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The Rarity of Loyalty

Posted by Bob on April 8th, 2012 under Coaching Session

The greatest compliments I have ever heard were not meant as compliments.

One of the greatest compliments I ever received was from Richard Viguerie, a multimillionaire who was so good at fund-raising that the liberal media knew exactly what was meant when it said, “(This person) may be the Richard Viguerie of the left.”

Richard sent me an article for the New Right Papers which he probably hadn’t read. But I didn’t realize how they play it in the big leagues.

So I called Richard, ready to go through his article and my changes to it for the book.

You surely realize that Richard Viguerie had no reason to be an innocently trusting man. I could have gotten lots of cold cash and a Respectable Conservative Award for putting anything in that article that made him look bad.

I am NOT joking.

Richard’s compliment to me, which I have treasured, sure didn’t sound like a compliment. He said, “Bob, you have the article. Just do it and put it in.”

But it was an attitude that struck a chord with me.

I was senior staff on the Hill. The whole point of Senior Staff was that we did the work when the boss couldn’t.

All of it.

It will sound a bit weird to you — imagine anything in the Federal Government sounding weird to you, but in Intelligence the Ivy League left, along with WASPS like Bush, Senior, held all the top positions.
It sounds weird to say it, but the reason they called on Old Bob the Southerner or the Cubans or the Irish ethnics to go out in the back of nowhere for them was because they knew damned well that we were too provincial to be traitors.

The KGB was never able to send in someone who acted like a Boston Southie or a tenth generation Southerner like me. People like me have a trail all the way back to Reverend Alexander Whitaker, and BBG will tell you that a Boston Southie is hard to fake.

The Ivy League Cuban who was the head of the Cuba Deck of DIA may probably still be in prison for having been nothing but a Castro agent.

So, I kid you not, gang, they called us in when they needed someone LOYAL.

Another compliment I received was when I had given my boss a speech to put in the Record in which, as always, I worried I had not gotten a fact right. So I said to his official Administrative Assistant, his official Number Two, “Well, if it’s wrong, he’ll check it out, right?”

He replied, and he was obviously not happy to say it, “If YOU put it in, he’ll trust it.”

That AA moved on the next year, and Ashbrook gave me three offices when he took over as Ranking Member on the Ed and Labor Committee.

One good man and three offices

It shows how desperate congressmen get for loyalty.

I had my first nervous breakdown that year.

What Richard was saying was, “You’re senior staff under Ashbrook, Ranking member of the Internal Security Subcommittee, formerly known as the House UnAmerican Activities Committee(HUAC).”

Richard was pissed because I should have known it: “You I can trust. The only reason you are checking with me is because you are being lazy.”

That criticism made me feel very, very good.

  1. #1 by Jason Here on 04/08/2012 - 8:15 am

    So loyalty inside the US will get even more rare with more ethnic diversity – I guess we all know that. We should all form bonds with the few people we can trust! Now, as the US becomes a more low-trust society where everybody is out for himself, nations like Russia and Germany, who I assume can muster more in-group loyalty, will have advantage. This is surely true of Germany. I mean, if I have to choose between living in a Mulatto/Latino US and a small all White town in Russia … I guess I better get those Rosetta Stone programs for Russian.

  2. #2 by Dave on 04/08/2012 - 11:38 am

    Once a person goes against the natural order, loyalty becomes impossible amongst their fellow travelers.

    This is what has long been happening in America. Massive numbers of people are participating in rebellions against the natural order and calling it “enlightenment”, “sophistication”, and “progress”.

    It is the worst kind of ignorance. It has huge consequences. We have to remember that our anti-white white enemies CANNOT be loyal to one another. They are incredibility weak. Everything about them is fake.

    • #3 by Genseric on 04/09/2012 - 1:34 am

      Is their mistake (going against the natural order) committed through ignorance? Or is it an attempt at rationalization? Hey, either way it pays great, right?

  3. #4 by Jason Here on 04/08/2012 - 5:05 pm

    Speaking of loyalty, I am furious over the lack of loyalty White churches have shown their own flock. Every White church is promoting open borders, anti-White education and sanctuary cities, Catholic and Protestant alike. And all the while, all the parishioners gladly keep on donating money and showing AND NEVER SAYING A WORD OF PROTEST. Note, these are still largely run by White men. Look at leadership of Catholic Church! So many White men who speak in private. But none of these churches do anything to help us – they only hurt us.

    We need to shame gullible White people who keep sending in donations to these disloyal outfits. They should send some of their donations to pro-White groups instead. Or at least have the courage God have a church mouse, and speak up to their pastor about all the anti-White policies they promote.

  4. #7 by Genseric on 04/09/2012 - 1:09 am

    [I had my first nervous breakdown that year.

    What Richard was saying was, “You’re senior staff under Ashbrook, Ranking member of the Internal Security Subcommittee, formerly known as the House UnAmerican Activities Committee(HUAC).”] – Bob

    H-o-l-y SHIT, Bob… That amount of power is absolutely intense and mind-boggling. No wonder the nervous breakdown. Anybody would need a Vacation from that amount of pressure. ANYBODY.

  5. #8 by Genseric on 04/09/2012 - 1:31 am

    [Richard’s compliment to me, which I have treasured, sure didn’t sound like a compliment. He said, “Bob, you have the article. Just do it and put it in.”] -Bob

    Ladies and gentlemen (and I use the latter term loosely),

    If the above sentiment seems or sounds FOREIGN to you, well then you need to go back and read more of Bob’s addresses to real BUGSters.

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