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Use the Mantra But Hold Onto the Basics

Posted by Bob on February 17th, 2013 under Coaching Session

Probably the hardest part of Mantra in action is leaving out so much. Those without Mantra discipline are quickly put on the defensive by anti-white yells of “racism” and “ignorance.”

We, on the other hand, put the enemy in a defensive position.

More than that, we put them in a DESPERATE position.

While other pro-whites find themselves on the defensive reciting volumes of information, our opponents are desperate to change the subject with standard nonsense we refuse to deal with, and with personal insults.

But there are points that are very important for us to KNOW but which our discipline does not allow us to discuss. In the years to come, when we have progressed to the point beyond repeating the Mantra, we will have to have a basic world view.

One of these points is wordism. We simply don’t have the time during our assaults to explain that anyone who is not a nationalist or a racist is a wordist. He has given up all natural loyalties or blind loyalty to a bunch of words.

We don’t enjoy forcing our way into discussion groups on other subjects, but we have to because no one gives us a chance to discuss our subject.

A white traitor, any traitor, is far far worse than an enemy.

It bothers me when commenters go into a theory that indicates they have forgotten the basics. photo imagesCAKAT6NH_zps60200b8f.jpg

These are the basics on which we must construct our world in future. That is a reason for having this page here, while the real work goes on over in the Swarm.

One of the major lessons of the 2012 and 2016 elections, (the paycheck conservatives will get a boost in 2014 and claim that whatever they did worked), will be that as a matter of arithmetic whites will have to negotiate as whites. To repeat, this is a matter of arithmetic.

The white minority will remain an overwhelming plurality. But no one can succeed in the future without seeing us a huge, self-supporting minority rather than as some sort of wordism to be imposed on everybody.

  1. #1 by J Locke on 02/17/2013 - 7:50 am

    “One of the major lessons of the 2012 and 2016 elections…will be that as a matter of arithmetic whites will have to negotiate as whites. To repeat, this is a matter of arithmetic.”

    By “negotiate as whites”, does he mean Whites will develop a positive racial identity and pursue their group interests? Has this happened in any nation where Whites are currently the minority?

    Is Bob saying the mantra will create this positive racial identity? If so, how many people do we need posting the mantra for victory in 20 years?

    • #2 by backbaygrouch on 02/17/2013 - 1:21 pm

      This racial self identification exists in many of the strongly Protestant states of the old Confederacy which is how the GOP has gained an ascendancy in them. It exists in the White Catholic nations of Latin America such as Costa Rica, Chile and the Argentine. It allows the White Creoles to dominate Latin American nations where Amerindians and mestizos are the majority.

      This self identification is compatible with both branches of the European religious/cultural traditions, Catholic and Protestant. The institutions of both are Augean stables in great need of a good shoveling out, but history has shown that they can adapt to the needs of their flocks. If we lead, they will follow.

      • #3 by Jason on 02/17/2013 - 11:33 pm

        I am afraid of the Latin American model for the long run. It’s not an example of whites really flourishing. Hasn’t the proportion of Whites continually shrunk for generations (yes it has in US as well! But that is only since 1965 and is worldwide as we all know). Isn’t that the reason Argentina has declined economically from where it used to be a century ago? Some who call themselves “White” in Argentina would not be considered so in America. When I look at street scenes in Argentina, what they seem to call “white” we would call “Mexican”.

        Notice that few of the great accomplishments of White civilization of the last 200 years come from there. Europe and North America have been the center. Latin American enclaves of Whites seem more like fragile satellites of the more cohesive White societies that exist elsewhere. Those Whites would not be self-sustaining over the long run. They would eventually be subsumed by the brown masses.

        I don’t know how much that has to do with Catholicism vs Protestantism, as such. My impression is that officially, Catholicism made no distinction by race: they spent centuries trying to turn brown people White (behaviorally) by education. It failed. Obviously, there were different attitudes about mixing with locals by Europeans in North America vs South America. The results are pretty clear.

        There is nothing inherent in Protestantism that takes a stronger view on race, but it seems the old churches in the South, in their own interpretations, did take a racial view of things (and among some in the North). This helped stem “race-mixing” in North America.

        • #4 by backbaygrouch on 02/18/2013 - 2:15 am

          There are more Protestantisms than Catholicisms, but there are more than enough of the latter to cover every conceivable position on race. It just is not a matter of faith for either branch of Christianity. It depends on local circumstance for both.

