Anti-Mantra pro-Whites are stuck in a state of “truthism”. They think that if you keep on talking about all the little, often pointless, truths in the world, it will turn into one BIG truth.
That is silly. Millions of small truths don’t make a BIG truth.
The Mantra approach is the opposite of truthism. We know that there is only ONE truth that matters right NOW.
“911 truth” will not ensure our survival.
“Jews own this” will not ensure our survival.
“Blacks commit more crime” will not ensure our survival.
“White people are better” will not ensure our survival.
The ONLY thing at this time that is exactly on point is the Mantra and its White Genocide message.
So please anti-mantra pro-Whites, stop with these little truths.
Small truth + Small truth = 2 Small truths. Not a big truth.
#1 by Daniel Genseric on 11/09/2012 - 10:01 am
It really is simple math. Funny how people on both sides won’t accept this simple truth.
#2 by cecilhenry on 11/09/2012 - 1:31 pm
Here’s an example of a little truth that serves to hide the bigger truth right out in the open.
See here:
regarding the Newsweek cover. This is so blatantly offensive that I can’t believe people don’t see what is implied.
#3 by Gator61 on 11/09/2012 - 1:52 pm
Cicil Henery, i think this goes back to the sports team mentality. As soon as you have identified yourself with one wordism or institution you will have someone changing what that wordism means or what that institution stands for. If you want your team to win you have to do what they say. White people don’t want to be disloyal to their team, so even when the democrats and republicans are working against their interests they stay loyal to their team so their team can win.
#4 by timeforfreedom on 11/09/2012 - 2:34 pm
Bob…in my opinion, all you can do with the anti-Mantra pro Whites is to treat them exactly as you would any garden variety anti-White, and simply bounce the Mantra off of them over and over. There is a way to do it with Mantra style points, and when you are talking with these AMPWs there is bound to be an audience of some kind around you. And that’s the point isn’t it Bob. We aren’t trying to convince people to use the Mantra as much as we are using the Mantra to relay a message consistently time and time again. Its effectiveness in diplayed in how effectively it harms the morale of the enemy when we simply use, instead of simply TALKING about using it. So I pound AMPWs with the Mantra as much as I do pure anti-Whites. And remember, there’s no guarantee Bob that these AMPWs aren’t anti-Whites just masquerading as pro-Whites to begin with. In my strategy, it is safe and prudent to treat everyone right now who isn’t Pro-Mantra as an anti-White and use the Mantra on them. I’m sure as hell not going to waste any time trying to convince them that the Mantra is effective…I’m going to demonstrate it to the whole audience by hitting them over the head with it every chance I get.
#5 by Jason on 11/09/2012 - 3:26 pm
Have you had any luck getting AMPWs to use any Mantra points? If so, what worked? I haven’t had much success, if any. The one’s I interact with seem VERY hard-headed about it.
I just had someone tell me that using the term “genocide” is just too hard a sell to the public. And this was from a guy who is literally trying to sell Nazism! I pointed out the contradiction but it meant nothing to him.
I’ll be curious if you have any success, but I am about to throw in the towel with the AMPWs. I fear it is a waste of time.
#6 by Daniel Genseric on 11/09/2012 - 4:14 pm
Well, would you have considered David Duke an AMPW six days ago?
To me, insisting it is ‘suicide” rather than genocide is reason enough to be lumped in with the ineffecticons.
#7 by Conrad on 11/09/2012 - 9:11 pm
“…insisting it is ‘suicide” rather than genocide…”
There is another idea here. Suicide is generally performed by individuals that are depressed or are very sick & that WANT to end their life. This is not the case with our people, they have been tricked into something else, just not suicide. They have been “gas lighted.” This is an act of murder, and since it is mass murder we are back to GENOCIDE.
#8 by timeforfreedom on 11/09/2012 - 5:48 pm
Jason…I think you have missed my point completely. I’m NOT interested in trying to convince the AMPW that the Mantra is the method of argumentation to use; I’m NOT interested in trying to convince the anti-Whites that White people are suffering a genocide. I use these people as nothing more than opportunities to state Mantra points over and over so that the surrounding audience gets the point that I am trying to convey about White Genocide.
I believe that AMPW are as ossified in their AMPW thinking as the anti-Whites are in their anti-Whitism. You ain’t going to convince them of our position…EVER. But you can always use them to bounce your Mantra point off of. That’s it. That’s all the David Dukes, Jamie Kelsos, the Dr. McDonalds, and the Jarred Taylors are good for…Nothing more.
#9 by Jason on 11/09/2012 - 9:07 pm
Gotcha, good point.
#10 by Conrad on 11/09/2012 - 8:53 pm
I knew a man once that had never seen a hammer. He had always used the handle of a screwdriver to pound nails. I was working with him one day and took out a hammer and started pounding nails with it. When he saw how well it worked he went out and bought two of his own. Oh by the way, I have several different tools in my tool box.
Jack’s War
#11 by Jason on 11/09/2012 - 3:22 pm
I notice the other AMPWs often have some nifty little Cool Theory that they are convinced will wake up the whole world to the Big Bad Plot. Frankly, they are like children. They think they can avoid the hard work of thinking systematically about things, and just have One Magic Bullet.
Usually it is some conspiracy, but others latch onto some Ideology that has ALL the answers. Maybe it is a Religion. Maybe a Grand Political Theory. It’s all dumb.
Compare that to our claim about White Genocide. The facts supporting it are massive, repeated, overwhelming and publicly available. Like most sound scientific arguments. But somehow, that isn’t cool. It doesn’t give people tingles.
So they ignore the obvious, ignore facts that are out in the open, and go for some Deep Occult Theories that only people with special decoders can understand.
I’m sorry, the people like that are more of a burden than anything else.
#12 by OldBlighty on 11/09/2012 - 5:57 pm
#5 by Jason
Next time, how about posting a link or two, to your best Mantra work, so interested people can read it?
I suggest you entice them, by bragging about how well the session went.
Don’t argue or try to convince them of anything, just brag a little, to make them curious and want to learn more.
#13 by Jason on 11/09/2012 - 9:12 pm
Good idea and I have tried to tell them about the victories to be had posting the Mantra. The Old Hands of WN don’t seem interested, but new people reading show interest.
#14 by Conrad on 11/09/2012 - 9:20 pm
After spending a few years in the Air Force I learned that the guys in the Army believed that they were the ones that won the wars. The guys in the Navy believed that they were the ones that won the wars. The guys in the Air Force believed that they were the ones that won the wars. It was the same for the Marines, Special Forces, etc. on down the line. The truth is IT TAKES ALL OF US.
#15 by CSM101 on 11/12/2012 - 6:02 pm
“The Jews Own This” may be a small truth in some peoples’ opinions, but we have to look at how the acceptance of racial blending is promulgated: it is largely through Jewish media.
Von Clausewitz wrote in “On War” that in order to be victorious in war, the general must trace the weakness of the enemy back to as few sources as possible, ideally to one source. Then, he must devise how to destroy that source in order for the whole system to become as a house of cards.
The preponderance of Jewish media and business control/influence is their largest strength, while exposure of the details of this control can be made into their greatest weakness
Some years ago, I began crafting a list of Jewish owned business which I called the Jewish 500
( I believe that if this list is updated, and crafted into bite sized pieces that white people can understand, it can be used as a companion tool to demonstrate how to deprive the vampire of blood, and buy us time for our primary campaign.
If anyone would like to assist in this endeavor, please feel free to email me at