I have mentioned many times that my Populist Forum, which did press conferences and arranged for thousands to of Boston Southies and West Virginians to march in Washington, was so effective that some media joined the official Communist Daily World in denouncing us as “a huge, heavily financed organization.”
Actually there were three of us and we had no bank account.
It interests me that no commenter seems to remember that so no one has Pointed out that what is happening to BUGS is the same thing. We are suddenly a huge secret conspiracy, exposed by our enemies in hushed tones.
This was the enemy’s response when the Forum suddenly popped up to replace paycheck conservatives they could handle, and anti-whites have the same reaction to facing serious pros on the pro-whites side.
#1 by Jmcaul on 02/23/2013 - 3:41 pm
“BOO!” = the mantra.
#2 by Iceknight on 02/23/2013 - 5:35 pm
Pretty amazing when you think about it, that BUGS has the potential to cause a global revolution all for the cost of a few hundred dollars web hosting fees.
#3 by Jason on 02/23/2013 - 6:08 pm
It’s is amazing. It never occurred to me before that an anti-White system that has to spend a trillion dollars a year to prop itself up is actually WEAK.
#4 by Jmcaul on 02/23/2013 - 11:45 pm
(Smacking myself in the head for not seeing this obvious truth before Jason pointed it out.)
I guess this also has something to do with their system being based on contradiction, huh.
#5 by Lord Nelson on 02/23/2013 - 7:06 pm
And it’s great fun to take these sick Genocidal idiots down.
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White!
#6 by Dick_Whitman on 02/23/2013 - 11:39 pm
BUGS is more threatening to the enemy than all the efforts of White Nationalism for the last 60 years put together.
#7 by Jason on 02/25/2013 - 3:41 am
Very true. I just looked at some of the other pro-White sites tonight. It’s all self-indulgent, undisciplined meandering.
One site sells books that you can get for free online (because they were written 100 years ago) and then asks for donations, even though they just had a big drive to raise $25K. What is that money spent on?
Some sites do the Jew thing and some seem like little more than controlled opposition.
Speaking for me, if/when we turn the corner and need pro-White spokesmen, I don’t want them to be any of those people. If they were too dumb to see the value of the single best thing to hit the pro-White side in their lifetimes, then I don’t want them representing us.
#8 by Scythian on 02/24/2013 - 1:46 am
Anti-whites have and will sacrifice millions of white children just to prove some nigger can get a PHD from mommy professor!
It’s White GENOCIDE.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
#9 by Lord Nelson on 02/24/2013 - 6:48 am
“just to prove some nigger can get a PHD”
Did you really have to use that word “nigger”. Seriously, what was the point in that?
The moral high ground is ours. So why go throwing it away by talking like one of mommy professors little pet nazis.
#10 by Scythian on 02/24/2013 - 1:28 pm
That really stings, you made your point and I got it, no excuses. Still, I stand by the point I made minus “the most evil word in mankind history”.
#11 by Lord Nelson on 02/24/2013 - 1:49 pm
No worries. I just could not think of another way of putting it. I understand that, that word may have been demonized by Anti-Whites and made out to mean worse than it really is intended to mean.
But either way. There is no point in playing the role that was created for us by our enemies.
#12 by dungeoneer on 02/24/2013 - 8:14 pm
That naughty man Dave has used the n-word here as well.
#13 by Harumphty Dumpty on 02/24/2013 - 8:38 pm
I have a real old 78 record that has “Turkey in the Straw” on one side, and “N_____ Loves his Possum” on the other. It was among the records my grandparents had and played on their huge stand-on-the-floor wind up victrola.
I’m not sure, but I think that in my grandparents’ day (around 1900, 1910), it was pretty much just an ordinary word, but by the time I was a child in Virginia in the 1940s it was considered not polite among Whites…I don’t think I ever heard any of my somewhat proper family ever use it.
I notice here in Berkeley that when a black guy gets mad at a white, it generally takes him two sentences before he uses the word “white,” and four sentences before he uses the word “cracker.”