          The colonial race codes in Latin America went far beyond anything instituted by the norteamericanos. Both have mixed the races informally and afterwards, formally, but the mongrelization has been going on about a 120 years longer to the South. This reflects settlers arriving in 1493 versus 1607.

          There is no ‘obvious’ difference between attitudes towards race mixing. It is local as to time and place. Indeed the most intense promotion of it ever has been in the US since WWII due mostly to the dreck coming out of Hollywood, the Academy and the news media. These have been ceded to Jewry in the US to a greater degree than anywhere else other than Israel and Bolshevik USSR.

          Historically the Iberians have been more race conscious than Anglo-Saxons due to the 700 year long Reconquista. West Point never required an applicant to prove his racial purity to four generations the way that the young cadet Francisco Franco had to 150 years ago.

          Both expressions of Christianity are universal while at the same time relative as to local practice in race relations. At this point of time in much of the US an overt White self identification has to be developed. To attain majority status it must include traditional political rivals, Southern Whites and Northern Catholic Ethnics. All it takes is first grade addition to figure that out. Bob’s book, The New Right Papers, fleshed out Nixon’s Southern Strategy. Reagan joined these voting blocs in a winning coalition for the 1980 and 1984 elections.

          There is no credal bar to such a union based on a doctrinal divide. Racial awareness and loyalty attitudes are common in the Old South and Latin America to answer J Locke’s original question. Any effort to create a bar is to fall for the divide and conquer tactics of the anti-Whites. The only division that is needed is a contest between Prods and Papists to see who can post the Mantra most effecively.

          • #5 by Jason on 02/18/2013 - 5:04 am

            ” To attain majority status it must include traditional political rivals, Southern Whites and Northern Catholic Ethnics.”

            Oh yes, very good point. Whites will have to unite inside the US to be competitive (and there maybe some alliances that are across national borders, who knows?).

            In the very long run, I would feel better about Whites in North and South America, Europe, etc. having their own areas. Not only does it lesson the threat of “race mixing”, there is something special about whites in a homogeneous society. They seem to flourish more.

            I wonder if the abundance of cheap non-White labor doesn’t act as a retardant to innovation in a society.

  2. #6 by Simmons on 02/17/2013 - 10:42 am

    As another commentator wrote, alot of our wordists its ego and I might add a sense of desperation out of fear of being labled a “racistnaziwhowantstokillsixmillionmorejews.”

    So they write long essays quibbling the details expecting the “anti-racists” to be impressed by Mommy Prof approved creds. Poor Matt Parrot lectured me the other day after I told a very smart wordist he would be better off sticking to the mantra instead of 300 word replies about genetics in a thread started over some anti-white’s actions at some school.

    “Anti-white” is a sharp stick compared to wordist nerf bats, it destroys the race card used against whites, it makes us into a powerful minority not the hapless wordists of yesteryear.

    • #7 by Jason on 02/17/2013 - 11:47 pm

      “I told a very smart wordist he would be better off sticking to the mantra instead of 300 word replies about genetics…”

      It has struck me recently that one reason why all the talk of genetics, crime, and the scientific basis of race isn’t effective is because everyone already knows it! Deep down, most Whites DO believe in race and they act like it (see where they send their kids to school when they are able). Officially, they deny it (a bit too loudly). It is a strange mixture of lip service and brainwashing.

      There is a small crowd of “White Nationalists” or pro-Whites who wish to be known as Really Smart Guys. For an example of where that attitude gets you, see Enron.

  3. #8 by beefcake on 02/17/2013 - 11:14 am

    So in other words, as Whites become a minority in the USA as a neccesity begin to THINK more racially and thus wordism starts to lose control?

    This will create a perfect environment for the Mantra to completely take hold of public discussion.

    • #9 by Jason on 02/18/2013 - 5:12 am

      I think that is right. I already sense that what used to be cutting edge ideologies of the past are fading. Things like libertarianism are not even comprehensible to most non-Whites. They are just talking to themselves now.

      The whole idea that everyone should go get in the “arena of ideas” (as Rush Limbaugh used to say) to push political agendas is fading. Now, there are too many heads that aren’t even open to abstract ideas.

  4. #10 by Dave on 02/17/2013 - 11:32 am

    There is no real foundation for the brown skinned population in the modern world. And by “modern world” I mean the world that has existed for the past 700 years.

