Archive for March, 2013
Some Comments on the Latest Comments
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 03/23/2013
Coaches are either effective or nice. I want to be effective.
Someone was wondering why MSNBC had the White Petition on if the signatures were demonstrably so few.
Sigh. At least twenty times I have repeated how I got my picture on the front page of the New York Times. God knows, maybe you thought I was bragging.
Twenty times I have repeated the lesson: Make it QUOTABLE if you want it quoted.
I think the best way to keep something Top Secret is for me to say it here.
I pointed out as a former House Staffer that the operatives in SC lobbies must have been either totally incompetent or made complete fools of their dues-payers. How could a competent lobbying group not know the carrying in bars provision would be knocked off the bill in the Senate?
So as not to name anyone, I cited the NRA. All you talked about was the NRA, which has next to no lobbying concentration at the SC state level, so I wouldn’t have to look at the whole situation and name anybody locally.
So you talked about the NRA.
Yes, they ought to pay me to put secrets here so nobody would get them.
Speaking of Top Secret, I have pointed out repeatedly that I got that rating repeatedly. I got a Hill jobs after discussing the threat to the white race in my 1976 mainline book. When Paul Fromm got caught returning to Canada with my last book on him, they kept it two months and declared it legal.
It repeats the Mantra a dozen times. The BNP has pointed out that that mantra repeating book is legal there.
I just read a set of comments about my article on samizdat and going public. Not one person said, “Say, Ole Bob with his Top Secret clearance and his known connections to everybody in the pro-white movement of his time and his mainline publisher books and his championing the white race books…
“Hey, you think Ole Bob, while he was bragging on his picture in the Times, do you think he might ALSO know something about going public?”
Did Samizdat Succeed?
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 03/22/2013
I HATE the fact that I have to bring this up. A major point of my article on the White Genocide Petition was to say for the hundredth time that we are samizdat.
Not a thing in the comments about samizdat.
Samizdat was anonymous. Samizdat fully accomplished what it set out to do.
Samizdat had an impossible aim, to bring down the Soviet Empire. It was done.
The fact that the Soviet Union was brought down is one of the most ignored giant events of history. Everybody knows more about Hitler’s moustache than they do about the whole collapse of that Superpower after seventy years.
Obviously there is a lesson here. Even more it is a lesson no one wants.
Those who made samizdat are more forgotten than those who really founded America and caused the end of British rule. Those who took over opposed independence and any talk of it.
I have said this dozens of times: there are those who do things and there are those who collect credit.
I think we can destroy the genocide system anonymously. We can save our race anonymously.
But whoever replaces the present system cannot just be samizdat.
History shows us that Samizdat WILL save our race.
If we spent less time debating how cowardly Americans are not to sign the petitions, and calling them cowards, while hiding behind code names, we might realize the truth I exposed.
You can overturn the system anonymously. But whoever leads has to go public, like the Old Man here.
Samizdat has not an ounce of power in the former Empire.
The media when they have to mention the former Empire talk only about Russia. That would be the normal Comment response, to talk about what the media would talk about. I am just heading it off.
BUGSERS must learn to stop thinking in the standard groove.
The Message of Our White Genocide Petition
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 03/21/2013
Jason and others ask me what is the next step after the Mantra.
As any general would tell the troops, what is all important is that you fight the present fight.
Meanwhile, as I keep repeating, all this “esoteric” stuff I write here is directly aimed at how you should continue after breakthroughs. Until you realize that, you cannot really think about strategy.
For example, we just got the Mantra onto national TV.
We got only 400 signatures to the White House White Genocide Petition.
You can do the usual thing and wail about how that shows no one but you is serious.
Or you can stop sobbing and note that I have said over and over and over “We Are Samizdat.”
I worked with samizdat. We have my article in Pravda to prove it.
But nobody here has gotten the slightest hint from articles saying “We Are Samizdat.”
Everyone her knows that tens of thousands have signed up on Stormfront. David Duke’s name has gotten MILLIONS of hits.