#14 by Jason on 02/25/2013 - 3:53 am
Lord Nelson is spot on, we have to keep the moral high ground and ethnic slurs become a distraction.
I say that even though it is the one of the silliest taboos of our age. I don’t really care if black people call us crackers amongst themselves. Or if the Chinese call us Round Eyes.
But, the moment we use ethnic slurs we can’t get past the mental filters people put up. They will dismiss us and not listen to the Mantra.
This really only applies when doing Mantra work. I don’t care what anyone says with friends or over a beer!
#15 by Jmcaul on 02/25/2013 - 11:59 am
Black people can say ‘cracker.’ Black people can say ‘whitey.’ Black people can say ‘nigger.’ ONLY White people are forbidden from saying ‘nigger.’ It’s genocide.
#16 by Harumphty Dumpty on 02/25/2013 - 10:45 pm
I agree entirely with Lord Nelson. I was just musing.
#17 by 4MyNation on 02/24/2013 - 9:30 pm
Hey, I’m trying to post on the Swarm forum and it’s not working, and at the bottom says “Comments are closed.”
Anybody know what’s up?
#18 by Harumphty Dumpty on 02/24/2013 - 9:58 pm
If you’re talking about the working thread, on my screen it always says “comments are closed,” but I”m still able to post on it except sometimes when I’ve copied something from somewhere else the post won’t go up.
#19 by Dick_Whitman on 02/26/2013 - 8:27 pm
I assume people (who aren’t enemy operatives) who use racial epithets do so because it makes them a feel better? Perhaps this is blowing off steam?
Lord Nelson is of course correct in pointing out that using racial epithets does not help us in any way.
Yes, it is just plain stupid that such a big deal is made about these words in the current anti-White times. But this is the reality of the battlefield we’re on. The enemy has spent trillions of dollars associating people who use these words with naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews. Using them only hurts us. This is playing into the enemy’s plan.The good news is you don’t really see this kind of language that often on this site.
Bob has been writing about discipline a lot lately. I implore any BUGSter who feels the urge to traffic in racial epithets to be disciplined enough to refrain from doing so at this site, or anywhere else that is associated with our message. It only hurts us. It only hurts us. It only hurts us.
#20 by Scythian on 02/27/2013 - 12:58 am
I already said I got the point. I was going to let this go especially after Jason said what I had been thinking – that word is wasteful, it distracts from the point I made. Have you asked Bob Whitaker or Dave if using the word ‘nigger’ on this site makes them “feel better” or helps them to “blow off steam”? Or are they authority figures that you as a military man would never dare question? And I’m just a lowly Swarmer who’s posted the Mantra literally thousands upon thousands of times? Can you say the same? Have you seen your pro-white comments erased while anti-white comments and comments that threaten your life aren’t – countless times? Perhaps you’re doing other pro-white work outside of BUGS? Are you at liberty to enlighten us? When you portrayed Jews as sub-human Neanderthals on your website (you provided a link to said site here in the comments section), did that make you “feel better about yourself”? Were you just “blowing off steam”? What’s worse, that? or a silly word? Does telling us that you “respect some non-whites that you know more than some whites that you know” make you feel ‘respectable’? Is all that an anti-white has to do is attach an epithet to the Mantra or Mini-Mantras to “hurt us”? I guess if I found a cure for cancer and let slip an epithet, everyone would ignore the cure? -LOL! they probably would!
#21 by dungeoneer on 02/27/2013 - 10:32 am
Hey Scythian, Dick also advises us that the Chinese might not like being unpaid their US debt if America is browned out.
#22 by Dick_Whitman on 02/27/2013 - 6:51 pm
“I already said I got the point.” (Scythian)
MY comments were to all BUGSters and not specifically aimed to you young lady.
“I was going to let this go especially after Jason said what I had been thinking – that word is wasteful, it distracts from the point I made.” (Scythian)
Ya, sure.
“Have you asked Bob Whitaker or Dave if using the word ‘nigger’ on this site makes them “feel better” or helps them to “blow off steam”? Or are they authority figures that you as a military man would never dare question?” (Scythian)
IF Dave and/or Bob use racial epithets I would urge them as well to not do so. BECAUSE IT ONLY HURTS US!