    Brown skinned people are “paints”. The foundation for their existence is emulation of whites.

    My breath is taken away when I hear a black intellectual denounce my people in my own people’s native tongue. My only thought is: how bizarre is that? Yet nobody sees it.

    “They didn’t build it” is an understatement. They not only can’t build it, they can’t even run it even if you hand it to them on a silver platter with detailed instructions.

    Why does everything “colored” dovetail with the Left? Because the Left wants deindustrialization. They very much want the devaluation of capital.

    This is Barack Obama. He is fighting for the devaluation of capital, something that leads directly to the enslavement of brown skinned people. He is entirely blind to facts.

    The Left glories in the idea of a labor intensive economy. It is what brown skinned people want. The “eco” nonsense put out by brown skinned intellectuals is nothing less than a demand for a return to race based slavery. They are blind to the real foundation of their existence.

    The world is chock full of brown skinned people. It is a very short trip from where we are today to the reestablishment of race based slavery. We now live in a society committed to the devaluation of capital in the name of “equality”. We are going to get a labor intensive economy. That follows naturally. Am I the only one who sees this?

    The unconscious demand for a return to slavery by brown skinned people is their main thrust. I live with brown skinned people. I know them. I especially know their intellectuals. With them, it’s Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez here we come! This is “liberation” to them. “Liberation” to them is Cuba with people sitting around singing songs and reciting poems and no capital improvements for 60 years.

    To me they are astonishingly weird. But they don’t see it. This is basics.

  5. #11 by Karlfried on 02/17/2013 - 11:35 am

    I want to thank Robert Whitaker.
    I have made a mirror site of the previous writing “Good Whites”.
    You can find this mirror on my own website:
    together with some remarks in the German language.
    Hopefully this will give knowledge in Germany about Robert Whitaker´s work for mankind.

    By the way: the three countries with the largest population of white people in the world are:
    1. USA- 2. Russia- 3.Germany. Hopefully they will work together from today on. We have a common aim and a common fate. Let us help each other and support each other.

  6. #12 by J Locke on 02/18/2013 - 2:57 am

    I would get a better understanding of our solution if Bob would pontificate on how many Mantra posters times number of posts per person per day we need to save White people, and end White GeNOcide.

    How many mantra posts per week does Bob think we should make for this to work over time?

  7. #13 by Nordoxen on 02/18/2013 - 8:15 am

    “A white traitor, any traitor, is far far worse than an enemy.”

    I often find it difficult to call someone a traitor when they have had no lojality what so ever to their own people to begin with. The word I use for them is “enemies”.

    But you’re right, basics are important.

  8. #15 by Bob on 02/18/2013 - 10:27 am

    Nordoxen, you are losing the message in the technicalities.
    All traitors claim they are being “objective”: “treason to the white race is loyalty to mankind.”
    A traitor is one who betrays his own kind. Traitors ALL claim
    as you do that they are no different from anyone else on the other side.
    They get hanged anyway.

  9. #16 by Gator61 on 02/18/2013 - 11:40 am

    Bob, I get the point. I still see a lot of White and nearly Normal people out there. They are angry about one or more aspects of the genocide. They just have not put the pieces together yet. My thought was to gather them with one Mantra thought BLACK HISTORY MONTH is really BLACK PRIDE MONTH, then expose them to the full Mantra.

    • #17 by cecilhenry on 02/18/2013 - 2:01 pm

      Yes— I think the key point is that white geNOcide is being justified and excused in order to make room for ‘black pride’.

      That’s the problem.

  10. #18 by Gator61 on 02/18/2013 - 11:53 am

    I posted my petition on my Facebook. I got this comment

    The white race is being genocided by Jewish/communist interests.

    After a brief conversation, I found that this person had never heard of BUGS, the Mantra or Follow the White Rabbit. He now has links to both.

    • #19 by beefcake on 02/18/2013 - 6:39 pm

      It is fantastic he now has heard of us, but the fact that the meme is rising and he already has the CONCEPT in place BEFORE he heard of us.

      People will start speaking about “White Genocide” and “Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White” in their conversations everywhere, weather they agree or intent to debate it.

      We are just starting to scratch the surface in how powerful our message REALLY is.

  11. #20 by JustAWhiteMom on 02/18/2013 - 11:57 am

    Congratulations Gator!

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