Why, then, only less than four hundred on the petition?
Anybody who has even heard the term samizdat should know that.
Our bravest BUGSERS are stopped when their comments require email confirmation.
The Petitions require that you register your email with the White House.
I was hoping to God I wouldn’t be the only one to notice this.
Once again, my prayers were not answered.
Simply mentioning the above discrepancy would have popped into someone’s head who read my repeated references to samizdat, IF that person were capable of strategy-level thinking in real power politics.
Learn to READ, learn to THINK.
That is where strategic thinking comes from.
“Pushing Toothpaste Back Into the Tube”
When I first heard that expression I LOVED it. It is such a perfect description of how anti-whites act when we pull the Mantra on them.
In all previous times, all they had to do was remind you were a Southerner or ignorant, or Catholic. All the Fashionable Opinions put you down and ignored you. For respectable conservatives or Southerners who longed for Northern approval — who turned out to the out most provincial of all — that was enough.
But now we don’t seem to care. In fact, the weapon that used to work perfectly is truly alien to today’s thought. The good old awe of a PhD died from the onset of Google.
So the toothpaste of racial survival, which used to have a solid cap on it driven in by the New York Times, the networks, The Tide of History, is out.
It’s like Pandora’s box.
Those who shout “ignorant” sound hollow, because the ruling superstition towards the New York Times and Mommy Professor has simply sunk away.
The Magic Words that worked so perfectly when I was coming up are shouted reflexively now as they were then. But they are out of date and have no traction.
“Ignorant,” the word they once conjured with, obviously has no relevance in the Google Age.
Ignorant of WHAT?
Ignorant of Fashionable Opinion.
It used to work like magic.
Now the toothpaste is out of the tube and the cap is gone forever.
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 03/17/2013
This goes with the piece called “Quotability.”
The reason my brothers and sisters can use the computer is because I went to each of their houses, spent the night, and taught them.
All of them are, believe it or not, older than I am.
Every one of them had good friends who were past masters of computers, pros.
But not one of them knew a computer man who could EXPLAIN THE BASICS.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the big difference between BUGS and other pro-whites.
It sounds like a very simple difference. The Occidental Quarterly asks, “Have I written the correct factual information?” BUGS asks, “Did they GET it?”
The Reagan, or Kemp-Roth, tax cut brought in a vast increase in tax revenues. But Kemp did not get the concept until he had lunch with the economist Laffer about 1970. All of us economists who were not hopeless Marxists knew the concept.
The Kennedy tax cut of 1963 had caused a huge increase in Federal revenues while it made enormous sums for the taxpayers. Kennedy got rid of the thirty-year-old 91 percent tax on incomes over $300,000, which had hardly collected a dime.
Everybody had learned to get round it except a few prize fighters.
Kennedy cut taxes across the board, the recession ended and tax revenues skyrocketed.
Everybody knew it. But nobody SAW it.
By the time Johnson took office, he had a huge increase in revenues to work with, caused directly by his predecessor’s across the board tax cut.
Everybody knew that, but nobody knew that.
It had been done, but it had not been explained.
Until Laffer explained it to Congressman Kemp in that restaurant with the Laffer Curve. There were two decades between the Kennedy tax cuts and the Reagan tax cuts. Selective tax cuts had been tried — by a liberal, in public — and had worked like a miracle. But, like the Mantra, until that Magic Lunch, nobody GOT it.
Fifteen years passed between the Magic Lunch and the Reagan tax cuts.
Twenty years all told.
All America had to do was develop the atomic bomb, because by 1945 the skies over Japan were clear enough to send a single B-29 over the island.
But since then, the development of The Bomb Has been Step One. Step two is all-important. Step two is Delivery.
This is why having the truth, as The Occidental Observer has, will not do the job alone.
No matter how much truth they have stored up, TOO will not succeed without learning delivery.
Explanation is delivery, and that is the indispensible job of BUGS.
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