“And I’m just a lowly Swarmer who’s posted the Mantra literally thousands upon thousands of times? Can you say the same? Have you seen your pro-white comments erased while anti-white comments and comments that threaten your life aren’t – countless times? ” (Scythian)
Wow, you had you comments erased and were threatened by anti-Whites on the internet, you really seen it all!
“When you portrayed Jews as sub-human Neanderthals on your website (you provided a link to said site here in the comments section), did that make you “feel better about yourself”? Were you just “blowing off steam”? What’s worse, that? or a silly word?” (Scythian)
Oh, you’re talking about my article titled “Neanderthal Tim Wise asserts that Whites are ill suited for economic hardship.” (1) If you actually read the article you would know that I didn’t “portray Jews as sub-human Neanderthals.” I hypothesized that high levels of neanderthal DNA may be responsible for the Jewish propensity for tribal conflict. But you need to make up your mind. Last time you wept about that article on this site you were mad because I didn’t approve your comments that were full of anti-Jew slurs. Now you’re upset because I went too hard on the Jews. If you’re going to be an effective troll, at least get your game straight.
“Does telling us that you “respect some non-whites that you know more than some whites that you know” make you feel ‘respectable’? ”
Wow, you really read my blog a lot. I didn’t think anyone did outside of the intelligence agencies, the SPLC, or the ADL? Oh wait…..
“Is all that an anti-white has to do is attach an epithet to the Mantra or Mini-Mantras to “hurt us”?”(Scythian)
It certainly doesn’t help us.
“I guess if I found a cure for cancer and let slip an epithet, everyone would ignore the cure? -LOL! they probably would!” ( Scythian)
If you were able to find the cure to White genocide I wouldn’t care what you said. The problem is, when you use racial epithets, it makes it harder for us to cure this problem.
(1) http://snoutslap.wordpress.com/2011/10/26/neanderthal-tim-wise-asserts-that-whites-ill-suited-for-economic-hardship/
#23 by Dick_Whitman on 02/27/2013 - 6:54 pm
note above:
“Does telling us that you “respect some non-whites that you know more than some whites that you know” make you feel ‘respectable’? ”
was a quote by Scythian that I forgot to label with her name.
#24 by Scythian on 02/27/2013 - 11:24 pm
“Ya, sure.” (Dick)
Hadn’t I already said that I got LN’s point? You’re just saying I’m lying without backing it up? What does that tell us about you? *see below.
“IF Dave and/or Bob use racial epithets I would urge them as well to not do so.” (Dick)
Then why didn’t you? You could have used those opportunities in the past to “address all BUGSters”, no?
“Wow, you had you comments erased and were threatened by anti-Whites on the internet, you really seen it all!” (Dick)
You’re trying to mock me “on the internet” to avoid the question I asked and distract from the point I made. The point and question (again) is that I’ve posted the Mantra thousands of times, can you say the same? Or maybe there’s Mantra work outside of BUGS you’d like to enlighten us about? Or have you spent more time arguing with BUGSers than spreading the Mantra?
“Oh, you’re talking about my article titled “Neanderthal Tim Wise asserts that Whites are ill suited for economic hardship.” (1) If you actually read the article you would know that I didn’t “portray Jews as sub-human Neanderthals.” I hypothesized that high levels of neanderthal DNA may be responsible for the Jewish propensity for tribal conflict. But you need to make up your mind. Last time you wept about that article on this site you were mad because I didn’t approve your comments that were full of anti-Jew slurs. Now you’re upset because I went too hard on the Jews. If you’re going to be an effective troll, at least get your game straight.” (Dick)
Again, you avoided my question: What’s worse? “Hypothesizing” that Jews are sub-human Neanderthals, or using the word ‘nigger’?
*You accused me of lying, yet this comment of yours is full of lies. Want to bring up the actual comment I made on this web-site? I remember it. I questioned why you posted said anti-Jew article on YOUR site, yet blocked a comment I made about the ridiculousness of starting a War with Iran over Iran’s nuke program – this is the comment you blocked TWICE, there weren’t any “anti-Jew slurs” Mr. Neanderthal.
