Archive for November, 2012

Blind Alley

It is quite impossible for us to put ourselves in the world before the telescope. The days before Newton.

Newton explained the universe in terms of gravity.

But so did the pre-Newtonian world.

Everybody felt gravity, so everyone wondered how the hell those stars stayed UP there.

Which made prediction impossible. You simply cannot CONCEIVE of the real universe until you realize those lights up there have their own gravity.

To use Horus’ invaluable terminology, you simply cannot conceive of reality if you insist on a closed system.

To me the world of Mommy Professor is as silly as the world where the universe was held up there by some structure.

Mommy Professor talks about Progress. By definition, one who speaks of Progress must know exactly which way Inevitability is Progressing. Photobucket
So Progress in the thirteenth century was finding out what held that Sky up there in defiance of gravity. It occurred to nobody that that Sky was up there BECAUSE of gravity.

This makes open system thinking very, very difficult. One thing we should know by now is that not only will the information change, but that just as inevitably our entire view of everything, physics and human nature among them, will change.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the very reality you block out when you use the word “progressive.”



Less Than Perfection

Words and institutions are concepts BUGSERS understand intuitively. Because we understand them intuitively we are able to laud and admire David Duke, Jared Taylor and others without the usual rush to judgment that is so common in most hard core fights.

When it comes to genuine HATRED (There is no such noun as Hate) Marx and Lenin spent a lot more of it on other Communists who disagreed with them than they did on aristocrats or capitalists.

Anyone who has spent a lifetime in political battles will have a lifetime full of doctrinal battles and organizations collapsing from them.

This is inevitable because in order to spread the word one needs an institution.

IF the word “institution” is fully understood, as soon as you make your first speech, you have your ideology AND, however protean, an Institution.

Horrors! BUGS is an institution! The difference is that we recognized that fact from the word go and work daily to be sure the institution doesn’t replace the message.Photobucket

And that is the problem: Not that it is an institution but that institutions routinely replace the message.

We may be the first pro-white group that could take advantage of the internet. It is hard to imagine the days when all national electric communication was in the hands of three networks and taxpayer supported PBS.

So we have an institution called the Internet.

The point is that I am in no position to denounce great men with healthy loyalties like Don and Jared. Yes, they have to yield to institutional imperatives.

But if you think Bob is some kind of Simon pure god, I’ll let you down easily.

Every time I sit at this keyboard, I have to yield to the institution.

My thought is not entirely what is the Message You NEED to Hear, but what message you might WANT. Above all, how much of those generations of what I have learned can I make clear at this particular sitting.

AND, how much of the message has so far been made clear already through this (shudder!) institution’s earlier writings. That’s how I figure out where to start.

BUGS is an institution developed with far, far FEWER institutional imperatives than David or Jared, or for that matter Bob had to deal with in the past.

If we are not to tear ourselves apart, AGAIN, it is critical to remember that we are not “pure,” while others are tainted by institutions and words.

David and Jared have developed institutions. As David and Don explained in his speech in Tennessee, his message has made him the one household name our movement has. They have a huge organization built up over many years.

We can start fresher, or at least fresher, then these established names.

But we are NOT perfection.



A Hundred New States

A treaty signed by the President and approved by two-thirds of the Senate does not fall under the limits of the United States Constitution. If my understanding is still correct, a treaty signed by any country could bring states into the Union.

Say maybe exactly a hundred of them.

Then if my distant memories of lecturing in constitutional and international law are accurate, and if those senators voted the right way, which is just about guaranteed, the President and a foreign country he picked would exercise a dictatorship in the US.

And there is ample precedent for this in the congresses that adopted the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments.

The Nazis took over Germany constitutionally. They evoked the emergency provisions which were already in the Weimar Constitution. Hitler bragged that his referenda were the last elections Germany would have for a thousand years. But the Weimar Emergency Clauses set no time limit.

The Bricker Amendment was proposed to force treaties to conform to the Constitution. This was stopped by the left, just as it was the left which set the precedents for a congress changing fundamental law by a minority of the real vote.

I even found that law students were often unaware of the extra constitutional power of treaties.

I wonder how many law students today could tell you the one provision of the United States Constitution which cannot be amended?

