker, a longshoreman on the docks, and went never went to school until he was signed on as a full professor temporarily.

Hoffer wrote his first book, The True Believer, when he was 49.

Considering himself entirely American, he spent his life among American working people and reading widely. He never left the United States once. He said he was on the bridge across to Mexico, smelled the rot, and came back before he reached the Mexican side.

He defined the Kennedys, for example, as Europeans. Like me, he defined all of what we would call the blue states as European. He did not define what he meant, it was a matter of gut feel which was obviously shared by his millions of readers.

A New Englander or a San Franciscan would feel right at home in a European or Canadian voting booth.

Like Mantra Thinking, Hoffer’s “American” is in a constant process of identification. So my mind makes stabs at partial explanations.

One difference, vague as it is, between an American and a European strikes me as what might be called A Search for Authority.

Englishmen probably understand more than Americans when I describe professors as merely the priesthood of Political Correctness. The disastrous experiment with socialism Britain chose at the end of World War II made England by the late 50s economically The Sick Man of Europe. Huge numbers of British workmen were going to Germany to earn double the wages they got in England, and to pay less taxes on them.

After 1945, a huge part of Britain stopped looking to Tradition and the Uppah Clahss. But they substituted professors for them, “degreed” persons, especially from the Labor Party’s London School of Economics. Under the semi-Marxist regime, professors were quoted AND OBEYED by the left the way clergy had once been in the Middle Ages.

Americans reject authority, and they find ways to do it. The Bible, for example, allows Americans to contradict the “eggheads.” and the Bible is as certain to say what they want to believe as Political Correctness and the Rule of the Intellectuals always turns out to be what the professors want to believe.

But the Bible is interpreted by Americans in the teeth of the professors. It always has been.

It is generally known that Americans tend to be both more religious and more anti-clerical than Europeans. We do not respect the word of the clerics, the Authority, but Europeans tend to search for living authorities.

In fact, Europeans really look for their living authorities in America. No one could imagine a Frenchman saying that there is no such thing as a French culture. They were boring about it. But the minute “multiculture” became a Harvard and New York credo, centuries of monomaniacal obsession in Paris with “French Culture” simply evaporated.

So, like Hoffer, I simply discuss the phenomenon of “American” versus “European” instead of trying to define it. Language, as Webster said, is usage. Definition is simply a means of describing usage.



Technical Request

SysOp and I would like to request that each and everyone of you change your passwords to a combination of upper and lowercase with numbers.

Tick off the top 5 boxes and set to 12.


It appears we are all clear. Let us know if you experience any more weirdness in the operation.

Again, we are grateful that there was not any damage done.

Thank you.




BUGS Needs a Pride of Membership

I know I ask an awful lot of the handful of real BUGSERS.

You do your work alone and unappreciated, two things I have learned to take for granted. This is because you get POWER for doing things like that. There are a lot more people available to get praise or names for themselves or even to march in a group. That is why the very, very few like me WIELD so much real power.

Unfortunately very few people can keep on doing things entirely because they NEED doing. The only really anonymous donors are people who are too rich to care about enhancing their names.

How many people hit the Internet with the Mantra and report back here? We dream of White Rabbit’s goal of 300, but the real number now is probably about 50.

Yet those fifty are spreading the Mantra around the world.

I promised you real power, but I also warned you about the price.

From Norway comes word that they are grouping together. One of our folks has set up a BUGS Circle.

Obviously we desperately need TEAM SPIRIT.

I have worked alone all my life, and I do NOT recommend it for most people.

FIRST, you pay your dues by posting and REPORTING it, as White Rabbit says.

But we also desperately need some sense of BELONGING, some TEAM SPIRIT.

When someone asks you to back them up in an ongoing battle, GO. When someone asks you to “approve” one of his postings, DO IT.

Add a little report that you did. Talk to the BUGSER you just helped, very briefly, right here on the Swarm “Where did you post the Mantra Today?” which to me is far the most important part of BUGS now.

The Legions had the pilum, the soft sword and discipline. But they were also TOGETHER. They couldn’t have done what they did without pride of membership and the feeling of BELONGING.