I’m a “troll” – LOL! Right, I just spent hours making two Mini-Mantra lists, posted the Mantra probably 50x more than you have, and have distributed 1500+ Mantra fliers. I’ve even talked Mantra to people in public with audience within earshot “just so I can get away with trolling here” – LOL!
“Wow, you really read my blog a lot. I didn’t think anyone did outside of the intelligence agencies, the SPLC, or the ADL? Oh wait…..” (Dick)
No Dick, I haven’t seen your blog since a month after you posted the link here. You told US here at BUGS not very long ago in the comments section as I’ve already stated – that you “respect some non-whites more than whites”. As though you’re speaking to mindless anti-whites who can’t comprehend such a thing. Does it make you feel ‘respectable’ to say that?
What’s your purpose here, to get BUGSers to stop Swarming?
One more thing Dick, trying to mock me and calling me names doesn’t answer my questions nor does it say anything about the points I made, but it tells us EVERYTHING about you, no?
#25 by Dick_Whitman on 02/28/2013 - 3:05 pm
“Hadn’t I already said that I got LN’s point? You’re just saying I’m lying without backing it up? What does that tell us about you?” (Scythian)
It tells us that I know you’re full of shit. You had no intention of “letting it go” or you wouldn’t have said that you did. It was clear that my original comment was not aimed specifically at you, but you took that as an opportunity to throw a temper tantrum at me. I believe your next course of action is for you and your troll partners to complain about my hurting your feelings and to give Bob an ultimatum to either ban me or you’ll go away?
Then why didn’t you? You could have used those opportunities in the past to “address all BUGSters”, no?(Scythian)
I believe I have brought up this point in the past but took your post (and jmcaul’s post) as an opportunity to reiterate it. I don’t recall Dave using these words? I recall Bob once using “nigger” in a previous post regarding a no name black man who was running for Senate in South Carolina, but he used in a way that implied that the Democrats thought candidate was a “nigger.” This is a clever and acceptable way to use such wording but I don’t recommend it because it gives trolls like yourself the opportunity to exploit it.
You’re trying to mock me “on the internet” to avoid the question I asked and distract from the point I made. The point and question (again) is that I’ve posted the Mantra thousands of times, can you say the same? Or maybe there’s Mantra work outside of BUGS you’d like to enlighten us about? Or have you spent more time arguing with BUGSers than spreading the Mantra? (Scythian)
I mocked you because you act as if everyone here hasn’t been threatened or had their comments erased by anti-Whites. If you say you posted the mantra “thousands upon thousands” of times, I guess I’ll believe you just as I believe the people who report at BUGS swarm that they just posted the mantra 1000 times or 871 times. I don’t know how many times I posted the mantra but if I were to estimate I would say it was between 500 to 700 times. I also write articles for BUGS. I also help strengthen the message. For example, I noticed that our replies to the “love” and “intermarriage” arguments were weak, so I pushed for a discussion that resulted in us strengthening our replies. This was particularly distressing to the enemy, as they had their troll dungeoneer attacking the whole time. I also pushed to have the mantra changed from when it inaccurately claimed that “the Netherlands and Belgium are more crowed than Japan and Taiwan.” This too brought attacks from the troll “Stradivari.” I also post 30 paper copies of the mantra each month in public places. So far I’ve probably posted about 180 of these. I’m currently working on an article on the enemy’s most likely courses of action as BUGS goes prime-time. I do believe however, that I should be posting the mantra more online.
Again, you avoided my question: What’s worse? “Hypothesizing” that Jews are sub-human Neanderthals, or using the word ‘nigger’?” (Scythian )
I didn’t avoid anything, the premise of you question is flawed. The word nigger is burned in people’s heads as being the worst thing you can ever say. The claim that Jews are part neanderthal IS TRUE. In fact, they admit it, which you would know if you read the links to my article. So if the enemy reports that one of us claimed that Jews are part neanderthal, then they’ll be exposing the fact that Jews are indeed part neanderthal. My article speculates that this might be why Jews are so hostile to out groups, and Whites in particular?
