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Posted by Bob on September 7th, 2011 under Coaching Session

I can’t find it now but I saw comments in BUGS about celebrity anti-whites and how to ANSWER them.

Someone else was making points about immigrants lowering wages.

Let’s not start on the trail of the National Review, where any male liberal who deigns to take their side in something is in danger of being gang-raped.

No one can BE a celebrity if he not publicly anti-white.

I call this veering away from the Mantra message tailgating:

You follow the anti-white so close you end up destroyed, because you are on a motor bike and he is driving a Mack truck.

People dealing with some celebrity’s YouTube got into his saying some non-whites were dumb too.

What has that got to do with GENOCIDE? I seem to remember it was a quote from somebody CLAIMING to be a young girl –almost everybody who makes a point of being a young girl on the Web is male.

But the point is that if this girl boy talks about bring impressed he is by the “frankness” of a celebrity, so much so that it sounds true, you do NOT ANSWER that.

The only time you ANSWER ANYbody is when you can make one of our points.

Anything else is tailgating, and you and your motorbike won’t survive it.

  1. #1 by dungeoneer on 09/07/2011 - 8:01 am

    It`s very tempting to use their own stuff against them,but Coach is right,not even a whiff of legitimacy can be given to anything they say.

    Point taken Coach.

  2. #2 by OldBlighty on 09/07/2011 - 10:22 am

    “No one can BE a celebrity if he not publicly anti-white.”

    That reminds me of a celebrity Respectable conservative journalist/blogger I used to follow. I used to think he was secretly on our side, until he noticed a threat to his Respectable status and drove his Mack truck over it. Their only loyalty is to the big R.

    “some non-whites were dumb too.”

    What if it was scientifically proven tomorrow, that non-Whites were stronger, smarter, or less criminally inclined than White people? Would we accept that as justification for our GeNOcide?

    Well no. Who in their right mind would? Its a pity the Stats crowd, don’t understand that simple point. It would save them a lot of wasted effort.

  3. #3 by Bob on 09/07/2011 - 11:57 am

    Good point, OldBlighty, and one someone might try USING.

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