Superstition has it that when we begin to seize anti-white assets they will simply go abroad. In Rhodesia during sanctions, one the main sports was moving money around. I remember it well.

The main problem with hiding money is its definition. Money is defined as an instrument which is identified as money. Not identifiable, IDENTIFIED. You are trying to secretly move something which everybody knows is money.

Even with cooperation of the banking systems of South Africa and Portugal it was very hard to move Rhodesian money into the international monetary system. And we’re talking thousands of dollars.

Paper constitutions do not make countries. Paper provisions do not make basic systems.

When a country changes fundamentally, the paperwork necessary to suit the new country is no problem.



What BUGS Does Next is What It’s Done Before

I have mentioned many times that Mussolini almost missed the March on Rome that put him in power.

Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto because he thought the Paris Communes were the beginning of World Revolution.

Trotsky thought World Revolution was under way with the October Revolution in 1917. One reason Stalin beat Trotsky was because Old Joe was happy just to be the new Czar.

Hitler thought his best chance for power lay in the Putsch in 1923. Five years later the NSDAP was down to 250,000 votes in an electorate of around thirty million.

In the post-election realization of 2012, some of us are speculating on what the Republican Party should do.

No harm done. After sixty years of experience, the idea that Republicans will do anything but what they have done appeals to my sense of humor.

Mussolini was a master politician.

In 1921 if you had asked Mussolini the probability that he would simply join a march on Rome on his behalf and take over, he would have laughed in your face.

Which is why he almost missed the march.

Huey Long, who knew real politics like few ever have, said that being a political leader meant seeing which way the people were headed and getting in front. Which is good humor, but how do you know which way they’re heading?

Getting out in front doesn’t work. It is well known that those who took a stand early for American Independence were shoved out of the way completely when those who had remained respectable, like George Washington, took over the cause.

In 1932, right after the November election Germany, Time Magazine declared that it was “absolutely certain” that the Kaiser would be returned to power. In fact, Belgium had already made an official diplomatic protest at the idea.

Obviously this guy Hitler was just a cat’s paw for the other “monarchists.” The official experts had no idea that Hitler would not follow the Sam Adams precedent, and he would KEEP his Revolution for himself.

Mussolini had kept Italy’s King as his front. Hitler didn’t even bother with that.

I know politics very well. I do not look for a harbinger anywhere in the immediate wake of the realizing that America’s transition is done and that it IS racial.

We got The Message out just in time. That job is still far from complete.

But for God’s sake avoid hooking our wagon onto some movement or other. Our conservative days are over.

When the time comes, the vehicle will, too.



The Cave

Jason asked how I come up with so much to write about here.

My real problem is precisely the opposite.

In my mind I see myself a new tiger who has spent his life in the wild who is in a cage with tigers who were born and raised in the same cage and the cage has sat there in the same cave all their lives. The problem is not new things to talk to them aobut, the problem is to get them to understand the concept of that whole world out there.

All of my discussions have to begin at the bars. I have to explain, again and again, that beyond this cage there is a world. I must begin over and over and over by explaining how, if they ever walked outside, that there IS an outside.Photobucket

The world really doesn’t stop over there where the cave bends out of sight. There, where the cave bends, if the spot I must lead them first, in every article.

In every age, “intellectuals” have been paid to provide the cage. The cage has been the purely Biblical cosmology people were burned for violating. The cage now is a Mankind History into which every new discovery must be crammed.

I have seen the cage walls of Political Correctness at least since I read “The Cry and the Covenant” when I was not yet twelve. I was perfectly aware that when I went from Pontiac, SC, to the University at age sixteen, I was simply stepping out of one Bible Belt and into another.

The big difference was that the Bible Belt at the University had no idea it was a Bible Belt.

Its Bible, “sophistication,” was the real truly True Faith, not that fake True Faith the peasants had.

There is more to write about out here than I could do in a thousand lifetimes.

What I had to learn was how to go back again to the that turn in the cave wall which you in the cage cannot see beyond, whether that turn is your Bible or your college education. Believe me, finding places to look outside of the different Bible Belts is no problem at all.

The big stumbling block is that curve.