*You accused me of lying, yet this comment of yours is full of lies. Want to bring up the actual comment I made on this web-site? I remember it. I questioned why you posted said anti-Jew article on YOUR site, yet blocked a comment I made about the ridiculousness of starting a War with Iran over Iran’s nuke program – this is the comment you blocked TWICE, there weren’t any “anti-Jew slurs” Mr. Neanderthal.” (Scythian)
You’ve attempted to make more comments on my site than anyone else. I’ve erased almost all of them because they were so stupid. The neanderthal article has really gotten under your skin. It does not surprise me, most of the hate comments directed towards me on my site have been over that article.
I’m a “troll” – LOL! Right, I just spent hours making two Mini-Mantra lists, posted the Mantra probably 50x more than you have, and have distributed 1500+ Mantra fliers. I’ve even talked Mantra to people in public with audience within earshot “just so I can get away with trolling here” – LOL! (Scythian)
Unfortunately you don’t even have to have such a history to troll freely at this site.
“You told US here at BUGS not very long ago in the comments section as I’ve already stated – that you “respect some non-whites more than whites”. As though you’re speaking to mindless anti-whites who can’t comprehend such a thing. Does it make you feel ‘respectable’ to say that?” (Scythian )
I say it because it’s the truth. I’m not sure saying anything can make one feel “respectable?” But if I did want to be a respectable conservative, I don’t think I would be a BUGS or writing articles about Jewish neanderthal DNA.
What’s your purpose here, to get BUGSers to stop Swarming?” (Scythian)
If that was my purpose, I wouldn’t be writing articles encouraging people to SWARM. Your purpose is to post racial epithets in the comment section to make us look like naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews. There actually is a troll at BUGS who tries to inject doubts about the mantra and SWARMing, but so far he’s been unsuccessful.
One more thing Dick, trying to mock me and calling me names doesn’t answer my questions nor does it say anything about the points I made, but it tells us EVERYTHING about you, no?” (Scythian)
I answered your retarded questions, even the ones that required me to accept you claims of posting the mantra “thousands upon thousands” of times and the one with the flawed premise. Now I want you to do something for me. I do without a doubt believe you to be an enemy operative. You also believe me to be a troll. So what I will do is sign my name to the following oath/curse. I ask that you do the same. Let me recommend to you that you take this very seriously. If you are an enemy operative I suggest you don’t sign it rather than lie about it. BECAUSE YOU WILL SUFFER IF YOU LIE! This is no joke. Your life will change for the worst if you sign this with dishonest intentions. Here it is:
I, the person who uses the screen name Dick Whitman at BUGS, do solemnly swear, that my actions at BUGS are 100% sincere in my desire to end the program of White genocide and to secure a future for White humans. I am not an enemy operative or a troll. If I am lying in this regard, and I really am an enemy operative or troll, may the Universe/God curse me and bring to my life imaginable physical, psychological, and spiritual pain and suffering. May the Universe/God also inflict this pain and suffering on my family, on my friends, and on all others whom I care about.
Dick Whitman
Go ahead and copy and paste it, change my name to your name at the top and then sign the bottom as well. If you do this, I will never question anything you write on this website ever again. I will also apologize that I doubted your sincerity and motivations. But remember, if you sign this, and really are an enemy operative who works for an organization (intelligence, fraternal, “watchdog,” etc); or an individual anti-White working on your own, understand that I am not responsible for what happens to you as a result.And don’t try to have your partners come in the room and each type one letter of your name because it will still be on you and may effect them as well.
I look forward to seeing you sign the oath/curse.
#26 by Scythian on 02/28/2013 - 11:44 pm
“I don’t recall Dave using these words?” (Dick)
You are honestly telling us you missed Dave’s comment?
“I believe your next course of action is for you and your troll partners to complain about my hurting your feelings and to give Bob an ultimatum to either ban me or you’ll go away?” (Dick)
Don’t be ridiculous, the Mantra is as air tight as a space ship.
