Archive for May, 2012

Congratulations, Journeymen!

I really screwed up when I titled an article Replace First Line of Original Mantra?

What I really meant was shouldn’t we ALWAYS start with Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for Everybody.”

I apologize to Genseric for my mistake in the title.

You dealt with the exact question Ole Dumbbob asked.

I would make such a dumb mistake at a critical point in BUGS development.

But you did a great job on the ensuing discussion.

For years I have carefully avoided too much open discussion of the Mantra.

You were apprentices and I was the only journeyman present.

I think the older hands here can easily imagine what would have happened if I had thrown the Mantra wording out for general discussion several years ago. I had hammered it out with YEARS of nose-to-nose battles.

On the other hand the whole point of BUGS, as I have so often stated, is to produce, NOT people hearing the Sacred Words of the Guru, but MORE JOURNEYMEN.

So this article was a big step for me, and you passed the test admirably. You did not come into this discussion as a loose group fresh from theorizing on Stormfront, but as writers who have learned to despise theorizing of that sort, and are ready with your EXPERIENCE in actual conflict.

This is a big day for me. After fourteen long years, I have JOURNEYMEN!

Frank really nailed it:

“First the Coach GIVES us a weapon and teaches us how to use it.

“Now he’s telling us we have gotten to the point we’re allowed into the weapon FORGE.

“The Coach is getting us to do what he wants w/o TELLING us what to do.

“Sweet way to trick your apprentices into taking the baton and RUNNING.”

Frank and Genseric are dead right; We don’t want you in the forge with us if you have the slightest tendency toward tossing around hot metal.

My screwing up the question shows why I am getting a little desperate NOT to be the only journeyman or master here any longer than I have to be.

Let’s PLEASE ignore my mistake and concentrate on the important point: That you can get in there with the hot metal and not destroy the forge.



Interpreting the Constitution

The British Constitution is not written down. So it consists entirely of  Statutes and interpretations.

So if all original copies of the original United States Constitution disappeared, would that have the slightest effect on the Constitution itself?

Of course not.

That makes it clear that the Constitution has nothing to do with a document. As with the British Constitution, what matters is its MEANING.

Today Americans say that the Supreme Court is the Constitution. In fact the current opinion of five of he nine members of the Court is the Constitution. This makes the Supreme Court the Supreme Branch of Government. When the Court rules, both the executive and legislative branches only exist to ENFORCE the Constitution, meaning the opinion of five members of the Supreme Court.

In 1803, when the Court began to assume its role in Constitution, most of the authors of the written document were still alive. The Federalist Papers barely mentioned the court, except to point out that it would be the weakest branch of the new government.

Today, your civics course refers to three COEQUAL Branches set up by the Founders, so that the fact that of what two of the Founders said about the Judicial Branch means nothing compared to Father Mommy Professor’s dictates.

In fact, when one Branch BECOMES the Constitution, those two Founders are even wronger.

Actually, each Branch has interpreted the Constitution. President Tyler said he only vetoed bills which he considered as violating the Constitutional power of Congress. When the Court decided that the Indians still owned a major part of Georgia, President Jackson vetoed the decision by refusing to enforce it.

The platform on which Lincoln won the election of 1860 had as its main plank a refusal to enforce the Dred Scot Decision. Article III requires Congress to limit the appellate powers of the Supreme Court.

In the case of secession the final decision was made by an fourth branch of the Federal Government, the armed forces.

And in the end it is this Fourth Branch which interprets and enforces the Law of truly unfortunate Lands. That is what a Constitution is meant to PREVENT.



I Like Mantra But I Don’t Like Guru

Mantra is probably one of those terms they like to use in the New Age crap.

Like the Beatles, they also fall for a “guru,” who usually has a dozen Cadillacs.

We are definitely not hippie or New Age. Those are fads. We are in a serious and lasting fight that the media is trying to crush, not use as a fad.

I like being an old fashioned, very American Coach.

One commenter was saying that the Mantra was being determined by the only source that mattered, and I actually tightened up before he said “BUGS” rather than “Bob.”

Dead right.

My whole goal is to get everything I have so practiced and thought out that I can be DONE WITHOUT, and not make William Pierce’s chilling mistake of leaving no heirs.

Hell, I don’t just want an heir, I want a whole set of replacements. That’s what real teachers and real coaches do that gurus cannot.

A Coach is interested in his TEAM.

A Guru is interested in HIMSELF.



Replace First Line of Original Mantra?

The first line about everybody says there is this race problem has given anti-whites their best chance to try to change the subject,

From our experience USING the Mantra — which is what counts — the first line should now be “African for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for Everybody! WITHOUT the everybody says line.

Please note that I have admitted you’ve come very far when we consider changing the Mantra itself.

Naturally we will continue to need to move wording around to get around the despots.

But please remember that having to get around censorship is an HONOR. It demonstrates you are dealing with tyranny, which shows you are hitting the bad guys where it HURTS.



Interrogation for Fun

Our Dave’s statement about the close relation between Mantra Thinking and my time as an interrogator continues to be a source of fascination and of joy to me.

Despite my bitching, our commentary is at a high level, but I long for a seminar participant who gives ME something to mull over.

An interrogator is irritating. He lets you get away with NO assumption.

So in my racial discussions, when someone says : “It’s just the color of the skin,” I am the only living human being who asks, “Why is that?” “What does the color of the skin mean to people?”

Everybody knows that. But that is exactly the kind of obvious remark in normal discussion that an interrogator in a serious interrogation will not allow to pass.

I have had people give me the Old, Old Story about how whites mistreat non-whites, tell me about racial discrimination and so forth. We have to accept that now but the time will come when you stop blacking out and can be more free in some of YOUR discussions.

Let me repeat that I had the anti-whites on their asses in such a short time that it was a standing joke as my colleagues watched another “anti-racist” get chopped up and they would bet on how many minutes I would take at it this time.

I used different methods depending on how the anti-white recitation started out, as I could long since handle any of them in a DISCIPLINED way.

If the standard sermon started out on how non-whites were oppressed, I would ask, “Is ALL of this just Evil Oppression?” You would be surprised at how difficult a question like that is to a person who is used to merely Reciting the Creed.

I would point out that all countries with colored skins were poor unless they sat on top of oil extracted by others. “Is all this just hate?”

This doesn’t sound like me now, but back then it was a game, because I wanted the people who were listening, and who had seen victims get in the Whitaker Slaughter House before to enjoy some variety, so others would come listen.

And it made things VERY hard on the anti-white.

It was, as Dave would indicate, a habit that made a good questioner. I went on to kill them with the developing Mantra, but an interrogator, unless time is limited as your case, NEVER allows his victim to just ride along and say what he always says.

And someone who is fresh from a thousand sermons from Father Mommy Professor is more shocked at being questioned than any black kid who was driving slowly through a rich neighborhood with a screw driver by happenstance.

Father Mommy Professor’s congregation was always so shocked to be questioned on doctrine and heresy that it made the process not only irresistible to an interrogator, but just plain FUN.

I am anxious for you to get past the Blackouts so you can eventually have some productive fun. An interrogator on a bus-man’s holiday can really make a curse for the bad guys.

But you have to get the basics right first. No more complicated stuff when they say race doesn’t exist. The Mantra says THEY define white. No more Jewaholism. No more maudlin “I love all races equally when only ours is threatened.”

The list goes on and on. But take my word for it, once you get those Blackouts hammered out, you can have some real bus-man’s vacation FUN.
