Archive for April, 2012

A Long and Complex Explanation

One commenter said he could only find three articles recently on the informer scheme and he couldn’t understand it.

Well garsh dawg, let me give you a long intricate explanation:

1) We fine anybody HEAVILY who was in on the anti-white movement. We give a percentage to our informants. We are talking about Bill Gates and big anti-white conservative donors here.

2) In a hundred years, long after the Torch Parade guys find that the novelty has worn off, we are STILL paying informers to do detailed research let us fine the HEIRS of these anti-whites.

WHEW! That was really a complex thing to describe!



Don’t Take Coach TOO Seriously

I talked about the commenter who, out of habit, put “Jewish bankers” into his list of people white countries were forced to allow to immigrate. My outrage was not directed at him. I had already corrected him and he already accepted my criticism.

So I hated to repeat it, and it didn’t make him feel too good either.

But it was little compared to what I did to Lord Nelson that way. I kept repeating a mistake he had made because it was perfect for our purposes, and our purposes are what we’re all about. I had to explain several times that the reason I kept repeating his error was to make the point about how perfectly he took the criticism.

Lord Nelson, pro that he is, grabbed my criticism and ran with it. But when I mentioned it again he kept on apologizing and apparently didn’t notice what I said about him when I repeated it.

These real examples are CRITICAL to every person who comes into BUGS. They are extremely valuable and they are the only way we can keep a lot of new people from doing the same thing.

When Old Coach recalls some hare brained thing you did as a lesson to the freshmen, all you have to do is just smile at yourself the way you would if you were in football practice.

We need everybody to constantly watch himself for sliding into old habits. To do this, we need to repeat our BEST examples, not to rub it in to those who did it, but because those particular examples are clear enough to be understood.

And there is a very good side to this. If we were the usual, “Sign up and pay” group, I would put being nice to you at the top of my list.

But this is deadly serious. I am not trying to get you to smile at me. All that matters is what you DO out there on the field.

This is no longer a game for amateurs or people who want to vent their rage.

Snipers don’t shout.



What You Mean “We,” Paleface?

One commenter gave me the usual, “Us real MEN don’t believe in this mythical ‘informer’ system you propose.” He says only open Terror and the good old Tribunals will keep a population under control.

I replied that we don‘t have OPEN terror now. If he’s such a defiant real man, why does HE use an alias here?

All of the governments that used OPEN, repeat OPEN, terror and Tribunals now have on thing in common:

They don’t exist.

Also, the informer system will be easier to get through in practice.

You know the old joke about the Lone Ranger and Tonto being surrounded by hostile Indians, so the Lone Ranger says, “Well, Tonto, this looks like the end. We’re doomed.”

And Tonto replies, “What you mean ‘We,’ Paleface?”

Non-whites will honor no deal with anti-white whites. They are NOT honorable.

So if we represent the white minority, we will be allowed to treat anti-white whites any way we wish. Can you imagine non-whites rushing to the defense of a rich white or his heirs?

And my analysis is that you can BUY any minority, especially blacks and Hispanics.

So, at the risk of not being a REAL MAN, I see informers and ruinous fines as something we can do out in the real world. We can also show what scuds these rich anti-whites are, over and over and over and over and forever, Amen.

And please don’t shout WAR!! At me. I had enough of that from The Weakest Generation.



Be Careful Citing “History”

One commenter, who clearly loves to disagree because he thinks it’s “tough,” said that the Nuremberg Trials WORKED. This is the usual citing of what passes as history, there is, there was a Nazi Government, they had these tribunals, and there were no more Nazi governments, so the tribunals “Worked.”

It is common knowledge that there was a Depression, Roosevelt was elected, so FDR “ended the depression.” When I was in college, no one else challenged this.

Today about everyone who is not actually smoking something illegal knows that World War II ended the Depression.

Another version of history tells us, just as surely, that Martyrs win the victory. In fact, the exact same generation that said that making martyrs gave the victims Victory would without pause, cite the Nuremberg Trials to show that making martyrs was the only way to win.

In an “educated” society, these contradictions are maintained because no one ever THINKS about them. What you conclude by two opposite examples ends up being whatever you WANT to conclude.

In my interrogation experience, a person who is holding two such opposite views picks out the one he WANTS. Christianity proves that making martyrs is establishment suicide, the Nuremberg Trials prove that terrifying others with the specter of Punishment After the Torch Light Parade is the Way to Go.

Do you want to sound idealistic and appealing or do you want to sound tough and rough?

As I have pointed out before, the Weimar Republic has the same laws about attacking minorities that the German regime today has. That is why, instead of calling someone a Jew, Nazi publications would give his full name if it sounded Jewish.

Henry Ford stopped giving away The International Jew with each new Ford, in fact, stopped all his anti-Semitism, because of a lawsuit by Jews for libel. He had had plenty of personal threats, but a threat to his fortune stopped him cold.

People are absolutely blind when it comes to reading subtext. A Wiki description of the 1932 German election points out that the Nazis became so strong that “their paramilitary branch, the SA, was made legal.” Wiki then goes right on to say what any person would, “This caused violence.”

This caused violence because the SA started fighting in the streets with the Communist paramilitary group.

The subtext here is that the Communist paramilitary was ALWAYS legal, just as anti-goy propaganda was legal while anti-Semitic propaganda was suppressed.

All my conscious life, it has been the hundreds of billions in reparations that has kept the Ho0locause alive like no other slaughter in history.

Elie Wiesel, who made a LOT of money on his Holocaust, and the million-dollar Nobel Prize back when a million made you rich, was the least of IT. The holocaust is STILL the means of livelihood for tens of thousands or millions, depending on how you measure it.

So it sounds a little funny for someone to hammer his chest and declare that the Tough Guys who did the Nuremberg trials were the whole thing.

In fact, it is a embarrassing to me for a BUGSER to do that.




On commenter wanted to know why, since we expect to punish today’s anti-whites endlessly and keep minds on white genocide by paid informers,  “Can’t we threaten anti-whites that they will be punished?”

The coach, as diplomatic as ever, answers, “No, because you amateurs can’t handle it.”

As soon as we got to a discussion of how to handle today’s anti-whites and preserve our race, commenters began babbling about “against he wall!” and “tribunals” and all the other old Stormfront crap.

No matter how carefully I outlined the PERMANENCE of the paid informer program, commenters begin to drool about “tribunals” and “revenge.”

So, not until you are able to stop dribbling like this, wandering into the old worn paths of the losers before you, I can’t see ANY of this dribbling without recommending you stay off it til you can HANDLE it.

Dribbling is when somebody has completely beaten down the standard other side positions, and, finding themselves winning for once, immediately commence dribbling out into “the Jews.” or other standard stuff.

One guy changed the Mantra. He said that one of categories white countries were forced to allow to immigrate were “Jewish bankers.”

No, gang, I don’t want you experimenting with grown up stuff until you grow up some.