“I recall Bob once using “nigger” in a previous post regarding a no name black man who was running for Senate in South Carolina, but he used in a way that implied that the Democrats thought candidate was a “nigger.”” (Dick)
That’s exactly the same way I used it.
This is the way it went down:
I left a comment on YOUR blog under some random article about the ridiculousness of starting a War with Iran over Iran’s Nuke program (and I counted the ways); you blocked that comment while at the same time posting an (let’s face it) anti-Jew article.
That is the contradiction I questioned of you HERE at BUGS. Your initial answer was “you didn’t recall the comment”, “you must have a good memory”. NOW you are saying said comment was “retarded” and had “anti-Jew” slurs. This IS a bald faced lie and the proof is on THIS site.
I’m not taking any “oath”, least of all from someone who lied about me to BUGS.
#27 by dungeoneer on 03/01/2013 - 6:01 am
Dickie is all over the place. The only sensible thing he said was:
“I should be posting the mantra more online.”
#28 by Lord Nelson on 02/28/2013 - 5:06 pm
Scythian & Dick_Whitman
Hey come on folks. I was not trying to imply that anyone was a troll. If anything I went too far in trying to explain my point. Which was my mistake.
So save the venom for the Anti-Whites 😉
#29 by Dick_Whitman on 03/01/2013 - 6:57 am
“I’m not taking any “oath”, least of all from someone who lied about me to BUGS.” (Scythian )
LOL. That’s what I thought troll.
Hey dungeoneer, lets see if you’ll sign it. Here it is again:
I, the person who uses the screen name Dick Whitman at BUGS, do solemnly swear, that my actions at BUGS are 100% sincere in my desire to end the program of White genocide and to secure a future for White humans. I am not an enemy operative or a troll. If I am lying in this regard, and I really am an enemy operative or troll, may the Universe/God curse me and bring to my life imaginable physical, psychological, and spiritual pain and suffering. May the Universe/God also inflict this pain and suffering on my family, on my friends, and on all others whom I care about.
Dick Whitman
Go ahead and copy and paste it, change my name to your name at the top and then sign the bottom as well. If you do this, I will never question anything you write on this website ever again. I will also apologize that I doubted your sincerity and motivations. But remember, if you sign this, and really are an enemy operative who works for an organization (intelligence, fraternal, “watchdog,” etc); or an individual anti-White working on your own, understand that I am not responsible for what happens to you as a result.And don’t try to have your partners come in the room and each type one letter of your name because it will still be on you and may effect them as well.
#30 by dungeoneer on 03/01/2013 - 10:14 am
As a U.S military man in the Christian tradition you should be well aware of what Jesus said about the taking of grave oaths:
“Let your yes be yes and your no be no, all else comes from the evil one”
BUGS application of those words:
“Let your mantra postings demonstrate your loyalty, and likewise your lack thereof”
#31 by seapea on 03/01/2013 - 1:09 pm
Dick, regarding the oath…
Did you mean,
“imaginable physical, psychological, and spiritual pain and suffering”
– or –
“(un)imaginable physical, psychological, and spiritual pain and suffering”
– ? –
Just want to make sure it’s airtight.
We should start a thread where we can all take it, something like the “How I found BUGS” thread but with our I’m Not a Troll Oaths (INaTOs).
#32 by Dick_Whitman on 03/01/2013 - 5:42 pm
yes, I meant
“unimaginable physical, psychological, and spiritual pain and suffering”
thank you for the correction. AND I THINK IT’S A GREAT IDEA THAT WE ALL TAKE IT!!!
So far, two people I suspected of being enemy operatives or trolls have refused to take it. And this was the smart choice on their part. This tells me these are people who know a little about how the universe works.These aren’t just 19 year old “anti-racists” in their dorm rooms.
