Archive for February, 2013

Why Do Those Who Gain From the Mantra Denounce It?

One of the main bulwarks every tyranny uses in banning all dissent is “The dissent itself may be all right, but it may lead to…”

For once, the warnings of all the despots, Stalin, Hitler, and the anti-whites, are perfectly true. Dissent can lead to more dissent. Communists always say they brook no disagreement because disagreement can lead to fascism. Putin’s one-man rule could fall within the very loose limits of the screamed “fascist!” definition. photo musket_zps6d8d0c9b.jpg

After all, no one asks for a definition of “fascism” any more than anyone dares ask for a definition of racism.

The tyrants always say that freedom is dangerous. They are perfectly correct. “Freedom” which involves no risk is not freedom. It takes no courage to ask for a “freedom” which involves no risks. A slave has “rights” as long as they involve no risks to their masters’ property.

This truth makes it particularly ironic that there should be a low-key campaign on the part of other pro-whites to undermine the Mantra.

The fact is that anti-whites are right about what the Mantra may lead to. They warn that spreading the Mantra will lead to the public taking a second look at all pro-whites. If the Mantra gets a toehold, it will not be enough to just scream “racist” at David Duke or Stormfront or The Occidental Quarterly.

One who hears the Mantra is likely, in the long or short run, to take a new look at all pro-whites.

The old screams and labels are weakened by the Mantra every time anyone hears it.

Why are those who will reap such benefits constantly denouncing us?



Discredited, Ignorant, Failed, Intolerable, Etc.

I noticed a moderator on SF declared that the Mantra is a “failure.”  photo imagesCAHUBOY1_zps506a18c7.jpg

It is routine for anti-whites to make a YouTube where they read out the Mantra, talk to themselves, and declare it “discredited.”

They say we are “ignorant” because of our opinions. They ever specify what we are ignorant OF.

They have now gone on to the “We won’t tolerate you” line.

These are all readily recognizable signs to an experienced propagandist. If you look at each of them, you will see it is an excuse not to answer something they cannot contradict.

The field of battle looks very different from the one I entered using the Mantra on Opposing Views on Stormfront.

Discredited, ignorant, failed, intolerable. These are all excuses to return to the Silence which is the last refuge of all despotism.



Buying Silence

Paycheck Futurology is easy. It is lot like paycheck conservatism.

You find out how the powers that be want the future to be and you predict it. The news media want disasters to report. The people who control funding want ammunition for their ongoing campaigns for conservation, global warming and so forth, causes for which money is raised or about which the chic set is excited. photo fairchild_zpsade3872b.png

The only difficulty with professional futurology is that there is no incentive whatsoever to be right. No Futurologist ever criticizes or even reads futurologies.

The same is true in all of research. Finding hard evidence of a nightmare, that whites came to America before what one commenter describes as Siberian-Americans coming down through the land bridge, they had to admit something that before only a “racist crazy” would have posited.

They’ve covered it. Yes, Europeans did come over on the Arctic ice sheet and the Clovis Point did originate in Europe. They needed an out, and they needed it FAST.

Now “they have discovered” that EVERYBODY came over before Sibo-Americans. They have declared that massive migrations came from Africa, Asia, Australia and everywhere else!

Before the Sibo-Americans got here, America was not white, it was a melting pot!

Despite the earlier shock, Just-So History is the final conclusion.

If this didn’t come from Trusted Academics like those who do Global Warning, a grizzly old examiner like me might question such perfectly convenient results.



“I Won’t Stand for It!” is the Motto of Tyranny

Stalin wouldn’t stand for the discussion of any alternatives to Communism. Torquemada would not stand for any questioning of Church Doctrine.  photo madmag_zpsdf16ae60.png

Now we have a tax deductible campaign going on that says “We won’t stand for intolerance.”

I have a strong feeling that that campaign comes directly from anti-whites’ inability to deal with the Mantra.

It is an excuse not to say anything. Stalin could have said, “I refuse to answer fascism!”

It’s the same thing. but a brain-washed public can’t see that.

“I refuse to tolerate intolerance ” would, in a reasonably intelligent society, be laughed at.

Which tells you a lot about a society brainwashed by anti-whites.



Anti-White Whites in the Post-Republican Era

The critical point is that Republicans kept their paychecks by becoming the white party while desperately denying it was the white party during its entire trip to the ocean.

I have written continually about the magic of electoral arithmetic when we rid ourselves of the provincial view. As the 2012 election showed, whites are now a helpless minority posing as a majority in the name of Republicanism.
 photo deadmeat_zps7de66e19.png
The myth of white “values” ruling the world will be reinvigorated when the old folks turn out in 2014, but by 2017 even the media will not give Republicans continued status as The Other Side.

White Supremacy, in the form of traditional white values, is now on its way to being recognized as a myth. Whites are a Republican bloc, else not one Republican elected official would exist in this country.

As I have pointed out repeatedly, whites as a majority are dead meat, but they will be the most powerful minority in American history.
That is just arithmetic.

As I pointed out long before Obama’s entry into the presidential race, when Hillary Clinton was the clear front-runner, minorities are throwing out their White Champions and, the as white vote becomes less necessary to them, they are demanding minority candidates.

Oddly enough, the fall of Republicanism is at least as much a disaster for paycheck anti-whites on the left as it is for the paycheck right. The whole industry on which white genocide is based is heading into a crash dive.
