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Anti-White Whites in the Post-Republican Era

Posted by Bob on February 7th, 2013 under Coaching Session

The critical point is that Republicans kept their paychecks by becoming the white party while desperately denying it was the white party during its entire trip to the ocean.

I have written continually about the magic of electoral arithmetic when we rid ourselves of the provincial view. As the 2012 election showed, whites are now a helpless minority posing as a majority in the name of Republicanism.
 photo deadmeat_zps7de66e19.png
The myth of white “values” ruling the world will be reinvigorated when the old folks turn out in 2014, but by 2017 even the media will not give Republicans continued status as The Other Side.

White Supremacy, in the form of traditional white values, is now on its way to being recognized as a myth. Whites are a Republican bloc, else not one Republican elected official would exist in this country.

As I have pointed out repeatedly, whites as a majority are dead meat, but they will be the most powerful minority in American history.
That is just arithmetic.

As I pointed out long before Obama’s entry into the presidential race, when Hillary Clinton was the clear front-runner, minorities are throwing out their White Champions and, the as white vote becomes less necessary to them, they are demanding minority candidates.

Oddly enough, the fall of Republicanism is at least as much a disaster for paycheck anti-whites on the left as it is for the paycheck right. The whole industry on which white genocide is based is heading into a crash dive.

  1. #1 by AnotherWhiteRabbit88 on 02/07/2013 - 6:25 am

    “Oddly enough, the fall of Republicanism is at least as much a disaster for paycheck anti-whites on the left as it is for the paycheck right. The whole industry on which white genocide is based is heading into a crash dive.” – O.k. I’m going to take a stab at the meaning of this as I understand it.

    Whites will no longer have the illusion of a “Party” they belong to. They will radicalize to a degree and realize that demographics is destiny. They will begin to think racially which is of course bad for the Anti-White establishment?

  2. #2 by Jason on 02/07/2013 - 7:13 am

    Bob says:

    “As I pointed out long before Obama’s entry into the presidential race, when Hillary Clinton was the clear front-runner, minorities are throwing out their White Champions and, the as white vote becomes less necessary to them, they are demanding minority candidates.”

    It is hilarious that White liberal women think Hillary has a chance in 2016. As if the Dems would pick an “old white woman” any more than an old white man.

    And just how will the loss of Whites at the top of the Left/anti-White side impact their effectiveness? I know what happened when the NAACP actually got a black as president. It never recovered.

  3. #3 by BGLass on 02/07/2013 - 7:56 am

    They will radicalize to a degree and realize that demographics is destiny..

    What’s “radical” about being normal. Isn’t that their word, like reactionary?

  4. #4 by JustAWhiteMom on 02/07/2013 - 9:43 am

    Mantra thinking on Greg Johnson’s Counter Currents.

  5. #5 by Daniel Genseric on 02/07/2013 - 12:27 pm

    “…when Hillary Clinton was the clear front-runner, minorities are throwing out their White Champions and, the as white vote becomes less necessary to them, they are demanding minority candidates.” – Bob

    This reminds me of one of Bob’s beaten and dated, yet painfully apropos, jokes:

    Tonto and the Lone Ranger are surrounded by hostile Indians. The Lone Ranger turns to his faithful colored-companion and says, “It’s looks like we’re in a lot of trouble, old friend!” Tonto replies, “What do you mean “we”, Paleface?”

    When “white champions” champion nothing but non-whites, how many years does it take before non-whites stop dead in their tracks and ask, “Hey. What do we need you for? We can blow our own damn horn.”

    We can take Reagan’s IRCA amnesty of 1986 as a starting point and mark down 2008’s betrayal of the vociferously anti-white and America’s REAL first black First Lady, HRC. Looks like about 22 years. Whaddaya know? Exactly one generation.

    This is going to be a boon for BUGS.

  6. #6 by backbaygrouch on 02/07/2013 - 12:51 pm

    The two party system, phoenix like, regenerates itself in the United States. This is largely a byproduct of the independently elected executive as opposed to the legislatively determined leaders of the parliamentary model. The impulse for Anti creates a countervailing grouping resulting in the bipolarity that has characterized the Republic throughout its existence. For this reason the GOP will lumber on, though to prosper it will do so under new managers.

    The problem the Republicans face is White self identification. In those parts of the country where this is strong it dominates despite Whites being less of a majority than in other parts, namely in the South. Our folk vote as a folk in the old Confederacy. Previously this race consciousness was exploited by the Democrats until they decided to switch races.

    In 2012 Romney left his most powerful weapon in the armory. The Supreme Court has recently been a powerful issue for the GOP. The public hates the judiciary. Yet we heard nary a word from Mitt’s campaign. In the Age of Diversity it was verboten to mention that White Protestants have been excised from the Supreme Court by an Obama who appointed a third Jew [2% of the population] to the Court, thus leaving about half the nation unrepresented. Romney should not have just mentioned that fact, he should have howled it to the moon each and every night. That would have brought out the millions of McCain voters who stayed home and shifted millions more from the Mulatto Messiah to his side of the ballot.

    In 1980 Reagan demonstrated that Nixon’s Southern Strategy works. He adopted the Whitaker plan outlined in Bob’s book, The New Right Papers, on the subject. The Republicans to win have to unite Southern Whites and so-called Northern ethnics. It is a White Christian alliance, a Protestant-Catholic team. This can and will be an unbeatable combination. But to ride this horse to the finish line you first have to mount it. McCain did not. Romney did not. But the first jockey boy to saddle this proven nag up will cash a lot of winning tickets for his White backers.

    A new party will emerge out of the ashes of the old Republican party along these lines. It will be mostly drawn from today’s Republican party, just as the Federalists became Whigs and Whigs became Republicans. What will the label be? Here Bob and I disagree. My gut says it will be the old label. But in either case it will be a new party, one that responds to, then promotes and finally exploits a national race self identification for Whites such as the one that prevails across Dixie now.

    • #7 by Daniel Genseric on 02/07/2013 - 3:49 pm

      BBG, this is REALLY good. It’s almost as good a read as when Bob writes about anything but himself. So, as in the case of Ole Bob, I also read yours twice.
      Then the process will start all over AGAIN (and “Chicken Bob” routinely points this out) once we get any hint of breathing room. Can we break the cycle this time? Does anyone remember what Bob said about HOW we do this? Shit, I hope so.

      “I have been there when my side won. In 1981 everyone who had been doing nothing but attacking liberals and moderates suddenly had the government dumped in their laps. On most things, they were clueless.

      One thing that stood out was how fast those who had been screaming for many years on the outside lost their ardor when they got on the inside. The first thing the Reagan top-level appointees did was dump those who were serious.

      So I have observed how cowardly a formerly dedicated group becomes when it actually takes office.” – Bob

  7. #8 by shari on 02/07/2013 - 12:53 pm

    A lot of anti-whites, either respectable or liberal, are not going to want anybody to know what they did for a living all these years.

  8. #9 by Woadwarrior on 02/07/2013 - 6:59 pm

    “Oddly enough, the fall of Republicanism is at least as much a disaster for paycheck anti-whites on the left as it is for the paycheck right. The whole industry on which white genocide is based is heading into a crash dive.”
    I think it will be funny to see what the anti-whites will do with themselves once they realize race does matter and have no where to go.

  9. #10 by Frank on 02/07/2013 - 11:28 pm

    Mike Sledge is pushing the White Genocide meme on the 2/7 show titled Down and Out Radio at …

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