“That is the contradiction I questioned of you HERE at BUGS. Your initial answer was “you didn’t recall the comment”, “you must have a good memory”. NOW you are saying said comment was “retarded” and had “anti-Jew” slurs. This IS a bald faced lie and the proof is on THIS site.” (Scythian)
I did vaguely remember your comment at the time you asked, but I lied to you the same way I would lie to an overweight woman who asks me if shes fat. I did it to spare your feelings. I didn’t want to say “well, your comment (like most of your comments) was just plain retarded.” But that was before I realized you were a troll. I now realize that all your comments that contained epithets, threats, anti-Jew slurs, and just retarded thought processes were not due to being stupid, they were intended to pollute the discourse at my site. This is your main MO.
So, now that I have been more honest with you than you deserve, will you please sign the I’m Not a Troll Oath below:
I, the person who uses the screen name Dick Whitman at BUGS, do solemnly swear, that my actions at BUGS are 100% sincere in my desire to end the program of White genocide and to secure a future for White humans. I am not an enemy operative or a troll. If I am lying in this regard, and I really am an enemy operative or troll, may the Universe/God curse me and bring to my life unimaginable physical, psychological, and spiritual pain and suffering. May the Universe/God also inflict this pain and suffering on my family, on my friends, and on all others whom I care about.
Dick Whitman
Maybe you’ll play the Jesus card like dungeoneer?
#33 by Scythian on 03/02/2013 - 1:07 pm
Unlike you have done to me and other BUGSers, I have NEVER once accused you of being an anti-white troll. You say I’m trying to sew division between BUGSers (when there’s absolutely no evidence of that), while you ask BUGSers to pledge some “oath” which is basically asking BUGSers to take sides between dungeoneer, me, and you. You say the Universe/God will punish the dishonest, while telling lies which I’ve already exposed. Would you take an “oath” from someone who lies about you??? In case you haven’t noticed, we already have an oath-thread, it’s called ‘Where Did You Post The Mantra Today’.
Again, this is the way it went down: I tried to post a comment on your site (over a year ago I believe) explaining the ridiculousness of starting a War with Iran over its nuke program; you blocked the comment – this along with the fact you posted an (let’s face it) anti-Jew article the type of which makes us look much worse compared to one of us using an epithet once in a blue moon – planted a seed of doubt in my mind about you. Said contradiction didn’t make sense. So when other BUGSers began to question you here several months later, I simply asked you then on this site about the contradiction. You said at the time “I don’t recall your comment”, “you must have a very good memory”. (After this, I tried again on your site to post basically the same comment, again it was blocked.) Now you are saying that my comment as well as all my comments on your site were “retarded” and full of “slurs” – this is a BALD FACED LIE. So I imagine “the Universe/God will curse you and bring to your life unimaginable suffering”?
I actually saved the original comment I tried to post on your site over a year ago to one of my Mini-Mantra lists. Here it is typos and all:
‘Speaking of self sacrifice, if Iran got a nuke they would of course instantly bomb Israel with their super-advanced weaponry that only kills jews and not all those muslim Arabs and Aryans in the area. And this advanced techonolgy would kill only Jews so quickly that Iran and other other muslims around Iran would not have to worry about a retaliatory strike from anywhere on the planet. Iran of course would be willing to take this risk for “theological reasons” so that if the plan goes ary, and Arab and Aryan muslims have to be “sacrificed” in the grand “suicide bombing”, at least south-east-asians will still be muslim!’
As I said, after I questioned you here several months later about why you’d block this comment yet post an (let’s face it) anti-Jew article, I tried posting basically the same comment on your site (w/ less sarcasm & more detail), and you blocked it again. I’m not nor did I ever accuse you of being an anti-white troll because of this, but was has been revealed is that you’re less than honest and are willing to cause dissension amongst the ranks to cover your lies.
#34 by Dick_Whitman on 03/02/2013 - 11:08 am
here it is http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/topic/the-im-not-a-trollenemy-operative-oathcurse/#post-37202
#35 by Woadwarrior on 03/02/2013 - 3:31 pm
Wow! Look at how many characters were used to fill this thread. How many mantra posts would that be? A couple of quotes: “Action speaks louder than words”, and “the truth is the only safe ground upon which to stand”. I see what Bob meant about discipline is key.